Line for production of canned meat
- Added: 11.02.2020
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Thesis "Line for the production of canned meat" Explanatory note, drawings of mechanisms for cutting meat, lifting meat products, kinematic and machine-equipment diagrams, detailing, specifications. COMPASS platform
Project's Content
Плакат рамка-5.cdw
Плакат рамка-5.cdw.bak
ТЭП -5.cdw
1 Обзор технологических процессов.doc
2 Технико-экономическое обоснование.doc
3.Описание проектируемой машины.doc
4 расчетная .doc
5.Расчет на прочность с применением ЭВМ.doc
6. БЖД - новый.doc
7.Экономическая часть.doc
Листы с заголовками на 40.doc
раздел 6.doc
Список литературы.doc
1 Обзор технологических процессов.doc
2 Технико-экономическое обоснование.doc
3.Описание проектируемой машины.doc
4 расчетная .doc
5.Расчет на прочность с применением ЭВМ.doc
6. БЖД - новый.doc
7.Экономическая часть.doc
Листы с заголовками на 40.doc
Отзыв, резенция.docx
Список литературы.doc
Линия производства мясных консервов.cdw
Линия производства мясных консервов.cdw.bak
Машина для подъема мяса. Лист 1.cdw
Машина для подъема мяса. Лист 1.cdw.bak
Машина для подъема мяса. ЛИСТ 2.CDW555.CDW
Машина для подъема мяса. ЛИСТ 2.CDW555.CDW.bak
машина для резки мяса ЛИСТ 3.CDW..cdw
машина для резки мяса ЛИСТ 3.CDW..cdw.bak
Машина для резки мяса. Лист 1.cdw
Машина для резки мяса. Лист 1.cdw.bak
Машина для резки мяса. ЛИСТ 2.CDW..cdw
Машина для резки мяса. ЛИСТ 2.CDW..cdw.bak
Машина для резки мяса. ЛИСТ 4.CDW555.CDW
Машина для резки мяса. ЛИСТ 4.CDW555.CDW.bak
ПЭЭ.лист 1CDW55.CDW
ПЭЭ.лист 1CDW55.CDW.bak
Узел отрезного ножа. ЛИСТ 2.CDW..cdw
Узел отрезного ножа. ЛИСТ 2.CDW..cdw.bak
Узел отрезного ножа.Лист 1.cdw
Узел отрезного ножа.Лист 1.cdw.bak
Узел привода шнека. Лист 2.cdw
Узел привода шнека. Лист 2.cdw.bak
Узел привода шнека.Лист 1.cdw
Узел привода шнека.Лист 1.cdw.bak
Деталировка Лист 2 Дет. отр.головкаcdw-5.cdw
Деталировка Лист 2 Дет. отр.головкаcdw-5.cdw.bak
Деталировка Лист1 Дет._Нож - 5.cdw
Деталировка Лист1 Дет._Нож - 5.cdw.bak
Лист 1 Машина для резки мяса СБ - 5.cdw
Лист 1 Машина для резки мяса СБ - 5.cdw.bak
Лист 2 Машина для резки мяса СБ-5.cdw
Лист 2 Машина для резки мяса СБ-5.cdw.bak
Лист 3 МАС машинно-аппаратурная схема - 5.cdw
Лист 3 МАС машинно-аппаратурная схема - 5.cdw.bak
Лист 4 Маш. для подъема мяса cdw -5.cdw
Лист 4 Маш. для подъема мяса cdw -5.cdw.bak
Лист 5 Машина для под. мяса cdw-55.cdw
Лист 5 Машина для под. мяса cdw-55.cdw.bak
Лист 6 СБ Узел отрезного ножа - 5.cdw
Лист 6 СБ Узел отрезного ножа - 5.cdw.bak
Лист 7 Схема кинемат принцип - 5.cdw
Лист 7 Схема кинемат принцип - 5.cdw.bak
Лист 8 Схема электрич принцип - 5.cdw
Лист 8 Схема электрич принцип - 5.cdw.bak
Лист 9 Узел привода шнека - 5.cdw
Лист 9 Узел привода шнека - 5.cdw.bak
Additional information
1. Overview of the technological process of canned food production
1.1 Characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products
for the production of canned meat
1.2 Overview of existing canned meat production lines
1.3 Design Overview for Meat Cutting
1.3.1. Tops
1.3.2. Kuttera
1.3.3. Mills
1.3.4. Continuous grinders
1.3.5. Machine for cutting meat into pieces
2. Feasibility study
2.1. Technical justification
2.2. Economic justification
3. Description of the canned food production line
"Stewed meat"
3.1 Purpose of meat cutting machine
3.2. Device and operating principle of lifting machine
3.3. Cutting machine operation
3.4. Technical characteristics of cutting machine
4. Definition of Functional and Technical
4.1. Process calculation
4.1.1. Calculation of raw material consumption
4.1.2. Calculation of the quantity of equipment entering the line
4.2. Constructive calculation
4.2.1 Calculation of power for the meat cutting machine screw drive
