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Iron casting shop with a capacity of 10,000 tons per year

  • Added: 16.01.2023
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In the section "General characteristics of the workshop" describes the designed
In the section "Calculation and design part" a workshop with a capacity of 10,000 tons of suitable castings of gray cast iron per year was designed and the required amount of technological equipment of the workshop was calculated.
The section "Technological part" describes the technological process of obtaining the casting "Brake drum" from the material SCH-21.
In the section "Economic part" the calculation of production costs and the calculation of capital investments are made.
In the section "Life safety" the characteristics of the production of the iron foundry from the point of view of hazardous and harmful production factors are considered. The calculation of ventilation of the workshop premises was carried out.

Introduction 6
1. General characteristics of the workshop 7
1.1 Calculation of the production program 10
1.2 Calculation of the capacity of the foundry 12
1.3 Shop working hours and time funds 14
1.4 The general layout of the workshop and the description of the adopted technological process... 18 1.4.1 Determination of the composition of the workshop 18
1.4.2 Selection of process type 19
1.4.3 Selection of the location of offices and sites 19
1.5 Calculation of melting compartment 20
1.5.1 Selection of the type of melting unit 23
1.5.2 Selection of the number of melting units 23
1.5.3 Calculation of the number of holding furnaces 25
1.5.4 Calculation of charge 26
1.5.5 Description of the process of melting and holding cast iron 30
1.5.6 Arrangement of the melting compartment and charge yard 31
1.6 Calculation of the molding-filling-knocking compartment 32
1.6.1 Calculation of the production program of the department 32
1.6.2 Selection and justification of the method of manufacture of moulds 33
1.6.3 Forming and rod mixtures 33 Calculation of the program of the molding and filling department of the foundry ... 351.6.3.2.Calculation of parameters of automatic line 38 of the fleet of opok 39 Calculation of mixing equipment for the moulding compartment 40 of the department 40
1.7 . Calculation and design of the core compartment 41
1.7.1 .Description of the selected technology 43
1.7.2. Calculation of the thermal-cutting compartment 44
1.8 .Warehousing 48
1.9 Labour force calculation 50
2. Technological part 55
2.1 Choice of casting method 56
2.2 Selection of the mold casting position during the pouring and solidification period 56
2.3 Determination of the surface of the connector of the form 56
2.4 Determination of machining allowances, molding slopes, radius of curvature 57
2.5 Forming mixtures 57
2.6 Development of model design and model plates 59
2.7 Design of the sprue system 60
2.8 Determination of the number of models on the plate 61
2.9 Development of assembly technology, fastening of moulds 61
2.10 Choice of metal smelting method 62
2.11 Development of mold filling technology 63
2.12 Development of a casting technology and quality control system 64
2.13 Development of technology for form cooling, knocking, stumping, cleaning 64
2.14 Calculation of the sprue supply system 65
2.15 Innovations in technology 69
3. Technical and economic part 70
3.1 Calculation of the production programme 71
3.2. Share of proceeds from the sale of 72
3.2.1. Selling price for basic products 72
3.2.2. Calculation of proceeds from the sale of 72
3.3. Calculation of costs for purchased raw materials and materials. 73
3.3.1. Determination of consumption of raw materials and materials. 73
3.3.2. Prices for raw materials and materials 74
3.3.3. Costs of raw materials and materials. 75
3.4. Planning of labor and wages. 76
3.4.1. Determining the number of main workers 76
3.4.2. Determination of the number of auxiliary workers 77
3.4.3. Determination of the number of administrative and household personnel. 81
3.4.4. Determination of the number of sales personnel. 81
3.5 .Determination of costs for equipment, buildings and structures. 90
3.5.1. Calculation of costs for technological equipment. 90
3.5.2. Calculation of the costs of the production building. 90
3.5.3. Calculation of tooling costs 90
3.6. Determination of unit cost 98
3.7 .Normalized current assets 99
3.8 .Normalized short-term liabilities. 104
3.9 Sources of Funding. 105
3.10. Taxes and 105 payments
3.11. Report on cash flows. 106
3.12.Main indicators of the project. 111
4. Life safety 116
4.1. Requirements for ensuring comfort in the workplace 119
4.1.1. Ventilation. 119
4.1.2. Lighting. 121
4.1.3. Artificial lighting section 122
4.1.4. Vibration. 124
4.1.5. Noise. 124
4.1.6. Protection against fire danger 129
4.1.7. Protection against electric current 130
4.2 Ensuring occupational safety for slaves. Place. 132
4.3 Activities to enhance the sustainability of operations in peacetime and wartime emergencies 133
Conclusion 137

The total dimensions of the building: 48×180 m and a height of 21 m.
The production capacity of the workshop is 10,000 tons of suitable casting per year, with the nomenclature of casting names in the amount of 20 items.
The largest mass of castings is 56 kg, the smallest is 1.10 kg. The building is two-storey. The first floor is occupied by auxiliary premises for latrines, transport systems, warehouses, workshops, etc.
The main production departments and areas (smelting, forming, pouring, knockout, mixed, core and thermal sections) are located on the second floor.
In the transverse spans of the hull are located:
• warehouse of molding and charge materials;
• repair services for buckets and melting units;
• melting compartment.
These spans are equipped with overhead cranes. All compartments and sites are placed in parallel relative to each other.
The middle span is occupied by warehouses, auxiliary, energy, and plumbing services, warehouses for rods, models and equipment, and specific ventilation systems.
In the production of cast iron cast parts, cast iron of the CH21 brand is used. The chemical composition of pig iron is regulated by GOST 1412-85, and is not distinguished from those used in domestic plants.
Iron smelting in the designed workshop is carried out in arc electric lines DSP-6, domestic production with the main lining, with a capacity of 6 tons. The furnaces are equipped with transformers of increased power, allowing to conduct an intensive process of melting the charge, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the time of iron smelting.
Delivery of liquid metal from the holding furnaces to the automatic molding and filling lines is carried out by special filling buckets with a capacity of 1.5 tons.
Manufacturing, pouring, cooling and knocking out molds is carried out on two AFL models IL225 and L450A.
The parallel arrangement of the lines with passages between them greatly facilitate access to the individual units of the line for their maintenance, replacement and repair. The open lines are served by continuously moving conveyors.
Uninterrupted supply of rods to the molding lines is ensured by the availability of appropriate stocks in intermediate warehouses. Rods from the warehouse are fed by suspended conveyors.
Line L450A is equipped with a transport system, a device for automatic filling of molds and stackers.
Fill forms on the AFL are carried out using semi-automatic and automatic casting devices. Buckets of metal from the aging furnaces are fed to the filling areas via monorails by special metal trolleys.
The rods are made on rod sand coding machines. Rod mixtures are prepared in mixers.
Part of the large and medium, as well as small casting, passes for the beating and cleaning of continuous galley drums.
The rest of the casting, after knocking out and partial cooling, is outweighed by the load-bearing conveyor (GNK).
All castings are subjected to preliminary stripping, welding, then burning and aging.
Primed castings are fed to the warehouse of the finished casting by suspended conveyors. Transportation of castings is carried out by road.

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