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Improvement of the process line for fodder preparation with modernization of the grinder-mixer


The diploma project is presented with an explanatory note and a graphic part on 9 sheets of A1 format. The explanatory note contains 84 pages of typewritten text, includes 11 drawings, 15 tables, 29 names of used literary sources.

Dairy and commodity farm, forage, feed-preparation house, grinder mixer .

An analysis of the existing lines for the preparation of cattle feed and used equipment was carried out, and a number of measures were proposed to improve the production line of farm feed.

The explanatory note provides an analysis of existing feed preparation machines. Measures have been developed to modernize the ISK-3A feed grinder-mixer. The application of this design development will increase the productivity of the production line, increase the quality and reduce the cost of prepared animal feed.

In accordance with the design assignment, safety and environmental issues are considered.

The relevant economic calculations were carried out and a table of technical and economic indicators of the project was compiled.

The annual economic effect of the proposed measures in the project to improve the production line of feed production is 153.6 thousand rubles and additional investments will pay off in 1.5 years.

Project's Content

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Additional information


In modern conditions, for the successful development of livestock, it is necessary to attach great importance to the organization of a strong feed base, the use of balanced feed, micro and macro additives for feeding livestock, from which products of the highest quality can be obtained [5].

Increasing the production of feed that meets the biochemical needs of animals is a decisive factor in increasing the efficiency, intensification and increase the profitability of livestock production.

It is possible to preserve the nutritional value of prepared fodders by means of their granulation, briquetting, as well as preservation, senescence, silage [24].

Mixing of various feeds allows to improve their taste, increase nutritional value and balance the diet.

In addition, the components included in the mixture complement each other, compensating for the missing power elements. As a result, feed consumption and digestibility are increased, they are spent more efficiently, which leads to savings in costs per unit of livestock production.

Increasing the level of mechanization and automation of the processes of preparation, transportation and standardized delivery of feed to animals is accompanied by quantitative and qualitative growth of machines and equipment on farms and complexes.

An analysis of the state of livestock mechanization at Ivanovskoye LLC showed that the process of fodder preparation remains the least mechanized and most energy-intensive.

The purpose of the diploma project is to reduce the cost of fodder production due to the modernization of the technological line for their preparation.

Project Tasks:

- analyze the economic activities of Ivanovskoye LLC and justify the problem;

- review the special technical literature on methods and technological equipment for animal feed preparation;

- justify the choice of design design. Perform kinematic calculations and strength calculations of the main elements of the modernized grinder-mixer;

- Develop measures for occupational safety and environmental protection.

- determine the cost of design development and economic indicators of the project as a whole.

Fodder Preparation Literature Review

Fodders are products suitable for feeding to agricultural animals, containing organic and mineral nutrients. Feed is used for feeding animals:

plant origin - coarse, juicy, concentrated;

animal origin - fish, meat, dairy;

industrial production - combined, fodder additives, vegetable oils, food waste [2].

In the structure of the cost of livestock production, the share of feed is: in the production of milk - 50... 55%, beef 65... 70, pork 70... 75%.

The processing and feeding of feed in the form of feed mixtures significantly improves their nutritional properties. For example, the degree of digestion of coarse fodders by animals after alkali treatment and steaming increases by 2... 2.5 times, and the feeding of ground grains compared to the non-ground one improves its digestibility by animals on 15... 20%. At the same time, losses are significantly reduced, the possibility of using low-value coarse feed mixtures, agricultural waste, processing industry, and catering enterprises as components is expanding [5].

Productivity of animals when using wet full-scale mixtures for 10... 15% higher, and feed consumption per unit of production per... 15 20% lower compared to separate feeding with the same feed.

At the same time, the processing of feed and the preparation of feed mixtures are associated with additional energy and labor costs. In a market economy where prices of energy and manufactured goods have risen sharply compared to those of livestock products, the problem of improving the efficiency of feedstuffs has increased. Under certain conditions, the construction of feed farms for some species of animals and small farms becomes impractical. In these cases, mobile grinders-mixer-distributors of feed are used, and if additional treatment of some types of feed is necessary, small feed preparation compartments (sections) [14].

