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Industrial Building - Foundation Section


Course project for calculation and construction of industrial building foundations.

Project's Content

icon 4 и 5.doc
icon 5.doc
icon моя записка.doc
icon Стройплощадка.doc
icon А-4 2Л.dwg
icon А1.dwg

Additional information

1. Introduction

In the course design, it is necessary to calculate and construct the foundations of an industrial building.

The course design is based on SNiP, GOST, reference, technical and educational literature on the design of foundations and foundations. All calculations are performed in the technical system of units.

At present, increasingly tall buildings and heavy structures are being erected. In addition, in industrial buildings, unique equipment is often installed that does not allow any tangible mutual displacements. Both make it necessary to impose special requirements on the foundations and foundations. However, with the correct prediction of the co-local deformation of soils and the structure of the erected structure, a solution can be found that ensures the required reliability. According to this, specialists are faced with the task of developing prediction methods with the required accuracy of joint deformation of above-ground structures and the base .

2. Assessment of construction site construction and ISS

2.1 Brief technical description of the building

The building serves as a production shop of an industrial enterprise. Single-story, single-span, rectangular in plan (dimensions in axes 24x36m), building height - 21.000 m, has a basement with a bottom elevation of -4.00m. (dimensions in axes 5x28m).

The structural system of the building is beam with a full metal frame, consisting of metal columns with section dimensions of 1000x500mm. and metal trusses supported by column consoles. The building is equipped with a bridge crane Q = 18 tons. Span 24m., pitch of columns 12m. Reinforced concrete ribbed slabs of coatings with a thickness of 300 mm, a width of 3 m and a length of 12 m are supported on the trusses. External walls are made of light-concrete hinged panels with thickness of 300 mm. In the places where the gates are located, the walls are made of brickwork. The external walls of the basement are made of basement panels, the internal walls are made of solid-section concrete panels. The basement is heated. It is a chimney. The roof is flat with an external drain. Floor elevation 0.00.

In the one-storey building there is a copper (with sizes in axes 10000kh8000mm and 10000 mm high) with the three-storyed building attached to it the full reinforced concrete constructive system consisting of can of columns and can of crossbars. Dimensions of the building in axes 4000x12000mm. The building is single-span with a column pitch of 6000mm. The columns have a section of 400x400mm. The height of the floor of the three-story building is 3.600m, the total height of the building is 10.800m.

Outside the building is a chimney pipe. Its center is at distance of 12000 mm from axis B. the outer diameter of a pipe of 10000 mm, internal - 8000 mm.

Construction area - Murmansk

5. Foundation variant on bored piles

The use of special machines of the French company Benoto provides the greatest mechanization of the work on the manufacture of piles in soil with a removable shell.

Using the EDF55 installation, it is possible to produce a bored pile with a diameter of 0.4 to 2.1 m. and a depth of up to 12 m. The installation has a cavity that allows to drill the cavity to widen the heel.

Casing pipes connected by bolted connections are pressed into soil with power of jacks. To reduce the friction of pipes against the ground, rotational - oscillatory movements are always communicated to them. The soil is developed by a two-spotted grayer with jaws with cutting edges (for rock soil - with teeth). The depth of the face is controlled by the probe. To facilitate operation of the grab by the moment of impact, the casing is lifted by 1520 cm, as a result of which an annular cavity is formed in the soil. When penetrating weak layers of loam, the casing is not raised, and development is carried out at 1,52m. below the slaughter. To prevent the influx of soil into the well, the water level in it should be maintained at 1 m. above the UPV, periodically adding water from the temporary water supply. In order that the concrete mixture does not erode at a high height of the water column in the wells, containers having the shape of a truncated cone with an expanded base made of steel sheets are used. When lifted, the container is completely emptied, while at the top of it two dampers open, allowing water to enter the surface of concrete. When the walls are closed, the container is filled with concrete, the upper flaps are closed, and it is immersed in the well. When the flaps are at the bottom of the well or on the surface of the laid concrete, the gate is loosened and the flaps are opened. When lifting the container, the concrete is poured out, and the space vacated at the top of the container is filled with water. When the design elevation is reached, the face is cleaned with a grapher, and the downward movement of the casing stops. The soil delivered by the grapher from the well is loaded into dump trucks and taken away. Before concreting, the bottom of the well is carefully cleaned. There should not be a long interval between the end of drilling and the start of concreting. Concrete mixture is added to the well and the pipe is removed. Concreting is carried out 50 cm above the design elevation, then the upper part is cut. When reinforcing the head of the pile, reinforcement bars are immersed in fresh concrete after fracturing.

5.1 Pile Size Selection

We choose a drill-packed hanging pile 10 m long, buried in loam until it rests on sandstone, slightly cemented, 1.2 m in diameter (for structural reasons, the diameter of the pile should be at least the larger size of the column). Piles are made of concrete grade B20.

Drawings content

icon А-4 2Л.dwg

А-4 2Л.dwg

icon А1.dwg