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Mineral Geology Project

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Course work Geology of minerals. Opening, preparation and development of deposits according to the specified conditions

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1.1 Selection of the shaft process diagram

1.2 Calculation of Capital Costs

1.2.1 Construction duration and cost of underground structures and workings

1.4 Preparation of the mine field

1.4.1 Procedure of reserves development

1.4.2 Selection of shape of dimensions of cross section of capital and preparatory workings

1.5 Capital and preparatory works

1.5.1Selection of equipment required for capital and preparatory works

1.6 Calculation of capital and preparatory workings support

1.6.1 Initial data

1.6.2 Calculation of anchor support of capital and preparatory workings

1.6.3 Calculation of arch support of capital workings

1.7 Safety precautions


2.1 Selection of the development system

2.2 Mechanization of cleaning works

2.2.1 Selection of type and size of mechanized support

2.2.2 Check of the support against the current loads

2.2.3 Check of support by permissible air jet speed

2.2.4 Selection of the type of combine and downhole conveyor

2.2.5 Load check by "NV-280/1000" main conveyor efficiency factor

2.2.6 Determination of cleaning face length, check by ventilation factor

2.3 Determination of the face load

2.4 Scope of preparatory works and exit of coal from the preparatory bottoms

2.4.1 Scope of preparatory works

2.4.2 Coal Exit From Prep Bottoms

2.5 Organization of works of the treatment area

2.5.1 Process diagram of the system operation

2.5.2 Safety measures during operation of the system

2.6 Process diagram of the mine



1.4 Preparation of the mine field

1.4.1 Procedure of reserves development

The formation method of mine field preparation is accepted - a method in which the entire complex of preparation workings is carried out along the formation. Individual bed preparation and panel scheme of mine field preparation are accepted.

Advantages: 1) higher concentration of work; 2) more favorable conditions for the application of the pillar development system;

The coals of the formation are prone to self-combustion. The scheme of opening and preparation of such formations should ensure the development of reserves by one-sided through the stretching of excavation fields with development in the direction of an untouched coal mass.

The order of excavation pillars development is provided by descending, in reverse order - in the direction from the field flanks to the inclined conveyor shaft. Preparation of extraction pillars is carried out by means of ventilation and conveyor pins and mounting chamber from inclined conveyor shaft. Preparatory workings are carried out without cutting of side rocks. The workings are carried out by the KSP32 mining combine .

1.7 Safety precautions

In order to carry out the work safely, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the current "Coal Mine Safety Rules":

1) Before commencement of works

- Before starting work, the foreman, link and worker must check their workplaces and bring them to a safe state.

- Shifts are handed over and accepted directly at the workplace, if there is no break between shifts, by senior shift workers (links). The passing shift is obliged to inform the receiving link about the mining and technical situation in the face (state of ventilation, mountain pressure, encountered geological violations, the appearance of barbs and domes, etc.), about the state of the support, conveyor, reloaders, pumps, etc.), paying special attention to the weaknesses and available (or possible and further) breakdowns and failures.

At the workplace, the penetrator (link) is obliged to check the serviceability and normal functioning of all downhole mechanisms, as well as the conveyor, pump station, etc.; availability and serviceability of the manual tool; serviceability of hoses and pipelines for water and emulsion supply; state of ventilation and composition of mine atmosphere; condition of roof and face (presence of cracks, barbs, domes, etc.); presence of warning signs of gas-dynamic phenomena (cracking, "tremors," increased gas release, etc.); serviceability of telephone communication .

If failures are detected, the penetrator (link) must take measures to eliminate them or inform the mining foreman or another person of the district supervision.

2) During operation

- during the whole shift, the foreman, link and worker shall monitor the safe condition of the place of work......

- when performing the technological cycle of working operations for mining, the penetrator must strictly observe the completeness and procedure for their implementation, provided for by the certificate for conducting and fixing workings.

2.5 Organization of works of the treatment area

All work in the treatment face 231 is performed by a complex team. The machine operator of the combine controls the combine and conveyor during the extraction of coal, replaces the teeth on the screws and eliminates the problems. The assistant engineer of the combine monitors the work of the cable laying, if necessary, takes part in the process of moving the sections of the support and conveyor. Support drivers perform technical inspection of the support, move sections of the support, conveyor, monitor the straightness of the conveyor, carry out ongoing repair of the support. Two THR at the interface of the face with the conveyor plug 231 install a reinforcement support and a support support, move the head of the lava conveyor, move and grind the lower sections, monitor the operation of the lava conveyor and reloader. Two THR on the upper interface of the face with the ventilation plug 231 deliver materials, move the upper sections, strengthen the support on the interface. The electrician is on duty at the shift.

