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Industrial effluent clarification station


Section II at PROJECT stage, facility 'Industrial effluent clarification station'.

Project's Content

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Additional information


Information on climatic and meteorological conditions of the construction area, design parameters of outdoor air

Information on heat supply sources, heating and ventilation system coolant parameters

Description and justification of laying methods and design solutions, including solutions for pipe diameters and thermal insulation

List of measures to protect pipelines from aggressive impact of soils and groundwater

Substantiation of accepted systems and fundamental decisions on heating and ventilation

About Heating and Ventilation Heat Loads

About the Need for a Pair

Justification of optimum location of heating equipment, characteristics of materials for fabrication of air ducts

Rationale of air duct routing of ventilation systems - for industrial objects

Description of technical solutions ensuring reliability of systems operation in extreme conditions

Description of automation and dispatching systems for heating and ventilation control

Characteristics of process equipment releasing harmful substances - for production facilities

Justification of selected gas and dust cleaning system - for production facilities

List of measures to ensure efficiency of ventilation systems operation in emergency situation (if necessary)

Heating and ventilation.

This section of the project "Industrial effluent clarification station" is developed on the basis of task No....

The decisions adopted in the draft comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire safety standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

1. Information on climatic and meteorological conditions of the construction area, design parameters of outdoor air;

Climatological characteristics of the construction area:

• Design winter temperature for design of heating and ventilation of cold five-day period (parameter "B") - -39С;

• Average temperature of heating period - -8.3С;

• Heating period duration - 231 days;

• Humidity mode of rooms - normal;

• Outdoor humidity zone is dry.

2. Information on heat supply sources, coolant parameters of heating and ventilation systems;

The heat supply source at the UFO plants is the designed electric boiler EPO-60. The heat carrier in a heating system accepted XHT40 (TU24220151149084608) antifreeze. In connection with the recommendations for the use of heating equipment, a temperature schedule of 80-65 ° C was adopted. Air vents are installed in the upper points of the pipelines for air bleeding, and in the lower points - blowers.

3. Description and substantiation of laying methods and design solutions, including solutions for pipe diameters and thermal insulation;

Laying of heating system pipelines is provided on brackets to concrete walls and to span beams between housing axes. Pipeline diameter of a system is accepted, proceeding from calculations - Ø25x3.2 GOST 326275.

Pipelines and heating devices are covered with aluminium powder, solvent lacquer BT 577 GOST 567180.

4. List of measures to protect pipelines from aggressive impact of soils and groundwater;

Protection of pipelines from aggressive impact of soils and groundwater is not required, since pipelines are laid on brackets along the internal walls of the building.

5. Substantiation of accepted systems and fundamental decisions on heating and ventilation;

Indoor temperature accepted:

- in cold period - + 5С.

Due to the need to remove excess heat in the warm season, the room of the engine room provides for plenum (P1/1 the P1/4) and natural exhaust (VE1 the 4) ventilation systems .

Plenum ventilation systems P1/1-P1/4, consisting of 4 fans VO 6300 No. 4 with motors ADM63A4 N = 0.25kW, n = 1500 rpm, force air into the room of the turbine hall in the amount of: 3400m3/h; 6800 m3/h; 10200m3/h; 13600m3/h, depending on the number of fans, respectively. Fans are located in the north wall of the building at elevation + 2.500m. In order to prevent the ingress of cold air in winter and atmospheric precipitation into the production rooms after the fans are disconnected, each fan is equipped with a TC type petal valve.

Removal of heatsurpluses with the forced air is carried out by natural BE1÷4 ventilation systems. Each ventilation system includes a T500 ventilation turbine, which operates without power consumption, using a natural energy source - wind. Ventilation turbines T500 are located on the roof of the turbine hall. Besides in each system of the exhaust natural ventilation the gate air unified like UVZKE with the Gruner, opening electric drive of which is installed it is blocked with turning on of fans of P1/1÷P1/4 ventilation systems. It is also provided for the opening of dampers with the fans turned off, for ventilation of the room in winter.

Control and regulation of vent systems P1/1-P1/4 and BE1- 4 is carried out from a common control panel, which is located in the room of the turbine hall.

Vent system B-1 is provided to remove excess heat in warm season from transformer substation room. Air drawing from the transformer room in the amount of 13500 m3/h is carried out by the fan VO 6300 No. 6.3 with the motor ADM80A4 N = 1.1kW, n = 1500 rpm. The fan is located on the east wall of the building, at elevation + 3.500m.

