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House of technical creativity KP Architecture

  • Added: 01.05.2016
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Course work in the discipline Architecture of buildings "House of technical creativity," includes explanatory note and drawings (Plan, Facade, Section, Wall Detail, Roof Plan, Foundation Plan, Floor Plan, Situation Plan (pdf)) in dwg format.

Project's Content

icon Praktika-Ситуация.pdf
icon ПЗ Серова.doc
icon Практика_recover.dwg

Additional information



1. Source Data

2. Architectural and construction solutions

2.1. Space Planning Solution

2.2.Performance of the designed building

2.3. Evacuation measures from the building

3. Design Solutions

3.1. Description and construction of foundations

3.2. Description and construction of exterior walls

3.3. Description and construction of internal walls and partitions

3.4 Description and structure of the slab

3.5 Description and construction of roof and roof

3.6 Windows and Doors

4. Design part

4.1. Heat engineering calculation of the load-bearing structure

4.1. Heat Engineering Roof Calculation

List of literature

Graphic part of 7 sheets

Source Data

The construction of the House of Technical Creativity is carried out in Cherepovets. The relief of construction is calm. The building is built on a projected area of ​ ​ 1 ha. We accept a two-story building with the location of the main facade on the south side.

Landscaping provides for: landscaping in the form of rarely planted trees and shrubs;

The foundations of the two-story building are taken as prefabricated reinforced concrete ribbons. Walls - brick efficient masonry. External walls - 588 mm thick; internal bearing walls - 380 mm thick; columns 520 * 520 mm; gypsum board partitions 160 mm thick. Prefabricated, reinforced concrete floors consisting of slabs with round voids and girders (P 300 * 400) for resting on columns and pilasters. Windows - with single-chamber PVC windows. Jumpers above window and door openings - prefabricated reinforced concrete.

In terms of storeys, the building belongs to low-rise; in terms of durability - a building with a service life of 50100 years; fire resistance - III class; by capital - class IV.

Structural diagram of the building is arceless cross-wall with transverse bearing walls.

Vertical structural elements - walls, external and internal; horizontal structural elements - slabs. The location of the inner structural wall is transverse. Climatic area - IIB.

Architectural and construction solutions

2.1. Space Planning Solution

The building according to the space-planning solution is a mixed (combined) type building, a specialized building of group II. The number of floors of the designed building is two; the height of the first floor is 3.3 m, the second - 3.3 m.

2.3. Evacuation measures from the building

Ergonomic: the purpose of the exit size corresponding to the anthropometric size of people, the features of their movement; normalization of forces at doors opening.

Structural: strength, stability and reliability of exit structures, rationing of flammability of finishing on escape routes, height differences on traffic routes (sizes of steps, slope of stairs).

Engineering and technical measures: organization of smoke protection, equipment with automatic fire extinguishing units, design of the required illumination, placement of light indicators, loudspeakers of the warning system.

Organizational: prevention of cluttering of the way out with combustible materials, as well as objects, reducing their throughput.

2.4. Explosion and fire safety measures

Access to fire engines can be carried out from the facade of the building, as well as from the rear.

Emergency lighting was designed on the escape routes.

The wiring in the building is hidden.

Description and construction of exterior walls

The external walls of the designed building are provided in the form of effective brickwork with a thickness of 588 mm (load-bearing masonry - ceramic brick with a size of 250 × 120 × 65mm, facing layer - ceramic multistage brick 250 × 120 × 65mm): the internal layer - brickwork with a thickness of 380 mm, a layer of thermal insulation in the form of mineral wool plates "CAVITIBATTS TS" 120 mm thick (883 layer 070mm).

Description and construction of internal walls and partitions

The internal walls of the designed building are made of 380 mm thick brickwork. Pilasters from external walls under girders 380 * 120 mm. The masonry of the wall is made of ceramic clay ordinary brick with a size of 250x120x65.

The columns are made of brickwork with a thickness of 438 * 438 mm, with a cavity inside (58 mm), for a metal pipe.

Interroom partitions 160 mm thick are made of conventional gypsum board (GCL).

Roof and

Roof Description and Construction

The roof of the building is attic unvented. It consists of a layer of vapor insulation (ruberoid) laid on the coating slabs, a layer of expanded clay to give the required slope and a layer of plate insulation with a thickness of 165 mm, a cement cloth brace of 15 mm. Ruberoid in two layers and protective layer of gravel with thickness of 30 mm are laid on top of cement-cloth bracing.

A reinforced concrete cornice is laid on the edges of the outer walls.

Also on the roof there is an outlet of ventilation ducts and a dormer window.

Removal of water from the roof - organized.

Drawings content

icon Практика_recover.dwg
