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Improvement of bus routes



Project's Content

icon Анализ АК 1375.docx
icon Книга1.xlsx
icon Показатели использования автопарка.dwg
icon Экономические показатели.dwg
icon Расчетно техническая часть.docx
icon связь.dwg
icon Эпюры пассажиропотока.dwg
icon Детали.dwg
icon Конструкторская часть стенд переборки кпп.docx
icon спецификация 2.DOC
icon спецификация1.DOC
icon Стенд.dwg
icon Стойка.dwg
icon виброопора.dwg
icon Охрана труда освешения и виброзашиты.docx
icon Экологическая часть, ртуть.docx
icon График экономики.dwg
icon Таблица экономический эффект.dwg
icon Экономическая часть.docx
icon Аннотация.docx
icon Заключение.docx
icon Послание автора читать НЕ обязательно.txt
icon Содержание.docx
icon Список использованных источников.docx

Additional information



1 Analysis of production activities of the enterprise

1.1 Characteristics of the convoy No.

1.2 Business Analysis

2 Design and technical part

2.1 Introduction

2.2. development of bus route schedule

2.2.1 Initial data on the route

2.2.2 Determining the volume of passenger traffic on the route

2.2.3 Calculation and plotting of vehicle requirements by hours of day

2.2.4 Development of the route schedule

2.2.5 Determination of main performance indicators of buses on the route

2.3 Modern Radio Location Systems

2.4 Development of measures for the implementation of the vehicle monitoring system on convoy No. 1375 and selection of the necessary equipment

2.5 Methodology of operational control of urban passenger transport

2.6 Factors for improving the quality of passenger services

2.7 Output

3 Design part

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Analysis of vehicle transmission repair devices

3.3 Description of the design of the bench under development for the repair of the gearbox of the Mercedes Benz Sprinter 413CDI bus

3.4 Calculation of main units and bench elements

3.5 Output

4 Occupational safety

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Health and Safety Condition on Convoy No.

4.3 Calculation of injury indicators

4.4 Hazardous and harmful production factors

4.5 Development of engineering solutions to limit impacts of hazardous production factors

4.5.1 Calculation of artificial lighting

4.5.2 Calculation of vibration protection


Graduation qualification work in the form of a diploma project contains a calculation and explanatory note with the volume of pages and a graphic part on 10 sheets of A1 format.

The calculation explanatory note includes 6 sections, tables and illustrations, graphs.

In the section "Analysis of production activities," an analysis of the state of the production and technical base of the State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mostransavto" branch of convoy No. 1375 was carried out, the goals and objectives of the diploma project were formulated, measures to improve the production operation of the bus fleet were presented.

In the section "Calculation Technical Part" calculation is given for scheduling for a separate route, a set of measures is proposed, which includes: acquisition of sensors and receivers of the Lokatrans information navigation system, as well as facilities for constant communication with vehicles on the line. Plan of installation of this equipment on buses, explanation of system operation principle and mathematical model. Change Control Service schema.

In the section "Design Part," an analysis of devices for repairing car transmissions was carried out, the design of the developed stand for repairing the Mercedes Benz Sprinter 413CDI bus checkpoint was described, the main components and elements of the stand were calculated.

In the section "Labor Protection," an analysis of the state of labor protection on convoy No. 1375 was carried out, measures were proposed to eliminate negative production factors in the car repair shop, in particular, the reconstruction of the lighting of the aggregate section and vibration insulation were calculated.

The section "Ecology" proposes measures to reduce the environmental burden of the enterprise on the environment, considers a project to modernize artificial, street lighting, by replacing mercury lamps with more economical and safe sodium lamps, provides an economic assessment of the event.

In the section "Economics," an assessment was made of the cost-effectiveness of improving the routes of convoy buses No. 1375 using the means of introducing the information navigation system

The conclusion contains conclusions on each of the sections, general design results and proposals for their implementation in production conditions.

3 Design part

3.1 Introduction

In conditions of increasing volumes of passenger traffic, maintaining buses in a state of high operational reliability with minimal labor and material costs and creating labor safety for traffic and environmental conditions is the main goal of all services of the motor vehicle enterprise.

The efficiency of road transport in transport depends primarily on the level of technical readiness of vehicles. In this regard, the role of high-quality diagnosis and qualified repair of vehicles becomes especially great.

Assembly and assembly works during the repair of rolling stock at Convoy No. 1375 are among the most time-consuming and least equipped with modern equipment. In this regard, one of the main tasks of the development of automotive repair production at the enterprise is to increase the level of mechanization.

The main defects of gearboxes are cracks and cracks of the crankcase, wear of gear teeth, holes for bearings and the bearings themselves. To eliminate these defects, a significant amount of disassembly, welding and other work is required, which requires the use of special devices


During the analysis of the production and technical base of the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mostransavto, the branch of convoy No. 1375 revealed inconsistencies in the resulting economic result, the composition and size of the bus fleet. In this regard, the goals and objectives of the project were formulated, measures to improve the production operation of the bus fleet, and means to achieve the intended goal .

Based on calculations, it was established that the non-load of buses on routes as a result of the introduction of the information navigation system can be reduced from an average of 72 to 14%

In order to improve repair operations at the company in question, in the diploma project, a stand was developed for repairing the Mercedes Benz Sprinter 413CDI bus checkpoint. At the same time, the most common models of stands for repairing checkpoints were analyzed, their characteristics were given, the main advantages and disadvantages were considered. Calculation of bench units and elements is performed.

An analysis of the state of labor protection at convoy No. 1375 was carried out, measures were proposed to improve the state of labor protection, reduce the impact of harmful industrial factors, calculation of injury rates at work, calculation of lighting and vibration insulation

Measures are proposed to reduce the environmental burden of the enterprise on the environment, a project is being considered to modernize artificial, street lighting, by replacing mercury lamps with more economical and safe sodium lamps, an economic assessment of the event is given.

An assessment of the cost-effectiveness of improving the routes of convoy buses No. 1375 using the means of introducing an information navigation system was carried out. The payback period was 0.81 years, the estimated economic effect is 7303tys. rub.

Drawings content

icon Показатели использования автопарка.dwg

Показатели использования автопарка.dwg

icon Экономические показатели.dwg

Экономические показатели.dwg

icon связь.dwg


icon Эпюры пассажиропотока.dwg

Эпюры пассажиропотока.dwg

icon Детали.dwg


icon Стенд.dwg


icon Стойка.dwg


icon виброопора.dwg


icon График экономики.dwg

График экономики.dwg

icon Таблица экономический эффект.dwg

Таблица экономический эффект.dwg