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Heat Network Laying Technology


Construction and Installation Technology Course Project

Project's Content

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icon Vvedenie.docx
icon 6-8_detyam_1_1.dwg
icon Literatura.doc

Additional information


The purpose of the course project is to develop a process plan for laying a heat supply system in accordance with the design scheme, which includes data: installation diagram of the city of Ryum with a total pipeline length of 1064 m, groundwater level below 3 meters, pipes made of material - steel, pre-insulated, work with soil - clay and time of work - summer

To achieve the goal, the following objectives must be achieved:

-define the scope of application of this Job Instruction;

- determine the characteristics and quantity of the main materials and equipment used;

- compile the operational work execution map;

- perform quality control and acceptance of works;

-display the number and level of workers in the labor costing;

-Compile schedules of movement of labor force and movement of machines and mechanisms, as well as network schedule.

Installation technology of TGSV system

1.2 Scope of Application

A process map is being developed for laying a 1064-meter-long heat pipeline in the city of Ryum. The time for the work is summer, the ground water level is below 3 meters, the lying soils are clay, the pipe material is made of steel pre-insulated pipes, the compensators are gland and U-shaped, the laying method is underground channel-free. Work is carried out in 1 or 2 shifts at 8 hours working day.

The following processes are provided for in the process sheet: preparation works, cutting of the vegetal layer, development of soil into manual, excavation of soil by excavator, soil development with loading, installation of sand cushion, installation of shaped parts, installation of heat chambers, laying of pipelines, installation of sliding supports, heat and water insulation of pipes, installation of compensators, development and compaction of soil, performance of hydraulic tests, improvement and recultation of the object, commissioning works, commissioning .

1.2 Regulatory References

The following technical normative legal acts in the field of technical standardization and standardization are referenced in the Job Instruction:

TKP 451.03-161-2009 "Organization of construction production"

TKP 451.01-159-2009 (02250) "Process documentation during construction and installation works"

GOST 1050213 "Steel pipes and shaped articles insulated with rigid polyurethane foam. Specifications "

GOST 21.20693 "Design Documentation System for Construction"

GOST 173752001 "Seamless welded pipeline parts made of carbon and low alloy steel. tees "

GOST 1070580 (20) "Electric welded steel pipes. Specifications "

GOST 1737883 "Piping parts, seamless welded steel"

KTF-3.903 "Thermal insulation of curved and shaped sections of pipelines and equipment units. Working drawings, "

SNB 2.04.022000 Construction climatology. - Mr.: Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus, 2001. - 40 s. Change No. 1 of 01.07.2007.

TKP 454.02-182-2009 Thermal networks. Construction Design Codes. - Mr.: Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus, 2010. – 58 pages.

Ionin A.A. Heat supply. Textbook for universities/A. A. Ionin, B. M. Khlybov and others. Ed. A.A.Ionin. M: Stroyizdat, 1982.

Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus No. 6 of 25 January 2007 "On Approval of the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines."

TKP 454.02-182-2009 Thermal networks. Construction Design Codes. - Mr.: Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus, 2010. – 58 pages.

TKP 454.01-52-2007 Internal water supply system of buildings. Construction Design Codes. - Mr.: Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. – 42 pages.

TKP 453.01-116-2008 Urban planning. Settlements. Planning and development standards. - Mr.: Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus, 2009. – 68 pages.

TKP 454.02-183-2009 Thermal points. Design Rules. - Mr.: Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus, 2010. – 47 pages.

Kozin V. E. Heat supply: Textbook for university students/V. E. Kozin and others - M.: Higher School, 1980. – 408 pages.

Pre-insulated piping. Components. Directory. ZAO "Polymer Pipe Plant."

The Pacific Rim 313.TC014.000 Standard solutions of laying of pipelines of thermal networks in penopolimermineralny isolation. M: VNIPIenergoprom, 2005 - 97 s.

TKP 454.02-129-2009 Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines. Calculation rules. - Mr.: Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus, 2010. – 57 pages.

TKP 454.02-91-2009 Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines. Construction Design Codes. - Mr.: Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus, 2010. – 32 pages.

Gromov N.K. Water thermal networks. Design reference manual ./Gromov N.K., Shubin E.P. - M: Energoatomizdat, 1988. – 376 pages.

TKP 454.02-89-2007 (02250) Thermal networks of a channel-less gasket made of steel pipes, previously thermally insulated with polyurethane foam in a polyethylene shell. Design and Installation Rules. - Mr.: Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus, 2008. – 43 pages.

1.4 Characteristics of the main materials and articles used

The following materials and products are used to install the heat supply system:

- steel pipes pre-insulated with diameters 710, 560, 450, 315 STB 2252-2012

- fixed supports STB 22522012 - blankings STB 2270-2012

- gland compensator Series 4.90310 Issue 7 - P compensators GOST 21.20693 - tees GOST 17375-2001

- gate valves GOST 1070580 - fixed support STB 2270-2012

- drain GOST 173752001, STB 22702012 - pressure gauge MP50P2 - transitions between pipe diameters STB 2270-2012

- bottom of heat chamber GOST 17378-83

- Central ring of thermal chamber Ktf3.903

- Thermal chamber cover Ktf3.903

To lay a two-tube heat network, PI pipes with a diameter of steel pipe 530x7, 426x7, 325x6, 219x6 mm are used. The diameter of the pipe is 710, 560, 450, 315 mm respectively. Pipes are produced by factories - manufactured in pieces of 11.50m. Ring sections of steel pipe with length from 150 to 250 m shall consist of polyurethane foam thermal insulation. STB 22522012. "Pre-insulated polyurethane foam pipes"

Transportation of PI-pipes is carried out by any type of transport, in compliance with the rules for the transportation of goods, is valid for this type of transport. PI pipes during transportation should be laid flat side by side, on wooden pallets, installed with a pitch of not more than 2 m. The number of tiers of PI pipes during transportation is two. Loading and unloading operations are allowed at tn up to 20 ° С. Loading and unloading operations shall be carried out using soft slings at least 100mm wide

Do not drop, roll, strike and twist PI-pipes on the ground. PI pipes should be stored in stacks with wooden gaskets with a pitch of not more than 2 m. when storing PI pipes for more than two weeks in the open air, must be protected from the effects of sunlight and atmospheric precipitation. For pipelines use FP taps and FP tees, respectively diameters of STB 22702012 "steel articles" FP fixed supports STB 22702012 "steel articles"

For compensation of linear extensions one-sided gland compensators U-shaped compensators Series 4.90310 issue 7 "gland and U-shaped compensators" are adopted

Drawings content

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