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Industrial building of large-sized elements - course

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Course draft consists of explanatory note, two sheets A1

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Design Task

1. Source Data

2. Process Summary

3. Space planning solutions and TEP

4. Design solution with description of accepted elements and products

List of sources used

2. Process Summary

The workshop of reinforced concrete structures is part of the plant of reinforced concrete structures, producing prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, wall panels, columns, beams and other structural elements of industrial buildings.

The process is as follows. Concrete prepared in a separate concrete mixing unit is supplied via the rack to the moulding places; At the same time, reinforcement in the form of rods and frames is supplied by floor transport also to the molding compartment from the reinforcement compartment of the workshop.

Products and structures up to 12 m long, 3 m wide and up to 1 m high, are mainly manufactured using in-line aggregation technology. According to this method, the mold, after cleaning it, is supplied by a bridge crane to the mould holder. After installation of the on-board tooling and reinforcement, the mold-laying device supplies the mold to the vibration platform, where it is filled with concrete and subjected to vibration. Heat-moisture treatment of products is carried out to chambers, where after moulding they are supplied by bridge crane. Finished products after their removal from molds by self-propelled rail trolleys are taken to the finished product warehouse.

Bench method of constructions manufacturing is used in production of prestressed structures with length more than 12 m. According to this method, molds are permanently installed on two concrete strips, between which a cantilever-type concrete laying device moves along rails.

Heat treatment of articles is performed by steam in steam jacket of mold. The finished products are taken to the warehouse after decompression and cooling. On a row with the main compartments (reinforcement and molding) in the workshop, a remontomechanical section and a laboratory should also be provided.

3. Scope and planning solution and TEP

The designed building consists of 4 units with flight lengths L equal to LA = 24 m, LB = 18 m, LB = 24 m and LG = 24 m, respectively. Height of each span H is equal to GA = 14.4 m, NB = 10.8 m, NB = 10.8 m and NG = 10.8 m, respectively. The length of the building is 84m. The pitch of the extreme columns is 6 m, the pitch of the average is 12 m. Due to the difference in heights at the junction of the blocks, we arrange a deformation seam.

At the ends of buildings, geometric cross-sectional lines of columns of the main frame are shifted inwards by 500 mm from the extreme layout axis.

Binding of columns in blocks A, B, B and G to cross marking axes zero, since block A is equipped with a bridge crane with a lifting capacity of 20 tons, the pitch of the columns in the blocks is 6 m. height from the floor to the bottom of rafters is 14.4 m, blocks B, C and D are equipped with bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of 10 tons, the pitch of the extreme columns is 6m, the average pitch is 12 m, the height from the floor to the bottom of the rafters is 10.8 m.

The building is equipped with bridge support cranes with lifting capacity of 20 and 10 t.

In block B in axes D, And in the cover for additional lighting anti-aircraft lights are arranged.

Entry and exit is carried out through an open gate.

Technical and economic indicators:

1. Usable PCB area = 5551.02m2

2. Working area Pr = 5551.02m2

3. Building area Pz = 5622.56m2

4. Structural area Pc = 100.4m2

5. Construction volume Vstr = 65665.73m3

6. Factor characterizing feasibility of planning:

K1 = Pr / Software = 0

7. Factor characterizing economy of volumetric - planning solution:

K2 = Vstr/Pp = 65665.73/5551.02 = 11.83

8. Coefficient characterizing saturation of the building plan with building structures:

Kz = Personal computer / Pz = 100.4/5622.56 = 0.018

4. Constructive solution

The building has a reinforced concrete frame. In the transverse direction, stability is ensured by pinching the bottom of the columns in the foundation and forming a rigid joint of the coating by welding rafters with embedded parts of the rooms. To increase the stability of the building in the longitudinal direction, it is designed for a system of vertical connections between columns and coating .


Prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations with cup-type sub-columns are provided for the main columns.

Foundation for columns in places of temperature and deformation joints is provided as monolithic and serves to support two columns.

The top of the foundations is located at elevation -0,150 m, which makes it possible to install the frame elements after the end of the zero cycle work.

This building uses unified foundations. Unit A: FG32 on axis 1 in the amount of 12 pcs. and on axis 2 in the amount of 8 pcs, as well as monolithic PM1 on axis 1 in the amount of 4 pcs. Blocks B, B, G: FV2 on axis A in number of 10 pieces, on axis G in number of 5 pieces, on axis I in number of 5 pieces. and on axis H in the amount of 10 pcs.

The depth of foundation laying is due to the depth of ground freezing characteristic of the design area (Npromer = 0.35 m). This value is determined by [3, Table 3.6].

