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Inter-system communication at a voltage of 220 kV


The first system, the EE transmission system, includes intra-system and intersystem lines, including long (long)lines with a voltage of 330-750 kV. These lines are backbone and, in accordance with their main function, transmit electricity from systems with its excess to systems with energy deficit, from sources to distribution centers, power supply of distribution networks. The second system, the EE distribution system, includes 6-110 (220) kV lines, the main purpose of which is to distribute EE between large distribution areas (network areas) and directly deliver EE to consumers. This system also includes a low-voltage network. This classification differs from the traditional one and reflects the purpose of long-distance power lines and the role of the so-called 110, and in some cases 220 kV, which has changed significantly in recent years. These lines, due to the considerable™ extensive nature caused by the emergence of new areas and substations of electricity consumption along the line, increasingly perform the functions of EE distribution, as well as communication (interconnection) of local relatively small sources and large load nodes in a large area of energy consumption.

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