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Heat and gas supply to kindergarten


Course project in the discipline Heat and gas supply and ventilation special. Industrial and civil engineering. Kindergarten in Irkutsk. Drawings in the autocade: plans for the basement, first, second floors, roof. Heating, Ventilation Diagram

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. General Data

2. Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures

3. Heat Engineering Floor Calculation

4. Last Floor Slab Calculation

5. Determination of heat losses

6. Selection of heating devices

7. Hydraulic calculation of water heating system pipelines

8. Selection of elevator

9. Ventilation

10. Space Explication

11. Equipment Specification

12. List of literature

General Data

The design of heating and ventilation of the residential building was developed on the basis of the assignment for design and architectural and construction drawings in accordance with SNiP 2.04.0591, SNiP 2.041488 and the reference manual to SNiP 2.08.0189.

Design ambient temperature tn = - 36С.

Design internal air temperature: tB= 22 ° С

- Name: Kindergarten

- Construction area: Irkutsk

- Heating system: Boiler room (Available pressure after elevator installed in the system control unit - 1000 kg/m2) single-tube with lower wiring. Cast iron radiators M140 AO and smooth pipes are used as heating devices.

- Ventilation system: Natural, through ventilation channels from precast reinforced concrete.

- Type of filling of window openings: Typical wooden with 3rd glazing (k = 2.3 W/m * k)

- Filling type of inlet tambour openings: double wooden insulated (k = 3.7 W/m * k)

- Roof type: pitched with attic and insulation

- Coursework consists of: Facade, 1st floor plan, 2nd floor plan, basement plan, attic plan, axonometric scheme of heating and ventilation, explanatory note.

Hydraulic calculation of pipelines of water heating systems.

Hydraulic calculation of heating system pipelines is carried out in order to determine the total pressure losses in the circulation rings and find the located pressure in the system.

To perform hydraulic calculation of pipelines, the type of heating system is selected and an axonometric diagram is drawn, on which all initial data are given. Before drawing the diagram, the following calculation and graphic work is carried out:

- heat losses of each building premises are calculated;

- the type of heating devices is selected and the number of sections in each heating device is determined;

- heating devices are located on floor plans, defined

location of risers, basement or attic plans depict

supply and return lines;

-Defined the location of the heat point.

On the floor plans, attic and basement, risers should be numbered, and on the axonometric diagram, in addition to risers, all design sections of pipelines should be numbered with indication of heat loads and lengths of each design section of large and small circulation rings. The same diagram shows all shut-off equipment. In drawings and axonometric diagrams of heating and ventilation systems, element designations are made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 1162865.

As is known from hydraulics, when real liquid moves through pipes, there are always pressures to overcome the resistance of two types of friction and local resistances.

Local resistances include tees, crosses, taps, tap valves, heating devices, boilers, heat exchangers, etc.

Hydraulic calculation is carried out for a large circulation ring.

Drawings content

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