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Leisure complex -AP

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Diploma project-Leisure complex, DBE, perspective, facades, plans, section, structural part, components

Project's Content

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1 Architectural part

1.1 Master Plan

1.2 Spatial and Architectural Planning Solution

1.3 Interior and Exterior Finishes

1.4 Volume and planning indicators

2 Structural part

2.1 Foundations

2.2 Walls and partitions, frame

2.3 Floors and floors

2.4 Coating (roof)

2.5 Stairs, elevators

2.6 Windows and Doors

3 Engineering equipment

3.1 Water supply and sewerage

3.2 Heating and ventilation

3.3 Power supply

3.4 Gas supply

3.5 Garbage removal

4 Fire and safety measures

4.1 Fire prevention measures

4.2 Occupational Safety

5 Literature


Modern leisure complexes are a new specific type of public leisure facilities, which became widespread in world urban planning practice at the end of the 20th century. Their emergence is associated with the development of the tourism and entertainment industry. The mass construction of entertainment complexes of various nature is explained by a number of their advantages over traditional forms of monofunctional organization of cultural services: primarily the creation of a complex of premises of various functional purposes. They form a favorable environment for various types of cultural activities and their active interaction and are distinguished by a multidimensional complex influence on the perceptive personality (visitor, listener, participant, etc.).

The traditional role of large entertainment complexes is the creation of a unique opportunity to choose various types of communication, knowledge, recreation, entertainment, creativity, which is becoming a prerequisite for social diversity at present. When designing public buildings, it is important to bring into a logical, clear system the functional and technological processes that should occur in them, which is not possible without taking into account social conditions. This helps to establish the sequence of processes carried out in the building, helps to group the premises, determine the relationships between them, and form the main compositional essence of the future structure .

Leisure facilities are objects with a complex, multifunctional structure, requiring a combined arrangement of hall and cell elements designed to stay a significant, sometimes simultaneous, number of visitors. This course project presents a leisure complex with a disco, cafe-bar and bath.

1 Architectural part

1.1 Master Plan

The territory on which it is proposed to place the leisure complex is located in the second climatic zone, the terrain is flat. The master plan is developed in accordance with the purpose of the designed building, in compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards.

The main facade of the designed building is located opposite the city highway, along it there is a parking lot for 61 parking places. Parking is also provided for 19 cars for the staff of the leisure complex. The dimensions of one car seat according to NSS 3.01.04 are 2.5 x 5.5 m. Opposite the northern facade there is an economic zone on which garbage containers and a ramp are located. The economic zone is isolated from the visitor zone. A convenient entrance from the city highways to the economic zone 6 m wide with a turning platform measuring 17 x 18 m is provided.

The improvement of the territory was carried out in accordance with SNB 3.01.0402 "Urban planning. Planning and development of settlements. " Along the side facades, waiting areas and short-term recreation are supposed, where benches, fountains, flower beds and other small architectural forms are located. The width of the footpaths is 1.5 and 3 m. The sidewalks are made of small-sized tiles, parking lots and driveways are paved. Landscaping of the site in the form of a lawn, group and ordinary planting of trees and shrubs is provided .

Technical and economic indicators according to the general plan: the area of ​ ​ the site is 17650 m2; building area - 760 m2; improvement area - 200 m2; paving area - 4100 m2; passage area - 3020 m2; landscaping area - 9570 m2.

Percentage of buildings (Buildings/Such * 100%) = 760/17650x100 = 4.3%;

Greening percentage (Sozelen/Such * 100%) = 9570/17650x100 = 54%;

The plot plan is 1:500 scale (Sheet 1).

1.2 Spatial and Architectural Planning Solution

The designed building has the following dimensions in axes: 36 m (1-6); 21 m (A to G); number of floors - 2; floor height - 3.00 m; the height of the building from ground level is 10 m .

The spatial solution of the leisure complex is due to its functional purpose and the specifics of the processes taking place in it. The main premises of the 1st floor are a dance hall - located in the central part; the bathhouse is located in the left wing of the building, the cafe bar is in the right. Two stairs located in the hall serve as vertical communication. On the second floor there is a computer club, a billiard hall and administrative premises.

The architectural and planning solution of the project was developed on the basis of SniP 2.08.0289 * "Public Buildings and Structures," SniP 2.09.0487 "Administrative and Household Buildings." This project is a leisure complex, requires the creation of an interesting and unusual structure where a person wants to go.

The designed building of the leisure complex has a compact composition of a dynamic nature. The interior of the building is the construction of rooms, which is based on the unity of the functional feasibility of each room and their functional connection with each other.

