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Layout of the site of copper-radiator works

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Coursework on the discipline "Organization and management of the production of maintenance and repair of transport and transport-technological machines and equipment

Project's Content

icon Mednitsko-radiatorny_uch_1.cdw
icon Lola_Khalikova_18_variant.docx

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1 Characteristic of the PPUA-1600/installation

2. Calculation and processing section

2.1 Selection of initial standards of maintenance and repair mode and correction of standards

2.2 Determination of number of CG and maintenance per vehicle per cycle

2.3 Determination of the number of technical impacts per machine and entire fleet per year

2.4 Calculation of D-1 and D-2 quantity for the whole fleet per year

2.5 Calculation of daily maintenance and diagnostics program

2.6 Calculation of Annual Scope of Work for TR, TD, TR

2.7 Distribution of annual scope of work by production zones and areas (workshops)

2.8 Calculation of the number of production workers

3. Organizational Section

3.1 Selection of method of maintenance and TR production organization at ATP

3.2 Process diagram in the area of copper-radiator works repair

3.3 Selection of operation mode of production units

3.4 Distribution of performers by specialties and qualifications

3.5 Selection of process equipment

4. Process Section


List of sources used


The automotive industry continuously improves its products, provides the national economy with a variety of transportation means.

The main directions of the economy and social development of Russia are to increase the efficiency of the use of specialized vehicles, primarily due to the wide use of truck dump trucks and reduce production outages.

When delivering small volumes of cargo, it is rational to use medium-capacity dump trucks.

Mechanization and automation, technical diagnostics, maximum mechanization of production areas and car maintenance and repair shops, as well as the introduction of new high-performance equipment. Maintenance is carried out mainly in-line with the replacement of car units and assemblies in specialized posts, and repairs are also carried out in specialized posts. There is a need to use reliable information about the technical condition of each individual car. The main sources of this information are technical control, which includes inspection and instrumental diagnostics.

Maintenance and maintenance phase of individual vehicles. To improve the efficiency of car maintenance, the organizational and production structure of the engineering and technical service is being introduced.

The tasks of the technical service of road transport enterprises include the development of a rational system for planning transportation and organizing the movement of trucks in relation to local conditions; implementation and operation of the rolling stock diagnostic control system; Full, timely and safe transport of goods at minimal cost; organization of high-efficiency use of rolling stock and its cost-effective operation; Creating normal working conditions for employees of the exploitation service; Synthesis and wide application of good practices.

The purpose of the course project is to consolidate and deepen knowledge on the technology and organization of maintenance and repair of rolling stock, as well as technical design of production divisions of operational motor transport enterprises. In the project, the work of the mobile compressor station unit APRS40K is organized.

Course Project Tasks:

- systematization, consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge obtained during the study of the subject;

- mastering of basic design and technological calculations of areas of technological maintenance, diagnostics and maintenance of rolling stock in motor transport enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership;

- the ability to correctly choose the method of organization of maintenance and repair and its justification for specific conditions;

- the ability to use technical and regulatory reference literature, normative materials and standards.

Characteristics of PPU-1600/100 unit

This company for the operation of road transport rolling stock is located in the city of Norilsk in a very cold climate. It carries out freight transportation, as well as maintenance, repair and storage of rolling stock. This enterprise uses cars of the brands MAZ642205 and steam. Installation PPUA1600/100.

Cars are operated in the fifth category (KUE V). ATP is located in the city of Norilsk, which is located in a very cold climatic zone.

At this ATP, the number of cars is 90 units of cars of the MAZ642205 brand and 50 units of steam installations PPUA1600/100.

The average daily mileage of cars is 140 km.

The design object from the assignment for the course design is the medical radiator work area.

The section is intended for repair of water and oil radiators, fuel tanks, fuel and oil pipelines, rewriting of camshaft bushings and washers of crankshaft thrust bearings.

Organizational Section

The purpose of this section of the course project is to develop the organization of the work of the design object.

3.1 Selection of method of maintenance and TR production organization at ATP

Among other methods of organizing the production of maintenance and repair, the most progressive is currently the method based on the formation of production units on a technological basis (method of technological complexes) with the introduction of centralized production management (MCC).

As a system for organizing and managing the production of maintenance and repair of rolling stock, we accept the MCC system. The basic organizational principles of the system are as follows:

The process of maintenance and repair of rolling stock in ATP is controlled centrally by the production management department (center).

The organization of maintenance and repair in ATP is based on the technological principle of formation of production units (complexes), in which each type of technical impact (TO1, TO2, TR of cars, repair of units) is carried out by specialized departments.

Divisions (crews, sites and performers) who are carrying out uniform types of technical influences for convenience of management of them unite in industrial complexes (complex of diagnostics and maintenance, a maintenance complex, a complex of repair sites).

Preparation of production - picking of the revolving fund, delivery of units, units and parts to and from workplaces, washing of units, units and parts before sending for repair, provision of working tools, car running in waiting areas, maintenance of repair is carried out centrally by the production preparation complex.

The exchange of information between management departments and all production departments is based on two-way dispatch communications, automation and telemechanics.

The central management structure includes:

Director - Head of ATP

The chief engineer is the deputy head, he is administratively subordinate: senior master, engineer of technological supply.

Operational Management Department (OMS). SOW provides operational management of all employees on maintenance and maintenance. ECU personnel perform the following main operations:

accepts a shift, that is, fixes the preparation of production.

performs operational control of TO1 execution; TO-2; D-1 and D-2.

performs operational planning, work execution control, i.e. accepts requests for repair, sets the order of work execution, periodically monitors the progress of work.

Division of Information Processing and Analysis (OOAI). At OOAI all works related to organization of information support of control system using PC are performed. The main task of the OOAI is to systematize, process, analyze and store information. OAI performs the following works:

- accepts the primary documents for processing.

- performs analysis on the results of information processing and development of measures to improve ITS operation.

- in the face cards of the car, the mileage chain is recorded, notes cases of replacement of units or units.

The TOD complex performs maintenance, regulated works, related repairs and D-1. The complex includes: EO; TO1; TO-2 D1; D-2.

The RP complex combines the subdivisions performing work on replacement of faults, units, parts with serviceable ones, as well as fastening and adjustment and other work on TR directly on cars.

The technical department is engaged in the development of plans and measures for the introduction of new equipment and technology, on labor protection and safety, conducts technical training in improving the skills of workers and ITR, develops reconstruction of production and non-standard equipment. The Department of Chief Mechanics (OGM) maintains in good condition the building, construction and sanitary facilities, as well as maintenance and repair of production equipment.

The Technical Control Department (TCO) monitors the quality of production works, carries out constant monitoring of technical condition.

- rolling stock, analyze the causes of malfunction and recommend measures to eliminate them.

The following duties are assigned to the head of the complex:

- ATP Technical Service Manual

- General management of maintenance production

- Reduction of labor and material costs for maintenance and diagnostics


In the first section, the tasks facing the maintenance and maintenance, D1 and D2, as well as the engineering and technical service, the goals and tasks of the course project are considered.

In the second section, the characteristics of ATP for 90 cars MAZ642205 and 50 steam units PPUA1600/100 were given. They were operated under the fifth category of operation in a very cold natural-climatic zone. Cars worked in two shifts. In the first shift, they entered the line from 7.00 to 8.00, and in the second they entered the line from 13.00 to 14.00. Calculations of regular and turnout workers were made.

In the third section, the method of organization of the technological process in the area of ​ ​ copper radiator works and the method of organization of maintenance and maintenance at ATP were selected. The distribution of performers by specialties was made. Description of equipment and accessories, area calculated Ftsech = 54m2

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