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Label Work Project


Description and arrangement of the glass bottle label machine

Project's Content

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Additional information



Annotation..... Introduction... Section 1. Analysis of modern machines

1.1. Production technology

1.2 Equipment Selection

1.3. Modern designs

1.4 Technical justification of the project

Section 2. Description... (lines, machines, sets)

2.1. Purpose and Scope

2.2 Technical characteristics. 2.3 Device and operation principle of the machine

2.4 Arrangement of composite parts

Section 3. Calculations confirming the operability of the structure

3.1 Process calculation

3.2 Energy calculation

3.3 Kinematic calculation

3.4 Calculation of V-belt transmission

3.5 Calculation of bevel gear pair

3.6 Shaft Preliminary Calculation

3.7 Refined Shaft Calculation

Section 4. Installation, Operation and Repair Information..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4.1. Installation. 4.2. Repair

4.3 Adjustment and Adjustment

4.4 Preparation for operation

4.5Technical maintenance

4.6 Storage Rules

4.7 Equipment testing after installation and repair

Section 5. Occupational and environmental protection

5.1.Safety of life activities

5.2 Instructions for safety measures

Section 6. Calculation of cost-effectiveness from implementation of the developed machine


List of literature used



Diploma project of a graduate of the Engineering and Technical Institute

T.G.Shevchenko Pridnestrovian State University

specialty "Machines and apparatus of food production"

Topilskaya Elena Alexandrovna

Project theme: "Design of a labeling machine designed to stick one rectangular paper label on bottles with a capacity of 0.5 liters with a capacity of 3000 pcs/h installed in the beer production line."

The diploma project consists of a graphic part 10 of sheets of A1 format, a calculation and explanatory note 120 of sheets of A4 format.

Graphic part of the project in accordance with the ESKD requirement. The graphics quality is good.

The main sections of the draft reflect the topics under consideration. Compared to the basic version, the diplomat offers design changes that allow you to change the performance of the machine and improve the quality of the product to world samples.

The design change is accompanied by the necessary calculations confirming the operability of the structure.

All the necessary calculations have been completed, right.

There are comments on the design of drawings (surface cleanliness is incorrectly marked).

The section "Life safety" analyzed working conditions, developed safety and electrical safety measures.

Economic calculations confirm the feasibility of introducing this machine into production.

The student worked systematically without disruption in accordance with the schedule. The project was completed on time. While working on the project, the student worked out a sufficient amount of reference and special literature, showed skills in independently solving technological and design problems, which allowed him to complete the project at the proper level. I believe that the diploma project was completed at a good technical level, and the student Topilskaya E.A. deserves to be awarded the qualification of an engineer.

The diploma project deserves to be rated "excellent."


1. The topic of the diploma project:. "Design of a labeling machine for gluing one rectangular paper label on bottles with a capacity of 0.5 liters with a capacity of 3000 pcs/h installed in the beer production line."

The project was carried out at the Department of Technological Processes and Apparatus of PSU named after T.G. Shevchenko.

Performer: Topilskaya Elena Alexandrovna

Head: senior lecturer Bounegru Tamara Vasilievna.

This diploma project provides an analysis of the beer production line; description, operation and purpose of the labelling machine included in the beer production line; calculations confirming the operability of the machine; repair and installation of this machine .

On the basis of advanced achievements of science and technology in the field of technological equipment of the food industry, a scheme of the technological process for beer production was chosen, to which the necessary equipment was calculated and selected.

Proposed measures to improve the organization and technology of repair.

Using technical and economic calculations, it is shown that this machine can contribute to a reduction in the cost of the product, namely by 0.3 rubles per bottle of beer (0.5 l ).

Labor protection and environmental protection measures have been developed and proposed for implementation at the enterprise.


Beer is a low-alcohol, thirsty, sparkling drink with a characteristic hop aroma and a pleasant bitter taste. In addition to water, ethyl alcohol and carbohydrate dioxide, beer contains a significant amount of nutrients and biologically active substances: proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins.

By color, beer is divided into light and dark, and depending on the type of yeast used, into beer of low and horse fermentation. One variety belongs to horse fermentation beer - Barkhotnoye beer.