The main feeds are of plant origin. There are coarse feed (straw, hay, flesh), juicy (silage, melons, root-club crops), green (herbs, tops), concentrated (grains, crushes, dry pulp, etc.).

Wastes of the dairy, meat and fish industries, removed milk, meat and bone flour make up a group of animal feed.

Mineral feed (chalk, salt, shell, etc.), synthetic (carbamide, ammonia water), vitamin and feed, including trace elements (copper, cobalt, iron, etc.), as well as antibiotics, supplement the feed base of livestock.

There are mechanical, chemical, thermal and biological methods for the preparation and preparation of feed. They are used separately and in combination - according to the selected technology [18].

Cleaning, sink, sifting, otveivaniye, cutting, crushing, razlamyvaniye, splitting, razminaniye, attrition, plyushcheniye, mixing, dispensing, pressing, granulation, briquetting, etc. belong to mechanical ways of a kormoprigotovleniye.

Grinding (cutting, crushing, grinding, etc.) creates better conditions for other process operations, for example, for dosing feed and mixing. In shredded form, it is possible to feed animals with such feeds as tile crushes, shell pieces, etc. As a result of grinding the feed, a product with a large total surface is formed, which ensures its better digestibility and digestibility by the animal body.

Chemical methods consist in exposing certain types of feed to chemicals (hydrochloric acid, lime milk, alkalis). They are used less often due to the difficulties associated with the use of active substances that affect the metal structures of machines.

Thermal ways of processing depending on a type of a forage and its appointment include steaming, drying, drying, cooking, evaporation, sterilization, frying, a zavarivaniye, etc.

Biological methods (self-heating, yeast, silage, cooling, etc.) are based on the effects of various microorganisms and enzymes on feed. They are widespread.

All these methods have a common goal: to make the food more nutritious, useful and tasty to ensure that it is completely eaten by animals.

Zootechnical conditions determine the following sizes of fodder particles: cutting straw and hay for cows - 3... 4 cm, for horses - 1.5... 2.5 cm, for sheep - 1... 1.5 cm. The thickness of cutting corneclubs for cows 1.5 cm, for young - 0.5... 1 cm, for pigs - 0.5... 1 cm and for birds - 0.3... 0.4 cm. Cow crushes are crushed to the size of 10... 15 mm. Crushed concentrated cow feeds should have a particle size of 1.8... 4 mm, for pigs and poultry. - up to 1 mm (fine grinding) and up to 1.8 mm (medium grinding). The particle size of hay (grass) flour should not exceed 1 mm for birds and 2 mm for other animals. When laying silo with the addition of raw root crops, their cutting should not exceed 5... 7 mm. Silverable corn stems are ground to 1.5... 8.0 cm.

Fodder root roots contamination is allowed not more than 0.3%; for grain fodder: 1% (sand), 0.004% (hunter, knit, sporynye) and 0.25% (doll, head, spit) [12].

In accordance with zootechnical requirements, each type of feed is brought into a state providing the best effect when fed to agricultural animals [17].

Coarse foods - straw and coarse hay - are prepared according to the following schemes:

1) grinding - dosing - mixing;

2) grinding - steaming - dosing - mixing;

3) grinding - biological (biochemical) or chemical treatment - dosing - mixing .

When processing hay into flour, a scheme is used: grinding (cutting length 8... 12 mm) - drying - grinding .

Hay flour is added to various feed mixtures. If the hay is dry enough, the feed can be prepared according to the scheme: grinding - dosing - mixing.

Juicy fodders (root-club crops) are prepared according to the following schemes :

1) washing - grinding - dosing - mixing;

2) washing - steaming - grinding - dosing - mixing;

3) washing - grinding - dosing - yeast - mixing.

Variants of these process diagrams are possible in the order of some operations and their purpose. The first scheme is used on cattle farms, the second on pig farms, the third on various livestock farms.

