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Locksmith mechanical section

  • Added: 22.06.2018
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Locksmith mechanical section

Project's Content

icon Maslennikov_2_1_1.doc
icon задание.docx
icon кп2.docx
icon план.cdw
icon СОДЕРЖАНИЕ готовое.doc
icon тит. лист КП.doc

Additional information




1.1 Characteristics of the automotive repair enterprise

1.2 Characteristics of the design object. Site Process


2.1 Calculation of the annual production program of the site

2.2 Description of technical processes at the design site

2.3 Description of one of the processes (make a task list)

2.4 Selection and justification of process equipment

2.5 Production Area Calculation





APPENDIX - Initial Data for Demand Program Calculation


Road transport occupies one of the leading places worldwide in cargo transportation. The development and improvement of cargo transportation is given special attention in our country.

Scheduled preventive system (PPP) of maintenance and repair is a set of organizational and technical measures of preventive nature, carried out periodically as planned, aimed at ensuring constant technical readiness of machines and mechanisms for operation and preventing increased wear and tear of their parts. [1]

Maintenance - a set of operations to maintain rolling stock in operable condition and in proper form. [2]

Daily maintenance (EO) means monitoring the condition of the following units: speedometer, sensors, braking system, steering system, headlights and alarm. Checking the level of oil, fuel, cooling and braking liquids also applies to the daily duties of the motorist. Do not forget about regular washing and maintaining cleanliness in the cabin. [2]

Maintenance 1 (TO-1) - in addition to EO control and diagnostic and adjusting works, for the purpose of prevention of accidental refusals to next carry out THAT and economy of the fuels and lubricants (FL). [3]

Maintenance 2 (TO-2) - in addition to to TO-1, they include control, diagnostic and adjustment work related to partial disassembly of the car, removal of individual units and mechanisms and their verification on special equipment. [3]

Seasonal maintenance (CO) is the preparation of a vehicle for use in a particular season.

Repair (R) - a set of measures to restore the serviceable or operable state of the resource and ensure the safe operation of the rolling stock. [2]

Current Repair (TR) - is designed to ensure the serviceability of the car with restoration or replacement of its individual units, units and parts that have reached the limit state. [1]

Overhaul (CR) - designed to restore serviceability and close to full (at least 80%) life of the car or unit by replacing or restoring any assembly units and parts, including basic ones. [3]

The choice of my topic is associated with the recent passing of production practice at the enterprise of Krasnouralsk Automobile Repair Plant CJSC. At this enterprise there was a locksmith and mechanical section, which interested me so much that I decided to design and present it in my course project.

The purpose of the course project: to design a mechanical and locksite area in ATM conditions

Course Project Tasks:

- calculate the production program;

- select the appropriate equipment;

- to consider the process;

- to consider safety issues.


In the course project, I developed a design for a locksmith and mechanical section under ARP conditions

For this area, I calculated the production program by adjusting the maintenance and repair factors for LiAZ677 buses.

Also in the course project, I developed a technological process and compiled a technological map on the topic: replacing the front brake pads with VAZ2109.

On the site I picked up technological equipment with a total cost of 12216908.00 rubles.

The area of ​ ​ the designed site was 109.52 m2.

I considered: labor protection and environmental safety at the locksmith and mechanical site.

To write a course project, I used special reference and technological literature.

Drawings content

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