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Hole boring device

  • Added: 21.04.2022
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The developed special installation and clamping device with a hydraulic drive is designed for installation, basing and fastening of the "Base" part. The device is designed for operation 50 Vertical drilling for boring holes in the child. "Foundation". The annual program of production of cases is N = 10000pcs per year. The mode of operation of the site is adopted - two-shift. 

Project's Content

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Additional information



Justification of necessity to equip process operation with accessory

Part Design Description

Selecting Part Reference Features

Selection of the principal version of the designed accessory, its structural, structural and layout solutions

Description of fixture structures

Determination of part location error in accessory

Calculation of cutting forces

Calculating Part Anchor Forces

Selection and calculation of accessory power devices

Calculation of fixture for accuracy

11. Fixture Design Features

12. Use of control devices in the accessory

13. Technical and economic calculation application of the device

14. Instruction on application of accessory


List of literature used

Abstract for coursework

The developed special installation clamping device with hydraulic drive is intended for installation, basing and attachment of the "Base" part. The accessory is designed for operation 50 Vertical - drill hole for bore hole in the child. "Foundation." The annual package release program is N = 10000 pcs per year. The mode of operation of the section is accepted - two-shift .

The type of production is medium-sized.

As a result, the following calculations were made for the design of a special installation clamping hydraulic device;

- calculation of cutting forces at bore of hole Pz = 1193 N;

- air attachment force calculated

Q = 7077 N


The device installed on a spindle or machine table is called a machine tool and serves to install and secure parts.

Depending on type of production of machine devices are divided into the universal, universalnonaladochny, collapsible, special and universal national teams.

Universal devices are used to fix parts of different shape and overall dimensions, which are processed on various metal cutting machines in single and small-scale production.

Universal adjustment device is used to install and fix a certain group, similar in shape to parts

Assembly-disassembling devices are assembled from normalized units and parts for installation and fixation of the same type of parts. Basically, these devices are used on milling and drilling machines in small and medium-sized industries. Special devices are used to perform certain machining operations of the same size type. They are mainly used in mass and large-scale production.

The use of machine tools allows:

- exclude part markups before processing and their reconciliation;

- significantly increase labor productivity as a result of reduction of auxiliary time, increase of number of simultaneously processed parts;

- provide conditions of multi-station servicing of several machines by one worker;

- Greatly facilitate the work of machine workers and use workers with lower qualifications;

- increase accuracy of parts manufacturing;

- expand the technological capabilities of machine tools;

- create conditions for machine mechanization and automation;

- reduce the cost of machined parts.

Justification of the need for equipment

Process operation by accessory

Operation Vertical drilling, which is performed on the Vertical drilling machine of the 2D450 model, must be equipped with a special installation clamp with a hydraulic drive, since the program for the release of parts "Base" increases to 10,000 pieces per year.

In addition, the type of production on assignment is medium-term, which causes

necessity of design of hydraulic drive accessory.

To reduce the cost of design, a hydraulic drive device for boring a hole in the base, we use 50% of unified and standard parts in the design of the device

In addition, we select the range of bases that will be processed at the Vertical Drilling Operation 50 so that the loading of the 2D450 machine is at least 80%. This makes it possible to use a special hydraulic device in this operation.

Description of accessory structure

5.1 Designed special installation clamping hydraulic accessory is intended for boring in the part "Base."

5.2 Accessory composition.

The accessory consists of normalized parts and assemblies. The main components of the accessory part are a distribution valve, which is located outside the accessory, two hydraulic cylinders, a housing, basing elements - these are plates and fingers, one smooth cylindrical, the other cut, T-shaped grips.

5.3 Operation principle of the accessory.

When technical oil p = 10 MPa is supplied to lower chambers of hydraulic cylinders, rods with pistons move downwards and turn T-shaped grips by 900 through slots with simultaneous attachment of "Base" part installed along the base elements in the accessory. T-shaped grips are attached on rods. When technical oil is supplied to upper cavity of hydraulic cylinders, pistons with rod move upwards, grips release part from fixation and turn it simultaneously by 900.

Fixture Design Features

When designing a special hydraulic accessory, it is necessary to:

- obtain the technical assignment for the device design;

- have a drawing of the part, on which it is necessary to design the accessory, and a technology for this operation;

- part release program, or production type, in this case N = 10000 pcs as per task. Consequently, the mass of the part and the exhaust program of the housings is medium-sized, and, therefore, an accessory with an automated drive (hydraulic) is designed;

- Study and study the issues used in the production of this type of devices, use reference literature and information on standard devices;

- calculate the structural elements of the accessory during its design;

- use a larger number of standard products and normalized units in the device when designing at least 50% according to the task;

- calculate the cost of production of the accessory and payback period

Use of control equipment and control devices in the accessory

When designing a special hydraulic accessory, it is necessary to:

1. Provide control and measuring bases of the accessory, that is, basing elements for measuring the accessory for accuracy. In this device we take the housing of the device as the base.

2. The base elements of the fixture of the plate, fingers, which are accurate elements of the fixture, and are periodically checked for accuracy, are located on the housing of the fixture. To measure the plates on which the housing is installed, a special instrumentation is made to control the tolerance of their parallelism relative to the base (the tolerance of parallelism in this case is equal to 1000 mm of length).

3. To measure the thickness of the fixture plates, we apply a special template for their measurement, from the basic size of the fixture base (the tolerance for wear of the plates in thickness is equal), thus for machining "Bases" at step 50 Vertical-drill we make a special control and measuring equipment to check the fixture for accuracy, since this ultimately affects the mechanical treatment of the base as a whole when calculating seats.

Operating Manual

Before operating a special hydraulic accessory, it is necessary to:

1. Check the whole hydraulic system of the accessory for pressure tightness 10 MPa, within one hour, at that oil leakage is not permitted.

2. Check the reliability of attachment to the 2d450 machine table.

3. Check the tightness of the distribution clutch to supply technical oil to the system.

4. Check marking on the accessory.

5. Check the threaded hole for the bolt, which is used to screw in the eye-bolt for lifting and lowering of the accessory.


As a result of designing a special installation clamping device with a hydraulic drive, power mechanisms of the accessory (hydraulic cylinders) D = 40m and rod diameter d = 22mm were developed according to the given design calculations. The fixing force of each power mechanism Q = 7077H is calculated. The economic effect of the introduction of the device at the given costs (estimated) amounted to 12096 rubles. The payback period was 0.82 years. Therefore, the fixture is effective and recommended for introduction into production.

Drawings content

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