2.5.1 Process diagram of the system operation

The notch scheme is one-sided.

In the initial position, the combine is "hacked" at the ventilation stem, the main conveyor is pushed to the face chest. The combine is turned on and, taking out coal, moves from the ventilation stem to the conveyor stem. Following the passage of the combine, with 3-5 sections behind the combine, the support sections are pushed. When the combine moves upwards, the lower pack of coal is excavated and the bottomhole path is cleaned. With a distance of 815 m behind the combine, the main conveyor is pushed. When approaching the ventilation, the combine is "notched."

The coal mining combine (coal is taken out to the full capacity of the formation) reaches the ventilation stem 231. The upper drive head and the lava conveyor are slanted from the vent stem 231 to the combine.

The combine excavates coal to the vent stem 231 ("cut"), the main conveyor is leveled, after which the coal extraction cycle is considered complete. The next excavation cycle is performed from the vent plug 231 in the same sequence.

Work on cleaning the bottomhole at the main conveyor drive station is carried out by combine KSW1140E. If it is necessary to grind the track manually, the grind is carried out when the conveyor and combine are turned off and blocked, under the protection of the floors of the support sections pushed to the face of the face, or under the protection of the stem attachment.

After the gate valve of the drive head of the GROZ, wooden posts are installed on the conveyor bar for the runs of the inventory support and next to the section, when the main conveyor and the reloader are turned off and blocked.

2.5.2 Safety measures during operation of the system

All operations shall be carried out in accordance with TB and "Operating Manual for Glinik 2247" system. Workers with the right to control the mechanized support are allowed to control the mechanized support. The KSW1140E combine can be operated by MHVM, who have passed a special briefing and have been familiarized with these events. All works shall be carried out in accordance with the "Operating Manual of Combine KSW1140E." During the works, the requirements of the current "Safety Rules for Coal and Shale Mines," "Rules for the Technical Operation of Electrical Installations and Technical Safety Rules for the Operation of Coal and Shale Mines," "Guidelines for the Safe Performance of Work in Underground Electrical Installations," "Manuals for the Revision, Adjustment and Testing of Underground Electrical Installations of Mines" shall be observed.

Before starting work, workers must check their workplaces and bring them to a safe state.

At the same time, it is necessary to verify in accordance with the attachment certificate, normal ventilation and gas conditions, dust and explosion safety of workings, as well as the serviceability of safety devices, cable network, fences, alarms and other safety equipment.

In addition, the following safety measures must be observed during the operation of the complex:

1. All maintenance of the complex must be carried out under the protection of the support.

2. It is forbidden to walk the workers on the rack, perform any work, stand on the racks at the operating downhole conveyor.

3. Unload, move and disassemble sections from under the adjacent disassembled section.

4. When unloading and sliding sections, the presence of people not connected with this work near the unloaded section is prohibited.

5. Only electrical locksmiths inspect and repair the electrical equipment. It is forbidden to repair electrical equipment to members of the team. Repair is carried out only when they are disconnected from the network.

6. It is mandatory to send signals - by sound and warning voice, when switching on individual machines of the complex.

7. It is forbidden to deliver materials, scaffolding and equipment by main conveyor at operating combine.

8. Operation is allowed only in case of serviceable irrigation system.

9. When repairing the machines and mechanisms of the complex, the starting units must be turned off, blocked and signs "Do not turn on! People work! "


As a method of development of the mine fund of the enterprise, new construction on the mine field formation is adopted. The formation method of mine field preparation is accepted - a method in which the entire complex of preparation workings is carried out along the formation. Individual bed preparation and panel scheme of mine field preparation are accepted.


1) higher concentration of works;

2) more favorable conditions for the application of the pillar development system.

Opening of the mine field of the formation is carried out by inclined shafts, full conveying, central ventilation scheme, development system with long pillars at a small angle to the extension with complete collapse of the roof is provided. The method of protection of precinct workings is recoverable coal whole.

The main direction of improvement of treatment works is to increase the load on the treatment face to 6580t/day. This will allow the enterprise to go to work in one treatment face and the "miner" scheme, increase the level of concentration of mining, and increase production efficiency.

To achieve the design capacity, equipment has been adopted that is well established at Yuzhkuzbassugol mines (mechanized support "GLINIK 22/47," treatment combine "KSW1140E," main drive "NV280/1000," overloader "NV280/1200," capable of providing belt conveyor data 2LT150-1000.

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