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MGAU Vehicle Maintenance Exchange Rate Project

  • Added: 01.06.2015
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The course project is carried out in the 3rd year, specialty Maintenance and repair of road transport.

Project's Content

icon ВВЕДЕНИЕ.doc
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icon ГЛАВА 2.doc
icon ГЛАВА 2.docx
icon ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ.docx
icon КУРСОВИК.doc
icon КУРСОВИК.docx
icon СОДЕРЖАНИЕ.docx
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icon Чертеж.cdw
icon Чертеж-мой.cdw

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Chapter 1. Design and processing part

Chapter 2. Organization of TO-

Chapter 3. Safety precautions during maintenance and repair


Bibliographic list



The purpose of course design: to deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained by students in the study of the discipline; ensure the assimilation of the basis of design and calculations of technological processes for maintenance and ongoing repair of rolling stock at motor transport enterprises; Ensure the correct choice of the method of organization of production and its justification for a specific ATP; To teach to apply the knowledge gained in the design of devices, devices and non-standardized garage equipment for the diagnosis, maintenance and maintenance of cars; To teach students to use technical and reference literature to address specific issues in the vehicle business environment.

The project includes three main chapters:

1) Calculated technological.

In this chapter, maintenance and maintenance standards were adjusted, the annual labor intensity of the work on the designed area was determined, the required number of workers was calculated for the execution of the production program.

2) Organization of Maintenance-1.

The methods of organization of the production process in the designed area are defined, as well as the technological process performed at the design site is considered.

3) Safety precautions during maintenance and repair.

The main safety precautions during maintenance and repair of the car, its units and units are displayed.


Methods of organization of TR of cars on ATP

At ATP, the following methods of organizing the production of maintenance and maintenance of rolling stock are used:

- Specialized brigades;

- integrated brigades;

- aggregate section;

- operational post;

- aggregatnosonal;

- centralized control system (MCC).

The method of specialized teams is such a form of organization of production, in which the work of each type of maintenance and maintenance is carried out by specialized teams of workers. The teams performing EO, TO1, TO-2 and repair of units are equipped from working specialties, have their own scope of work, the corresponding staff of performers has a separate salary fund. With such organization of work, technical homogeneity of each section (zone) is ensured, manoeuvring of people, tools, equipment inside it is facilitated, team management and accounting of the number of works performed are simplified. Insufficient - low quality of maintenance of cars, lack of necessary responsibility of performers for technical condition and reliability of rolling stock operation.

The method of integrated brigades is characterized in that each of the ATP units has its own brigade performing TO1, TO-2 and TR vehicles assigned to it. Only EO and repair of units are performed centrally. Complex teams are staffed by performers of various specialties necessary to perform the work assigned to the team. With such an organization, insufficient responsibility for the quality of maintenance, and, therefore, an increase in the volume of work on TR, this method makes it difficult to organize an in-line maintenance of a car. Equipment, revolving units, etc. are distributed to each brigade and used inefficiently. A significant advantage of the method is team responsibility for the quality of the work.

The aggregate and precinct method of organization of production consists in the fact that all works of maintenance and maintenance of ATP rolling stock are distributed among production areas, which are fully responsible for the quality and results of their work. These areas are the main links of production, each of which performs all maintenance and maintenance work of one or more units (units, systems, mechanisms) for all ATP cars.

In this case, moral and material responsibilities become concrete. Work is distributed between production areas based on the value of the production program.

The work assigned to the main production areas is performed at the dead end maintenance and maintenance posts of cars, or at the corresponding posts of the production line, and the work of auxiliary sections in workshops and partially on maintenance posts and lines.

Such an organization of production increases the efficiency of ATP due to the responsibility of the performers. The disadvantage of the method of the responsible person for the car as a whole is difficult to determine.

The operation-post method of TO-2 is to divide the entire scope of work for this type of service into separate groups of operations that are carried out at dead end posts on different days. The car is serviced at interschange time according to a specially designed schedule, which provides not one, but several races on TO-2 in subsequent days.

The aggregate-zone method combines the principle of in-line production of TO-2 and the aggregate-node method of car repair. At the same time, the entire volume of TO-2 and a significant part of TR is performed in interschange time for several races on the days of scheduled maintenance of TO-1.

The technical process provides for the organization of specialized units and systems of several TO-2 and TR zones. The car on the day of scheduled maintenance is sent not only to D-1 and TO1, but also to one of these specialized areas.

The operational-post and aggregatnosonal methods of organizing the production of TO and TR cars were not widely used. In relation to the existing planning control system for maintenance and repair of rolling stock, the most progressive method for large ATPs is currently based on the formation of production units on a technical basis (technological complexes with the introduction of MCC (centralized production management).

The MCC system provides for:

1. A clear division of administrative and operational functions between senior staff.

2. Collection, processing and analysis of information on the state of production resources and the volume of work to be carried out and carried out in order to plan production and monitor its activities.

3. Organization of the production of maintenance and maintenance of rolling stock, based on the technological principle of formation of production units. In this case, each type of technical impact is carried out by specialized departments.

4. Integration of production units performing homogeneous work into production complexes:

- complex of maintenance and diagnostics;

- maintenance complex;

- complex of repair sections.

5. Preparation of production (manning of the revolving fund, delivery of units, units and parts to and from workplaces, washing of units, units before sending for repair, provision of working tools, transfer of cars to the waiting area, maintenance and repair) is carried out centrally by the production preparation complex.

6. Exchange of information between the management department and all production departments on two-way dispatch communication, automation of telemechanics.

I analyze the above methods for the designed area, it is advisable to use the aggregate-section method because this method with all its properties is suitable for the organization of maintenance and maintenance of this fleet.

With this method, all maintenance and repair of ATP vehicles is distributed among the sections. Advantage: responsibility for maintenance and repair of units and systems under this form of production organization becomes personal. Work is distributed between sites based on the production program .


During the course design:

- calculation of technological processes for maintenance and maintenance of rolling stock;

- analysis and selection of the method of organization of production and its justification for a specific ATP;

- The main safety provisions for maintenance and repair of road transport have been formulated.

- An operational technology map was developed.

- the aggregate-section method of organization of maintenance and maintenance of this fleet was chosen.

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