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Heat and gas supply and ventilation: calculations and explanations


Complete set of drawings, calculations and explanatory note for course work.

Project's Content

icon TGV1(3).dwg
icon ТГВ(расчет).doc
icon ТГВ(сод).doc

Additional information


1 General part

2 Selection and heat engineering calculation of external enclosing structures of the building

2.1 Selection of climatic characteristics of the construction area

2.2 Selection of design conditions and characteristics of microclimate in rooms

2.3 Selection of thermal parameters of building materials and characteristics of enclosing structures

2.4 Calculation of optimum heat transfer resistance, insulation thickness and heat transfer coefficient of enclosing structures

2.4.1 Exterior walls

2.4.2 Basement ceilings above unheated basement without light openings

2.4.3 Attic floors

2.5 Check of water vapour condensation on the surface and in the outer wall thickness

2.6 Selection of filling of light openings

3 Determination of heating system thermal power

3.1 Calculation of heat loss through enclosing structures

3.2 Heat consumption for heating of infiltrating air

3.3 Heating costs of ventilation air

3.4 Household heat generation

4 Heating System Design and Calculation

4.1 Calculation and selection of elevator

4.2 Hydraulic calculation of heat conductors

4.3 Surface calculation and selection of heating devices

5 Design and calculation of ventilation systems

5.1 Calculation of air exchange in rooms

5.2 Aerodynamic calculation of channels

6 List of literature

General part

The course work is performed on the basis of a task containing schematic drawings of a residential building with basic construction parameters .

The building is 2-story with the orientation of the main facade on the South Caucasus. The ceiling height is 2.7 m.

The roof of the building is made of rolled materials.

External doors - double blind with a tambour.

Windows and balcony doors according to SNiP II379 *.

External walls: 1st layer: texture layer (concrete on natural stone gravel) 50mm thick;

Layer 2: foam plates GOST 2091675;

Layer 3: texture layer (concrete on gravel made of natural stone) 50 mm thick.

Construction district - Lviv.

Relative humidity in the room is 55%.

The heating system is a water double-tube with an upper location of the supply line.

Heating devices - radiators of M140AO type.

Heat supply source - urban heating network.

Coolant - water with parameters TG = 1450С, TO = 700С.

Pressure at the entrance to the building 40kPa.

Drawings content

icon TGV1(3).dwg

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