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Analysis of the flat lever mechanism

  • Added: 27.05.2022
  • Size: 421 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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Coursework "Analysis of a flat lever mechanism" on the subject TMM (Theory of Machines and Mechanisms)

The work includes an explanatory note and a drawing (Force and Kinematic Analysis).


Contents of the explanatory memorandum


1. Structural analysis of the mechanism

2. Kinematic analysis of the mechanism

2.1 Construction of a plan of provisions 

2.2 Constructing a speed plan

2.3 Building an acceleration plan

3 Power analysis

3.1 Determination of the balancing force by analytical means

3.2 Determination of the balancing force by the zhukovsky lever construction method

3.3 Determination of balancing force by kinetostatics

3.4 Determination of the given moment of force

4. Calculation of flywheel geometry

Project's Content

icon Chertrezh (2).cdw
icon Пояснительная Записка ТММ.docx

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Drawings content

icon Chertrezh (2).cdw

Chertrezh (2).cdw

icon Пояснительная Записка ТММ.docx

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