4.2.2 Calculation of cutter cutter drive
4.2.3 Calculation of power per machine drive for meat lifting
4.2.4 Process calculation
4.3 Kinematic calculation of meat cutting
4.3.1 Kinematic calculation of feed screw drive
4.3.2 Kinematic calculation of cutter drive
4.3.3 Kinematic calculation of blade frame drive
4.3.4 Kinematic calculation of the meat lifting machine drive
5. Strength calculation in the program APMWinMachine
5.1. Calculation of V-belt transmission
5.2. Calculation of chain transmission
5.3. Screw shaft calculation
5.4. Bearing calculation
5.5. Calculation of Keyway Connection
6. Safety and environmental friendliness of canned food production line
"Stewed meat"
6.1. Analysis of possible hazardous and harmful factors
6.2. Measures for the safety of meat cutting
6.2.1. Mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes
or partial elimination of manual labour
6.2.2. Electrical safety
6.3. Occupational health and industrial sanitation activities
6.3.1. Working area air environment and
production microclimate
6.3.2 Combating adverse effects of microclimate
6.3.3 Calculation of general ventilation
6.3.4 Production lighting
6.3.5 Production Noise and Vibration
7. Economic calculation
7.1 Data for calculation
7.2 Calculation of cost-effectiveness from implementation
7.3 Calculation of payback period
List of information sources
Appendix (specifications)
Graphic part list: quantity format
1 Machine and hardware diagram "Line
production of canned food "A
2 Assembly drawing of meat cutting machine A
3 Assembly drawing of meat lifting machine A
4 Assembly drawing of screw drive unit A
5 Assembly drawing of cutter assembly A
6 Process schematic diagram A
7 Schematic kinematic diagram A
8 Schematic diagram A
9 Detail A
6 Poster of technical and economic indicators A
The canning industry is a complex and diverse multi-assortment industry that processes such multicomponent and perishable raw materials as fruits, vegetables, fish, dairy, meat products. In general, it can be considered that the canning industry is divided into:
1. Preservation and smoking of fish products and meat products.
2. Preservation of ready-made dishes (soups, baby food).
3. Preservation of fruits and vegetables.
4. Drying of fruits and vegetables.
5. Drying of dairy products.
6. Salt of marinades, seasonings.
7. Packing of fish products (fresh frozen).
8. Freezing of fruits, vegetables and fruit juices.
9. Preservation of dry dairy products
Currently, 76.5% of fruit and vegetable preserves are produced in glass containers and 18.5% in tin, the rest in polymer and other packaging. Meat, dairy and fish preserves are mainly produced in tin containers. The technical base of the canning industry is constantly improving. Gradually, the capacity of enterprises that are equipped with advanced high-performance equipment, including final and packaging machines for glass and tin containers, is beginning to increase. Since the production of canned food is massive, and the productivity of the final machines reaches several hundred cans per minute, the efficiency of production largely depends on the quality of the work of these machines. The introduction of modern high-performance equipment into production leads to changes in the content of labor of workers of various professions, including a locksmith, the proportion of mental labor increases, which is associated with various observations and monitoring the work of sterilization plants.
In addition to the adjustment and regulation of equipment, locksmiths and equipment need to possess diagnostic skills, understand complex technical documentation, and independently make reasonable decisions during the operation of machines.