The walls are supported by foundation beams laid along the foundations through supporting reinforced concrete columns. The height of the beams is 450mm, the top is at -0.030 m. Waterproofing of two layers of ruberoid on the mastic is arranged at this level. To avoid deformation of beams (due to soil bundling), slag or coarse sand is filled.

We use foundation beams of grades FB62, FB6-3 and FB65. Foundation beams of grade FB62 are located on axis 1 in the amount of 11 pcs., on axis A in the amount of 1 pcs., on axis H in the amount of 1 pcs. and on axis 13 in the amount of 2 pcs. Foundation beams of grade FB63 are located on axis A in the amount of 9 pcs., on axis H in the amount of 9 pcs. and on axis 13 in the amount of 5 pcs. Foundation beams of grade FB65 are located on axis A in the amount of 1 pcs., on axis H in the amount of 1 pcs. and on axis 13 in the amount of 1 pc .

On perimeter of the building the blind area 1000 mm wide consisting of asphalt concrete (30 mm) and gravel and crushed-stone preparation (120 mm) is provided. The slope of the pavement is 1:12.


For block A we accept reinforced concrete dvukhvetvevy extreme and average columns with pass in the level of crane ways of KE0152 series (axis 1 and 2) as in this flight the bridge crane with a loading capacity of 20 t is installed. with a height of top of a column of 14.4 m. For blocks B, B, both it is accepted extreme and average columns of rectangular section of KE0149 series (axis A, G, I and H) as in these flights bridge cranes with a loading capacity of 10 t are installed. with a top height colon of 10.8 m.

The end faces of all blocks shall be fitted with steel end-to-end fuselage columns made of 0.5 m high steel I-beams with a shelf width of 0.45 m [2, p. 22]. Fachferk columns are installed with pitch of 6 m. End fachweres struts are made of welded channels [] N 20 and are attached to embedded articles on the surface of end rails. columns by welding.

Coating structures

For blocks A, B and D, we accept raceless segment trusses of a long 24m grade FB24I1, resting on columns located on axes 1,2, G, And N. For Block B, we accept a raceless rafter truss with a length of 18 m - FB18I1, resting on columns located on axes A and G. On axes D and I, tuning trusses are installed, since the pitch of the columns in these axes is 12 m.

As slabs, coatings are used for the entire building of the grade slab.

The roof is rolled. We cover the coating plates with wax coating with hot bitumen BNK5, lay the insulation foam polystyrene (120 mm), cement bracing (20 mm) and ruberoid carpet (two layers) by pouring a layer of gravel into the bitumen.

The drain is made internal. The number of funnels will be taken depending on the catchment area per gutter. According to Table 3.2 [3], the rain intensity of 20 min for Novogrudok is q20 = 0.76mm/min, which corresponds to 600m2 for the pitched roof of the maximum permissible catchment area per gutter. Since the area of the slope of the span LA is 792m2, the span LB and LG is 717m2, we take the number of funnels for each slope equal to 2 for all spans. The area of ​ ​ the slope of the span LB is 538m2, then we take the number of funnels for each slope equal to 1. The drainage system is solved with the help of catchment funnels and, connecting them with the sewage system, internal drains from cast-iron pipes with a diameter of 100 m.


As external enclosing structures, light concrete panels made of cellular concrete with a thickness of 300 mm with a span of 6 m of the PSAS 30 grade are used. In this project, panels with heights of 1.2m, 1.8 m and a length of 6m are used. The corners of the walls and the inserts between the breakout axes are filled with special blocks. The lower row of panels is supported by foundation beams with span of 6 m of grades FB62, FB6-3 and FB65 .

Light openings are filled with window blocks with opening flaps. The dimensions of the window blocks are assumed to be 48m., The height of one tier is 3.6 m.

In the places of entrances to the building and entrances, ploughshares with gates measuring 3.6x3.6 m are provided. Reinforced concrete frames made of posts and girders are arranged to organize the openings of the gate.

Crane beams

In the design, we use railway crane beams of BK65 grades, with a span of 6 m. The crane beam is attached to the column console on anchor bolts passed through the support sheet, and to the column neck - by welding a vertical sheet to embedded parts. The bolted connection is brewed after straightening. The rail is laid on an elastic gasket made of rubberized fabric of the type of transport belts, 810mm thick .


To increase stability of single-storey buildings in longitudinal direction, system of vertical and horizontal connections between columns of frame and in coating is provided. Vertical links along the columns are installed in the middle of the temperature unit. In a place where it is not possible to establish a vertical connection exactly in the middle of the temperature block, the connection is established closer to the end wall of the building. In the coating there are vertical connections at the ends of temperature blocks, connecting the ends of the trusses extreme in the temperature block, as well as horizontal along the lower belts of the same trusses.

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