About 90% of the lower fermentation beer produced is in light varieties, which are characterized by a thin, weakly expressed malt taste, hop aroma and pronounced hop bitterness. They are prepared from light brewed malt with the addition of unfolded materials (barley, rice section, defatted corn, sugar), water, hops or hop preparations. In the production of dark beers, special varieties of malt (dark, caramel, etc.) are also used. Therefore, dark beer has a malt-caramel sweet taste, less pronounced hop bitterness and more intense color compared to light varieties. Beer is an old low-alcohol barley malt drink with pleasant bitterness, hop aroma, the ability to foam when filling a glass and hold a layer of compact foam on the surface for a long time. Beer refers to low-alcohol beverages.

From the history of beer labels

Labels in Berlin began to appear around 1880. These were the simplest paper labels, which at first were simply hung on bottles, and only then very simply pasted began to stick. The relief was usually decorated with the bottle itself, and the labels were used to either distinguish between beer brands of one brewery, or simply mark through which company it would be sold. But as competition grew, breweries realized that labels could also carry advertising functions. And then, around 1900, the labels became very elegant. Only in the middle of the XVIII century are the first attempts at labeling made. On small pieces of parchment paper located in the center of the convex part of the bottle, the beer supplier or his client made some general notes by hand, often of no interest. But the road to the world of labels was open. Real labels similar to those of our time began to be used by champagne wine dealers by 1820. A customer who wanted to receive bottles with labels had to make an order and pay extra. Since then, significant and rapid changes in the development of labels have begun. While the labeling of other French wines was kind of frozen in obsolete moderation and fresh classicism, the champagne label, like fireworks, shone, creating a kaleidoscope with constantly changing faces. Draftsmen and artists created real miniatures, outstanding skill was shown by lithographers and printers of that time. From 1820 to 1920, champagne supplies increased from 2 to 20 million bottles. This was facilitated by the commercial talent of merchants who were able to turn the label into a means of communication, as well as the basis of advertising.

During this time, labels became more and more diverse. At first it was rectangular, square, round, oval, then it took the form of a parallelepiped, a trapezoid, even a grape leaf, a bunch of grapes, a bottle, a crown; the angles were gradually erased, the edges were drawn in all directions, the shapes became elusive. Gray and black tones were replaced by colorful colors dominated by blue, elusive pink, green, flaming red, gold.

The obsolete lace is replaced by branch-shaped ornaments, vignettes, grape branches, braided patterns, curls, garlands, coats of arms, sultans, orphlams, Venetian lions, golden eagles, glittering lightning, angels, graceful bellows, naked Venus, seducing bacchanx, elves and sirens and, finally, Champagne landscapes, famous characters, important historical events or anecdotal scenes from everyday life, knights, ships, planes, banners, kings and emperors, monuments, animals and all kinds of other images.

Obviously, each label creator did not try to follow fashion or surpass his competitor, he demonstrated his individuality, originality, imagination. The same wine was supplied with different labels depending on the country of destination.

The sticking of labels on glass bottles, cans, tin cans until recently was carried out manually and was a very time consuming operation. Currently, label sticking is carried out by labeling machines of high performance (up to 150 bots/min).

Labeling machines can be divided into two main groups:

- linear

- carousel.

In linear machines, label-glued containers are moved horizontally or vertically by the conveyor belt. At the same time, the vessels can either rotate or be stationary relative to their axis.

In carousel machines, vertically arranged vessels move along an arc of circumference.

Many methods are known for separating and removing an upper or lower label from a stack. Three methods have become most widespread:

gripping the label with a can, the body of which is lubricated with glue;

capturing the label with vacuum suction pump;

label gripping with label transmitter lubricated with glue.


Currently, food production is often carried out in small enterprises.

One of the labor intensive processes is the label label on the container, which is carried out manually.

Designing a labeling machine of greater power will give higher performance, which will allow more production of finished products.

Based on the economic calculation, it can be seen that the payback period of the machine is 0.08 months and the annual economic effect is 2090700 .

Drawings content

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Колесо зубчатое(А3).cdw

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плакат экон1.cdw

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