At the moment, the national economy is faced with the task of providing the population of the country with fresh vegetables and fruits and highly concentrated products. A number of fruits constantly require further expansion of canned food production. These include:
1. The forthcoming growth in the country's production of vegetables and fruits of the most perishable, for example, bone fruits and berries.
2. The need to ensure even consumption of vegetables and fruits throughout the year.
3. Population growth in areas with adverse climatic conditions, necessitating an increase in fresh and canned vegetables and fruits.
4. The need to increase the supply of clean and ready-to-consume products and semi-finished products to the population and the catering network.
Very much importance is also paid in the canning industry to the use of raw materials and processing of production waste, due to the introduction of better equipment, the introduction of new technology, and an increase in the range of products produced.
Having modernized the units for loading meat into the machine and cutting meat into pieces on the canned food production line "Stewed Meat" with a capacity of 2000 kg/h, we will get the following results.
Increased capital investments by 17996 rubles will pay off for
0.7 years.
2. The specified costs will decrease from 808 to 550 rubles.
3. Operating expenses will decrease by 374.9 rubles.
4. The comparative economic effect will be 113 thousand rubles.
5. Conditionally annual savings will amount to 164 thousand rubles.
6. The cost-effectiveness ratio will be 0.38.
7. Productivity will increase by 106%.
By analyzing the results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
Upgrading equipment is much more profitable than buying new equipment.
At our enterprises today, a lot of equipment has accumulated, which is idle due to the fact that the products produced on it do not meet the requirements of the present. At the same time, the market teaches us that the equipment needs to be used as much as possible. This raises the question of how to adapt obsolete equipment to today's conditions? The answer is quite simple: using advanced methods and production technologies, having such information sources as the Internet, etc., with the involvement of highly qualified personnel, it is necessary to modernize the equipment. Some units and parts can be used from decommissioned equipment, and the missing parts can be used, manufactured by themselves in the conditions of repair and mechanical workshops of enterprises.
Modernization should be carried out after the calculation is carried out, on the computer allowing it to be carried out in the most economical direction.
When upgrading equipment, it is necessary to introduce parts from new materials, replacing metals with plastics and plastics, instead of expensive stainless steel use ordinary steel with sputtering.
Enterprises of all industries are the most trained and talented
specialists should be given special tasks to solve weak
places of equipment and to encourage them in every way. This will reduce the turnover of qualified personnel in the enterprise.
Skillful implementation of modernization will allow the enterprise to earn additional profits, pay taxes and much more.
Modernization is economically profitable and expedient, since as a result of the implementation of the project, the enterprise will increase production, reduce costs and receive an additional profit of 164 thousand rubles. The payback of the project will be 2.6 years. The efficiency factor will be 0.38, which is higher than the standard value - 0.15. Modernization contributes to the growth of labor productivity by 210.8t.
Плакат рамка-5.cdw
ТЭП -5.cdw
Линия производства мясных консервов.cdw
Машина для подъема мяса. Лист 1.cdw
Машина для подъема мяса. ЛИСТ 2.CDW555.CDW
машина для резки мяса ЛИСТ 3.CDW..cdw
Машина для резки мяса. Лист 1.cdw
Машина для резки мяса. ЛИСТ 2.CDW..cdw
Машина для резки мяса. ЛИСТ 4.CDW555.CDW
ПЭЭ.лист 1CDW55.CDW
Узел отрезного ножа. ЛИСТ 2.CDW..cdw
Узел отрезного ножа.Лист 1.cdw
Узел привода шнека. Лист 2.cdw
Узел привода шнека.Лист 1.cdw
Деталировка Лист 2 Дет. отр.головкаcdw-5.cdw
Деталировка Лист1 Дет._Нож - 5.cdw
Лист 1 Машина для резки мяса СБ - 5.cdw
Лист 2 Машина для резки мяса СБ-5.cdw
Лист 3 МАС машинно-аппаратурная схема - 5.cdw
Лист 4 Маш. для подъема мяса cdw -5.cdw
Лист 5 Машина для под. мяса cdw-55.cdw
Лист 6 СБ Узел отрезного ножа - 5.cdw
Лист 7 Схема кинемат принцип - 5.cdw
Лист 8 Схема электрич принцип - 5.cdw
Лист 9 Узел привода шнека - 5.cdw
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