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Internal Combustion Engine Calculation-FP, Drawings

  • Added: 09.07.2014
  • Size: 476 KB
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calculation of a four-stroke diesel designed for a minibus. 4-cylinder. 4-stroke. Crankshaft speed at maximum power n = 4200, and compression ratio ¼ - = 22. effective engine power Ne = 78 kW.

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1. Thermal calculation


Working Medium Settings

Environmental parameters and residual gases

Intake Process

Compression Process

Combustion process

Expansion Process

Operating Cycle Indicator Parameters

Efficient engine performance

Main parameters of cylinder and engine

Building an Indicator Chart

Heat balance

2. Calculation and construction of external speed characteristic

3. Dynamic calculation



3.2.1 Gas pressure forces

3.2.2 Bringing of masses of parts of crank mechanism

3.2.3 Specific and full inertia forces

3.2.4 Specific total forces

3.2.5 Torques

4. Calculation of units and systems

5. Cooling system calculation

List of accepted abbreviations

List of literature


In the field of development and improvement of automobile and tractor engines, the main tasks at the present stage are: expanding the use of diesel engines, reducing fuel economy and specific gravity of engines, and the cost of their production.

This course design contains the calculation of an automobile diesel engine.

Drawings content

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