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Kinematic analysis of the flat lever mechanism

  • Added: 08.04.2022
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In this paper, a structural and kinematic analysis of a flat lever mechanism, a force calculation of the mechanism in one position is performed.

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icon Пояснительная в Ворд 2003.doc

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Structural study of the flat lever mechanism

3. Kinematic examination of flat lever mechanism

3.1 Determining the nature of movements of links and trajectories of their points during one cycle of mechanism operation

3.2 Diagram of output link movement

3.3 Determination of link speeds and their separate points in one of the mechanism positions

3.4 Plot the speed of the output link during the cycle

3.5 Determination of accelerations of links and their separate points in one of the mechanism positions




The theory of mechanisms and machines (TMM) is a science that studies the structure, kinematics, dynamics of mechanisms and machines, in connection with their analysis and synthesis.

The research problems considered in the TMM course can be divided into 2 groups [8]:

Problems associated with the analysis of existing mechanisms and machines.

Problems associated with the synthesis of new mechanisms and machines.

In this course work structural and kinematic analysis of flat lever mechanism, power calculation of mechanism in one position is performed.


In this course work, a structural and kinematic study of the flat lever mechanism was carried out, as a result of which the speeds and accelerations of points and links were determined. Plans for speeds and accelerations have been built. On the basis of calculations, diagrams of movement of output link and speed of output link during cycle are constructed.

The performance of the work consolidated and deepened my knowledge obtained in the study of higher mathematics, physics, theoretical mechanics, engineering graphics and, of course, the theory of mechanisms and machines.

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