Concentrated feeds are prepared using the following schemes:

1) cleaning - grinding - cooling (yeast) - dosing - mixing;

2) cleaning - grinding - dosing - mixing;

3) cleaning - grinding - dosing - mixing - briquetting;

4) cleaning - germination.

Legumes are soaked after cleaning. According to the second and third schemes, combined feed is prepared.

Operating diagrams are used for selection of process equipment [20].

Careful selection of feeds and meeting the need for all the necessary nutrients allows you to increase the water of the same cows by 1.5... 2 times.

The rations of cows are based on hay, silage, senage, root crops, grass cutting and grass flour, concentrates, and in the summer - green feed and concentrates. The type of feeding, the ratio of feed in the diet may vary depending on the characteristics of the natural and climatic zones and farm conditions, as well as on the level of dairy productivity of cows.

An important factor in feeding cows is the quality of voluminous feed (hay, senage, silage). This should ensure that cows need feed to form 10... 15 kg of milk. Silage and senage serve as sources of protein, carbohydrates and carotene, favorably act on the digestive system. Root crops have a specific dairy effect. In highly productive cows when added to the diet 8... 10 kg of fodder beet with wood increases by 2.2 kg.

When feeding milking cows, concentrate, semi-concentrate, low-concentrate and voluminous types of feeding are most widespread.

The share of concentrates in the diet is with a concentrate type of more than 40%, semi-concentrate - 25... 39, low-concentrate - 10... 24 and volumetric - up to 10%. The cost of concentrates per 1 kg of milk, respectively, g: over 370. 360... 230. 220... 105 to 100 [17].

For cows with high yield (more than 6,000 kg of milk per year), the most suitable is the concentrate type of feeding. At the same time, the inclusion of vitamin supplements is mandatory. With a concentrate type of feeding, the acid-alkaline ratio of the elements must be constantly controlled. This is due to the fact that with an excess of acidic elements in the diets, osteodystrophy can develop and decrease in weight. In this case, it is good to add special premixes rich in alkaline elements. This type of feeding can be used in regions with high crop yields.

In the case of cows, 3500... 5500 kg of milk, it is most advisable to use a semi-concentrate type of feeding [12].

Depending on a set of juicy forages in farms distinguish silage, silosnosenazhny, silage and rhizocarpous types of feeding.

The most widespread type of feeding of milking cows is semi-concentrated silo-corny. With this type of feeding, the normal saturation of the diet's dry matter with energy and the optimal sugar protein ratio - (0.8... 1.2): 1, that is, per 1000 g of digestible protein in the diet should be 800... 1200 g of sugar. Feeding with concentrated and voluminous feed in the form of full-length feed mixtures should be normalized for cows according to lactation periods. The level of feeding of cows during lactation should not be the same. 10 days before the calving of cows, it should be below the established standards, and with a stripping much higher. The rest of the feeding of cows should be carried out in accordance with the recommended standards.

Feed mixtures must be fed at least 3 times a day. One-time cottage of concentrated feed during milking from automated feeders is 1.5... 2 kg.

It is necessary to maintain the following diet structure according to nutritional value at a milk yield of 5000 kg,%: hay - 11, grass cutting - 3, senage - 10, root crops - 7, green feed - 24, concentrates - 35; with an impact of 8000 kg of milk - 12, 2, 7, 6, 11, 18, 44, respectively.

In the first 2 days after calving, cows are fed only benign hay - 2... 3 kg and given a catch 2 times a day (0.5 kg of wheat bran per bucket of warm water). On the 3... 4th day, root crops begin to be fed first, then senage, silage, straw cutting. Only for 8... The 10th day of cows is transferred to a full diet.

In the first half of lactation, feeding should provide high reproducibility and a minimum reduction in live weight of the cow. By the end of this period, animals are fully normalizing the condition of the breast, genitals, increasing feed consumption and milk productivity. Since that time, the cow must receive advanced feeding in the form of concentrates. The principle of advanced feeding is that with an increase in milk, the level of cow feeding increases faster. The feeding level is increased as long as the water increases. Upon reaching the peak, a further increase in the number of concentrates in the diet is stopped, keeping the level of feeding stable for 6... 8 weeks.

