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Heat point in the trade and exhibition center. CU

  • Added: 14.08.2014
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Local accounting of the amount of thermal energy is carried out by measuring the flow rate of direct and reverse network water and the temperature difference between direct and reverse network water by a double-flow heat meter.

Project's Content

icon Записка ТП Катунино (авт).doc
icon Изоляция.dwg
icon Общие данные.dwg
icon Расположение трубопроводов.dwg
icon Схема тепловая.dwg

Additional information



I. General part

II. Key solutions

III. Rationale for the selection of automation tools

IV. Electrical and pipe wiring

V. Installation details

Explanatory Note

I. General part

The initial data for the development of the automation project section were tasks from departments:

design of heating, ventilation and heat supply;

The project was developed in accordance with SNB 1.03.0296 "Composition, procedure for development and approval of design documentation in construction."

The design takes into account the following requirements:

SNiP 3.05.0785 "Automation Systems";

SNiP 2.04.0786 "Thermal networks."

II. Key solutions

Automation performed in this project corresponds to the design assignment.

Local accounting of the amount of thermal energy is carried out by measuring the flow rate of direct and reverse network water and the temperature difference between direct and reverse network water by a double-flow heat meter.

Control of direct coolant temperature for heating with correction by ambient air temperature by RTM 03 "Strumen" temperature regulator.

To control pumps 2, 3, a heat station control cabinet is used, in which a temperature controller PTM03 is installed. Automatic switching on and off of heating pumps depending on external conditions. Pumps are protected by coolant pressure.

Local temperature and pressure control is provided:

direct network water to the filter from the network;

return network water after the heat meter;

direct and return network water for ventilation;

direct and return network water to and after heat exchangers 1;

hot water to hot water supply system;

tap water to heat exchanger 1;

direct mains water upstream pumps 2;

hot water from the system upstream of the circulation pump 3;

return network water from the heating system to the filter.

Local pressure control:

tap water from the network;

direct and reverse network water from the network;

direct network water before and after the control valve;

direct mains water at suction and pumping of pumps 2;

direct network water to heat exchanger 1;

reverse network water downstream of heat exchanger 1;

tap water from the network;

hot water from the WAN system;

on filters before and after;

hot water at suction and discharge of circulation pump 3.

III. Rationale for the selection of automation tools

Local automation systems are built on instruments, automation equipment, mass-produced industry.

The control cabinet by heatpoint, developed by NPOOO GranSistemaS is used to regulation of temperature of the heat carrier and automatic control of pumps of heating.

IV. Electrical and pipe wiring

Electrical wiring is made by PVA wire GOST 739980 and installation cable MKASH GOST 1034880. Cables and wires are laid on trays with attachment to construction structures.

Cables are laid partially in the metal box along the walls to the trays.

Heat energy meter is connected by wire and cable according to manufacturer's certificate.

Pipe wiring is made with seamless steel pipe GOST 873475.

V. Installation details

Installation of instrumentation and automation equipment is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.0785 and according to drawings of typical structures developed by the Assembly Association. Tie-ins of embedded structures for instrumentation are provided in the set of PC drawings.

According to requirements of GOST 3033195, metal casings of devices, devices, actuators, etc. are subject to grounding.

The design provides for zero working and zero protective conductors, as which special conductors and cable cores are used.

Drawings content

icon Изоляция.dwg


icon Общие данные.dwg

Общие данные.dwg

icon Расположение трубопроводов.dwg

Расположение трубопроводов.dwg

icon Схема тепловая.dwg

Схема тепловая.dwg