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Coursework on heat supply of the district of the city


The course project provides for a two-pipe water heat supply system, the source of heat is a CHP. Development district - Moscow. Heat supply system - closed. The design temperature parameters of the coolant according to the heating schedule are 140 - 70 0С. The type of laying of heat networks is channel-free in bitumoperlite. Soil data: soil type - clay, density-1700kg/m3, thermal conductivity-3.14kJ/ms0 С; Design ambient temperature for heating design tn = -26 0С, for ventilation design tn = -15 0С, average ambient temperature for heating period tcp = -3.8 0С, heating period duration n0 = 213 days .

Project's Content

icon ilin-6-semestr-moe.dwg

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Drawings content

icon ilin-6-semestr-moe.dwg