In the second lactation period, feeding should be strictly normalized by actual productivity. During this period, cows reduce their water, approaching launch. The diets include silage, senage, pulp, bard, and then green mass. The lack of digestible protein can be compensated by the use of carbamide. The optimal ratio of volumetric and concentrated feed in terms of nutriency should be 70:30. Daily cottages of compound feed are 200... 350 g per 1 kg of milk [17].

Fodder is prepared in order to increase their edibility, digestibility and use of nutrients. Fodder preparation is used to improve their taste qualities, increase full protein in them (due to microbiological synthesis), enzymatic cleavage of difficult-to-digest carbohydrates to simpler compounds available to the body.

Preparation of coarse feeds. Among the main coarse feed for farm animals are hay and straw. In the diet of animals in winter, the feed of these species is 25... 30% in terms of nutrition. The preparation of hay consists mainly in grinding to increase the edibility and improve the technological properties. Physical and mechanical techniques are also widely used to increase the eatability and partially digestibility of straw - grinding, steaming, brewing, loosening, granulation.

Grinding is the easiest way to prepare straw for feeding. It helps to increase its eating ability and facilitates the work of the digestive organs of animals. The most acceptable length of medium-grade straw cutting for use in loose feed mixtures is 2... 5 cm, for the preparation of briquettes 0.8... 3 cm, granules 0.5 cm. For grinding, skirted straw is loaded with forage (FN12, FN-1.4, PSK5, PZ-0.3) in vehicles. In addition, for grinding straw with humidity of 17%, crushers IGK30B, KDU-2M, ISK3, IRT-165 are used, and straws of increased humidity are crushers of treeless action DKVZA, IRMA-15, IRM50, DIS-1M [19].

Preparation of concentrated feed. To increase nutritional value and more rational use of forage grain, various methods of its processing are used - grinding, frying, cooking and steaming, cooling, extrusion, micronisation, spitting, flaking, restoration, yeast.

Grinding is a simple, publicly available and mandatory method of preparing grain for feeding. Dry grain of good quality is milled with normal color and smell on hammer crushers and grain mills. The degree of grinding depends on the eatability of the feed, the speed of its passage through the gastrointestinal tract, the volume of digestive juices and their enzyme activity.

The degree of grinding is determined by weighing the residues on the screen after screening the sample. Fine grinding is a residue on a sieve with holes with a diameter of 2 mm with a quantity of not more than 5% if there is no residue on a sieve with holes with a diameter of 3 mm; average grinding - the rest on a sieve with holes of 3 mm with an amount of not more than 12% if there are no residues on a sieve with holes of 5 mm; large grinding - the residue on a sieve with holes with a diameter of 3 mm with a quantity of not more than 35% when the residue on a sieve with holes of 5 mm with a quantity of not more than 5%, at the same time the presence of whole grains is not allowed.

Sieve crusher DB-5 is intended for grinding of various types of forage grain with moisture of not more than 17%. As an independent machine, the DB-5-1 modification is used; and for feed mills - DB-5-2.

DB-5-1 set includes crusher, loading and unloading screws. The main assembly units of the crusher: a crushing chamber with a drum, a grain hopper, a separation chamber with an auger, a pressure pipeline, an automatic load regulator ARZ1, an electric motor, and a control system.

The design of the DB-5 crusher provides closed circulation of air and crushed product, which reduces the dust content of the environment. The capacity of the DB-5 crusher is 1.5... 2 times higher than the KDU2 crusher [20].

Universal KDU2 "Ukrainka" fodder mill is designed for crushing concentrated, green and coarse fodders and can be used both separately and in production lines of fodders.

Grain or cake is fed from receiving hopper into crushing chamber. Giving is regulated by the gate, and loading of the feed grinder is controlled by the ampermeter indicator. Before entering the crushing chamber, the grain is cleaned of metal impurities with a permanent magnet.

