• RU
  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 3

Heating and ventilation of three-storey cottage - Karaganda


Course project. 3 floor drawings, explanatory note, annexes for calculations

Project's Content

icon 1. исходные данные.doc
icon 2.тепловая мощность системы отопления.doc
icon 3.3 Подбор котла и насоса.doc
icon 3.4 Расчет нагревательных приборов.doc
icon 3.Проектирование системы отопления.doc
icon 4.Вентиляция.doc
icon 1 этаж.bak
icon 1 этаж.dwg
icon 2 этаж новый (new).bak
icon 2 этаж новый (new).dwg
icon Подвал, АКСОНОМЕТРИИ.bak
icon Подвал, АКСОНОМЕТРИИ.dwg
icon титульник.bak
icon титульник.dwg
icon Приложение 1( Расчет тепловых потерь).xls
icon Приложение 2.xls
icon Приложение 3.xls
icon Содержание.doc
icon список литературы.doc

Additional information


1. Brief description of the construction site and area

1.1.Inventory data for design and climatological data of construction area

1.2.The characteristics of the building and the design parameters of the internal air in the rooms

1.3.Selection of building enclosing structures

2. Heating System Thermal Power Determination

2.1. Calculation of heat loss through fences of building premises

2.2. Determination of heat losses by the building according to the enlarged indicators

3. Design of building heating system

3.1.Construction of heating system

3.2.Hydraulic calculation of heating system pipelines

3.3.Fill boiler and pump

3.4. Calculation of heating devices

4. Design of natural ventilation of the building

4.1.Determination of required air exchanges and selection of ventilation system diagram

4.2.Aerodynamic calculation of natural exhaust ventilation system

5. List of used literature


1. Brief description of the construction site and area

1.1. Design basis and climatological data of construction area

• Geographical location of the facility - Karaganda/1/;

• Climatological data of the construction area:

- design ambient temperature for heating design (average temperature of the coldest five days) ,/2/;

- average wind speed in January, 5.3 m/s/2/;

- design barometric pressure ,/2/;

• Coolant parameters at the input to the building:

- hot water temperature in the supply pipeline (1);

- temperature of cooled water in the return pipeline ,/1/;

- artificial pressure generated by the pump (1);

3. Design of building heating system

3.1. Heating System Design

The design of the heating system begins with the placement of heating devices on floor plans.

Heating devices are installed mainly under light openings and near external walls.

After arrangement of heating devices, we begin to select the schematic diagram of the heating system. The choice of scheme depends on the structural features of the residential building: since the cottage has a combined roof (there is no attic), but there is a basement, we design a single-tube heating system with artificial circulation and with lower wiring, with the laying of both highways along the external walls under the ceiling of the basement.

The use of a single tube system is due to its more economical, thermal and hydraulic stability compared to a double tube system. In addition, single-tube systems are easier to install.

The most economical, vertical non-adjustable single-tube systems, but their use is possible only in buildings where air temperature control of individual rooms is not required.

Therefore, as a circuit diagram, we accept a single-tube flow-unregulated system with lower wiring.

On floor plans we place risers (including the main one), on the basement plan we apply supply and return lines. The risers are connected to the mains in such a way that all parallel branches of the systems have approximately the same thermal load and length.

The risers are laid open and placed in the spacers and in the corners of the external walls to prevent freezing.

The heating devices are arranged so that the system has the smallest number of risers, and the branches to them have the smallest length.

Water is lowered from the system to the sink of the heat point, the slope of the pipes of the lines towards the descent is at least 0.002.

An individual heat station, including a heating system control unit with a boiler, a pump, an expansion tank, a shutoff and control equipment, is located in the boiler room of the cottage, which is located in the basement of the building.

Air removal in the system is carried out through air outlet valves installed in the upper plugs of the upper floor radiators.

To disconnect the risers at the points of connection to the supply and return lines, install plug valves.

Drawings content

icon 1 этаж.dwg

icon 2 этаж новый (new).dwg

icon Подвал, АКСОНОМЕТРИИ.dwg

icon титульник.dwg