The means of creating unity are used - giving the volume of the building a difficult geometric shape and matching the secondary parts of the building to the composite center. On the main facade of the building, everything is subordinate to the center - the main entrance, which is not insignificant for this type of public building. Compositional means are also tectonics - the artistically identified structural structure of the building due to the protrusion of the bearing walls .

Symmetry applied to the center of the building. An important means of bringing elements of architectural forms to unity is the rhythm by which the necessary proportionality and expressiveness of the work of architecture is achieved. The rhythm is created by evenly repeating window spacing. The most important composite means is proportions: the ratio of architectural forms in height, width and length. Proportions determine the proportionality and harmoniousness of elements of architectural forms. Scale - proportionality of the form and its elements in relation to a person.

1.3 Interior and Exterior Finishes

The basement of the leisure center is made of natural stone, which provides the necessary frost resistance and durability, and also, thanks to the texture, creates the necessary aesthetics in solving facades.

Outside, the hay is plastered with subsequent painting. For the color design of facades, CAPAROL Aprico 30 paint is used, for the painting of individual fragments of facades - Aprico145.

Interior decoration of the walls of the premises - decorative plaster, whitewash, painting; ceramic tiles are also used for finishing walls and floors in rooms with high humidity and with special sanitary requirements: bath rooms, sanitary units, washes, a first-aid post. In the hall and corridors, flooring is a slab of natural stone, in other rooms parquet is used.

2 Structural part

2.1 Foundations

This project proposes a ribbon monolithic foundation that is arranged for structural walls. The width of the foundation cushion is 1200 mm, the height is 300 mm, the foundation base elevation is 2100; the depth of laying is 1.5 m. Along the outer walls around the building, a pavement is arranged with a width of 1000 mm and a slope of 0.1.

2.2 Walls and partitions, frame

The walls are laid out of silicate brick on cement sand mortar. The thickness of the outer bearing walls is 510 mm, the inner walls are 380 mm, the thickness of the partitions is 120 mm. Wall snapping is 190 mm. In the outer walls, a 70 mm thick polystyrene foam insulation is used.

2.3 Floors and floors

This project uses floors made of hollow reinforced concrete slabs with a size of: 1500x6000; 1500х7500; 1500х9000. Plates are made with prestressed reinforcement.

2.4 Coating (roof)

Flat roof with slope i = 0.5 is designed in the building. The roof combined as an insulator is mineral wool slabs, above the insulator is a brace of cement sand mortar with a thickness of 30 mm. The main water insulation carpet is made of two layers of roofing material "linocrom" (TU 57740021315791598). Internal water flow is organized. A parapet 1400 mm high is arranged on the roof.

2.5 Stairs, elevators

The design uses prefabricated reinforced concrete internal and external stairs. The height of the approach is 150 mm, the width of the tread is 300 mm. The porch is proposed to be made of reinforced concrete, with rough covering, the height of the porch approach is 120 mm, the width of the tread is 360 mm. There is a ramp for wheelchairs, width 1500 mm. The dimensions of the stages on all marches are the same, vertical fences with a height of 1200 mm are provided. The width of the stair marches is 1200 m. A gap of 100 mm is left between the stairs to pass the fire hose. The stairwell has natural and artificial lighting.

2.6 Windows and Doors

Windows are selected as per STB 11.3898 in accordance with areas of illuminated rooms. The building uses window blocks made of plastic of individual manufacture. The window structure consists of a composite box inserted into the opening of the wall, filled with an opening three-layer double-glazed window.

Designed doors meet hygienic and fire requirements. Doors are used in accordance with STB113898. This project uses 0.9 wide doors; 0,8; 0.7 m.

Engineering equipment

3.1 Water supply and sewerage

Installation of internal water supply and sewerage systems is carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.0185 and supplement P12000 to SNiP 2.04.0185.

Water supply of the building is provided from the external water supply network.

3.2 Heating and ventilation

Heating - central, water, from the external heat network.

Ventilation - plenum with mechanical and natural motive and humidification of the air.

3.3 Power supply

Power supply is provided from the city substation with two sections powered by two cables - the main and spare with 380/220 V. Electrical devices are designed in accordance with SNiP II479, VSN 6089, VSN 5988. The project provides for telephone communication and high-speed Internet.

3.4 Gas supply

There is no gas supply.

3.5 Garbage removal

The designed building has a garbage cleaning system, dust collection and temporary storage with the possibility of its removal. Garbage containers are placed on the utility site from the northern facade of the building, where the entrance of the garbage cleaner is provided.

Drawings content

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