In addition, the B-1 ventilation system is used to remove combustion products from the transformer substation room after a fire, for this there is a button for switching on the ventilation system at the entrance to the substation.

In all rooms except the transformer substation there is a heating system, double-tube with the associated movement of the coolant. In the transformer substation room - air heating.

Duration of heating period in days 231 days.

Due to the work of installation in the automatic mode, and also remote location of installation from service staff as the heat carrier in a heating system accepted XHT40 (TU24220151149084608) antifreeze. Based on the recommendations on the use of heating equipment, a temperature schedule of 80-65 ° C was adopted.

Electric boiler EPO60 N = 60 kW is used as heat energy generator. The electric boiler is located in the auxiliary basement at elevation 1,900.

For coolant circulation in the heating system the circulation pump Grundfos MAGNA 40100 F N = 0.45 kW. The circulation pump is located in the auxiliary basement at elevation 1,900.

Also in the heating system there is a boiler safety group and REFLEX membrane expansion tank series N 600 V = 600 l. The membrane expansion tank is installed on a specially designed site and is located in the auxiliary room at elevation + 0.500.

Steel pipe registers as per GOST 1070491 are used as heating devices.

Heating system pipelines are accepted from steel water and gas pipes as per GOST 326275.

Ball valves Ø25 are used as shutoff valves in the heating system.

As vozdushnik automatic vozdukhootvodchik of AE 16SS 1/2" P =16 T=200 of °C, drainages - gates of Ø20 brand 15ch8p2 are accepted.

Pipelines are made of non-combustible materials.

The generator of thermal energy in the transformer substation room is the "Favorite" heat fan TV9, N = 9kW.

6. Information on heating and ventilation heat loads;

Heating heat consumption is 51600 kcal/hour.

The heat consumption in the room of the turbine hall is 18100 kcal/hour.

Heat losses in the transformer substation room are 4400 kcal/h.

7. Information about the need for a pair;

There is no need for a pair.

8. Substantiation of optimum location of heating equipment, characteristics of materials for fabrication of air ducts;

Heating equipment (electric boiler and heating system pump) is located in the basement auxiliary room, heating devices (registers) are located near the external walls of the building.

9. Rationale of air duct routing of ventilation systems - for industrial objects;

Piping shall be laid on brackets along internal walls.

10. Description of technical solutions ensuring reliability of systems operation in extreme conditions;

In extreme conditions, additional measures are not provided for the operation of the systems.

11. Description of automation and dispatching systems of heating and ventilation control process;

For increase in reliability of removal of excess of warmth from the room of the turbine hall the turning on of fans in inlet P1/1÷P1/4 ventilation systems with opening of air gates on air ducts of BE1÷4 ventilation systems is blocked.

In order to prevent failure of process equipment in case of failure of heating system operation, temperature sensor is installed on the return pipeline, which in case of temperature decrease below 25 ° С sends signal for actuation of light-and-sound signalling in the board pump room of casing 5.

To control the temperature decrease, a dilatometric electric device of the TUDE2M1 type with a discrete signal at the output, OJSC Staroruspribor Plant, was selected. The signal is received by the discrete input module of the peripheral device cabinet of the Simatic S7300 controller installed on the decontamination unit in the communication room. Then signal is transmitted digitally via fibre-optic cable to cabinet with controller installed in board pump room of industrial drains. The light-and-sound alarm of temperature decrease to the emergency setpoint is performed on the UAS24M type alarm device, OJSC "Automatics," Voronezh.

Cable in accordance with GOST 533152009 "Cable Products. Fire safety requirements. " Cable laying is made with clamps along the wall. Fiber optic cable is laid in the electrical part of the project.

Control and regulation of vent systems P1/1-P1/4 and BE1- 4 is carried out from a common control panel, which is located in the room of the turbine hall. Flexible resolution of air exchange is designed in the room of the turbine hall.

12. Characteristics of process equipment that releases harmful substances - for industrial facilities;

Process equipment releasing harmful substances - absent.

13. Justification of the selected gas and dust cleaning system - for production facilities;

Air cleaning from gases and dust is not provided.

14. List of measures to ensure efficiency of ventilation systems operation in emergency situation (if necessary);

Measures to ensure the efficiency of ventilation systems in an emergency situation are not provided.

Drawings content

icon Станция осветления промышленных стоков ОВ.dwg

Станция осветления промышленных стоков ОВ.dwg