Two-thirds of the crushing chamber along the circumference is occupied by a deck (corrugated or with punching holes) and one-third by a replaceable grid, with the help of which the degree of crushing of concentrated fodders is controlled and crushed mass is withdrawn from the crushing chamber. Particles are destroyed in crushing chamber due to impact interaction.

Crushing of coarse (dry stalked) and green fodders in the crusher is carried out in the same way as grains, but in this case hay, straw or corn cobs are supplied to the feeding conveyor, sealed with a pressing conveyor and in this form go to the knife drum, where the material is previously crushed. After grinding with a knife drum, the material enters the crushing chamber, where it is second crushed by rotor hammers. Further, the crushed coarse feed (through the screen or without the screen) makes the same way as the crushed concentrated feed.

To crush wet green fodders, the machine is converted.

Grain crushing capacity up to 2 t/h. The installed electric motor power is 30 kW.

Various machines are used in process lines to prepare juicy fodders and root tubers.

The unit of agrarian and industrial complex 10A is intended for preparation of the combined silo. It is also used in cattle farms to prepare mono-feed. The unit includes a screw wash, a crushing chamber, a feed conveyor, a centrifugal pump for supplying water and a fecal pump for discharging dirty water. The unit is driven by an electric motor. Components of mono-feed are simultaneously fed into crushing chamber.

Fodder grinder IKM5 is intended for grinding root-club crops into paste-forming mass with its subsequent mixing with silage in order to obtain combisilos.

Production rate is 5 t/h when crushing cornets and 3 t/h when mixing with silage. Installed power 17 kW [21].

Plant material grinder 477 KMD is designed for grinding stalked fodders. It consists of frame, body, electric motor, drum with knives fixed on it, blocks of anti-cutting plates, casing, box, beater and adapter.

Drum and beater are driven from one electric motor by means of V-belt gears. Shredder capacity 20 t/h, installed power 90 kW.

Root cutting KPI4 is intended for coarse and medium grinding of root and root crops (cattle). The cutter has two discs with replaceable grinding knives, which provides a wider range of fodder grinding. Two modifications of the cutter are produced: with an electric motor with a power of 4 and 5.5 kW. Machine performance 2.5... 4 t/h [19].

Small-sized universal fodder grinder MUIK10 is designed for grinding coarse, juicy, concentrated fodders (grass, silage, grain cobs and corn stems, tops and roots of beet, straw) before feeding to animals.

The grinder consists of a housing, a feeding belt conveyor, a knife beater, a drum with knife-type hammers, a deck with cutting plates and corrugated strips, a deflector (low and high - to supply the ground mass to the conveyor or feed distributor). The feed is supplied to the grinder by the feeder conveyor or manually.

Machine performance 10... 12 t/h, installed power 30 kW.

In agricultural production, a variety of feedstuffs operate. They are classified by purpose for different types of animals, by the type of fodder prepared, by the technology of fodder preparation, the principle of work and other features.

Fodders for the preparation of wet feed have been widely used on pig farms and complexes. On cattle and sheep farms, they are used less often, mainly in cases where the farm has a weak feed (raw material) base, low feed availability with a large number of highly productive animals. The presence of fodders in these conditions makes it possible to compensate for the lack of fodders by using low-value fodder resources (straw, flooring, waste from various industries, etc.), using biological and chemical-thermal treatment of fodders and preparing full-fledged fodder mixtures. A distinctive feature of the work of the fodders of this group is that wet fodder mixtures must be fed to animals immediately after preparation [25].

Fodders for the production of wet fodder mixtures for cattle farms are built according to typical and individual projects. They may include the following main process lines: silo storage and supply; grinding, accumulation and supply of straw; accumulation, grinding and supply of corneclubs; grinding, accumulation and supply of concentrated feed; preparation and supply of nutrient solutions; mixing and dispensing of finished products.

