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Limit wrench with balls

  • Added: 29.04.2021
  • Size: 247 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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R_zbov_ detal_ neobkh_dno zatyaguvat r_vnom_rno _z pevny zusillyam. Schob Viscounati tsyu umov, it is necessary to cow with a special key.

The key with the bites yavlyaє the body 1 with the handle 2 welded to zero, that disk 8, and the bites 9 embedded in the thread. Pritisnuta disk to the case a nut 4 m_zh a dvoma tekstol_tovy washers 3 і 5. In the cherga v_n a hairpin zhorstko z' ¾dnu¾tsya z_ a midstream 15, on nizhnyu to a kvadratn to a chastin yaky stavlyat to a zm_nn a gol_vka of a face key.

Haircut (15 utrimuє in the middle of housing (1) with spring (12) with steel washers (11) and (13) kraїv.

Through the handle 2, the wrapper peredaєtsya behind the additional cult 9 is disc 8, and the other is on haircut 15 with a golivka.

In pochatkov_y herds і ї vivertannya prick krutniya shche not otrimav znachno ї to size, vs_ detal_ nerukhom_ one v_dnosno one ї, a key pratsyu є a yak some ts_l.

At the time of an ostannyy zatyaguvannya stvoryu¾tsya paper bags perem_shchayutsya to upor_v - a peremichok a disk 8 ditch, pot_m paper bags vichavlyuyutsya to a deposit that through a st_yka 10 zchavlyuyut a spring 12, v_dokremlyuyuch a disk 8 v_d to building 1 are big zusillya, in rezultat_ chy. Pisla whose key pratsyuє idle. You can adjust the yoga with the hat of the winter tightened spring 12 with nuts 14.

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