Process lines are designed taking into account feed base of farm, composition of feed mixture, type of treatment of mixture components, mode of animals feeding. These factors are taken into account when picking lines with serial equipment.

Feed farms for cattle are widely diverse: for dairy and feedlot farms, for peasant farms, universal for cattle, pigs and sheep, for the production of mixtures with a limited number of components.

On large dairy farms and complexes there are feed mills built according to standard projects 801460, 801-6-4.83, 80165.83, as well as sets of equipment KORK15A9.

On dairy farms on 200... 400 cows and fattening farms on 1000 heads, kits of CORK5 equipment are used to prepare wet feed mixtures .

Fodder farms, built according to typical designs of previous years, are designed to serve large livestock farms and complexes. The equipment of these feed mills is characterized by high energy intensity, their operation requires great labor and energy consumption [19].

In the last 10 years, purchase prices for milk and dairy products have plummeted. At the same time, prices for manufactured goods (machinery, equipment) and electricity increased. Milk production in many farms has become unprofitable.

Under these conditions, mechanized fodder processing and the preparation of fodder mixtures do not always pay off, and the construction of new fodders becomes impractical. There is no universal science-based and proven methodology for determining the effectiveness of fodder treatment methods and the operation of fodders. The feasibility of building and operating feed farms depends on a case-by-case basis on the species, livestock and productivity of animals, the structure of the herd, the condition of the feed base and the availability of the farm with feed.

When designing feed farms for dairy farms, the feasibility of designing and using a feed farm for a particular farm can be determined taking into account the availability of feed, livestock and their productivity [25].

With 100% availability of dairy farms with high-quality feed, it is economically profitable to use fodder farms only on farms with a population of more than 600 heads and a productivity level of more than 3500 kg per year. With 90% availability and the same productivity, the feed shop is effective on farms with a population of 470 cows .

Most regions of Russia are characterized by low availability of feed farms. Lack of concentrated feed, hay, quality silage is compensated by wheat, oat, millet and rye straw treated by chemical-thermal method and fed to animals in the form of full wet mixtures or granulated and briquetted mixed feed.

Process feed equipment is placed in special rooms - feed mills, in which tens of tons of various feed are processed daily. Complex mechanization of fodder preparation makes it possible to improve their quality, to obtain full-level mixtures in the form of mono-feed with simultaneous reduction of cost of their treatment.

There are specialized and combined fodders. Specialized feed farms are intended for one type of farm (cattle, pig breeding, poultry breeding), and combined - for several branches of animal husbandry [18].

In the feed farms of livestock farms, three main technological lines are distinguished, according to which feed preparation machines are grouped and classified. These are process lines of concentrated, juicy and coarse (green feed). All three converge on the final operations of the fodder preparation process: dosing, steaming and mixing.

The technology of feeding animals with full-diet fodder briquettes and granules in the form of mono-feed is widely introduced. For farms and cattle complexes, typical projects of KORK15, KORK-5 and others are used.

Conclusions and proposals

1. An analysis of the production activity of the enterprise shows that economic indicators in Ivanovskoye LLC are not quite high.

For efficient production of livestock products in the farm, it is necessary to improve the technological line for the preparation of feed for cattle, according to which the existing fodder should be reconstructed.

Analysis of literary sources shows that the preparation of high-quality, nutritious food is possible only with the use of modern technological equipment. The feed preparation technology developed in the project will not only make more rational use of the feed and reduce energy costs, but also ensure increased productivity of animals.

3. The analysis of existing feed mixer-grinders revealed the advantages and disadvantages of different designs.

To increase the efficiency of the ISK3A grinder and reduce power consumption, a new design of the grinder-mixer cutting apparatus is proposed. The refurbished mixer in the project has a productivity 20% higher than the prototype.

4. The developed measures on labor protection and environmental protection will prevent injuries at work and improve the environmental situation in the farm.

5. Technical and economic calculations show the effectiveness of technological solutions and design development. Their implementation in the economy will give an annual economic effect of 153.6 thousand rubles with a payback period of additional investments of 1.5 years.

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