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Heading Bar - Rod Part

  • Added: 14.08.2014
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The Rod part is an auxiliary part of a complex assembly.

Working conditions

The part works under variable loads. It should have good hardness of the surface layer.

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1. Introduction

2. Analysis of the design of a given part and its processability

2.1. Procurement Selection

2.2. Calculation of process allowances

3. Part Manufacturing Technology

3.1. Routing Process

3.2. Operational Process

3.3. Calculation of machining modes

4. Development of Toolkits

5. Quality Control

6. Conclusion

7. List of literature


1. Introduction

In this course design, the original processing process of the Rotor type part will be developed. The development of the technological process will be guided by the latest achievements and trends in the development of mechanical engineering technology, but based on the possibilities of their application in these conditions and therefore the feasibility of their application for specific project tasks.

Special attention should be paid to process automation using CNC equipment.

Analysis of the design of a given part and its processability

The Rod part is a minor part of a complex assembly.

Working conditions

The part works under variable loads. It should have good hardness of the surface layer.

Precision and roughness.

The part is part of the instrument. Special attention should be paid to the treatment of several surfaces and the application of protective coatings. Limit deviations of dimensions of 12 kvalitet .

Geometry Features

The part is part of a complex instrument and has sufficiently complex geometry.

Part Material:

Alloy D16 GOST 4784-74

2.1. Procurement selection.

There are certain procurement selection criteria:

Structural shapes, part dimensions, part mass.

This part has a relatively simple shape, and since the shape is simple, it is possible to use workpiece types that provide a difference in the shape of the workpiece from the shape of the part. Then we highlight the following priority series of possible blanks: rolled stock; a workpiece obtained by pressure treatment; casting.

Procurement properties of the material.

The material of the part - aluminum alloy D16lays high ductility, is well processed by cutting (for details see above). It is not characterized by casting properties, therefore, casting, as a possible blank, is excluded.

Special requirements for the part material.

In this case, there are no special requirements for the part material, the part is a rod, it works under dynamic loads. In the priority place remains - rental.

Type of production.

The type of production is small-scale. The production of the die in this case will be quite expensive and the use of stamping will not be practical. So the most optimal type of procurement is rolled stock.

As a result of the analysis of the part and type of production, a blank was selected - cold-stretched rolled stock of a grade profile (has an accuracy of 12 kvalitet, surface roughness Ra 6.3 μm).

By rolling, blanks are obtained that are directly used for manufacturing parts on metal cutting machines. In this case, a round rolled stock is used, which saves material and energy at the stage of procurement processes.

2.2. Calculation of process allowances.

Based on the requirements for accuracy and roughness of the surfaces of the part, we calculate allowances for 1 size, and assign the rest based on GOST.

Calculation of tolerances and limit dimensions

Part Manufacturing Technology

3.1. Routing process.

The process plan used in production consists of 21 operations. All operations are performed without the use of NC machines.

From the above routing process, it should be noted that operations 005 and 015 are carried out using further developed devices. Operation 025 is used for thread cutting and has to be performed separately.

The technical process consists of 17 operations: 1 turning operation, 6 technical control operations, 1 locksmith, 2 milling, 2 thermal and 4 coating operations.

Machine tools are used to make the part:

The Model 16K20F3 turning-and-turning machine with NC system is designed for treatment of various surfaces. It has a tool store, allows you to process parts of a wide item. Used in small-scale and mass production. The machine is used for 015 and 005 operations.

The NC model 6P13PF3 vertical milling machine is designed for milling, drilling and boring operations. Has a tool store. Used in small-scale and mass production. The machine is used for 010, 020, 025 operations.

3.2. Operational process.

All other cutting modes are calculated separately according to the formulas specified above and are given in the operational process. (calculations see annex)

Auxiliary time for all operations is calculated using a simplified formula


Development of toolkits for operations 005, 010, 015, 020,025

The cutting tool is an integral part of a comprehensive NC machine system.

The cutting tool for CNC machines shall meet the following requirements: ensuring high and stable cutting characteristics, ensuring the specified conditions for processing accuracy; versatility of application for typical machined surfaces of parts on different machine models. As materials for the manufacture of blade tools for CNC machines, the following are used: hard alloys, ceramics, ultra-hard synthetic materials and fast-cutting steels.

The auxiliary tool shall ensure the attachment of the main tool and meet the following basic requirements: be sufficiently rigid, have high accuracy and stability of the base and attachment of the cutting tool, perform all the technological characteristics of the machine, be easily and quickly installed and removed, ensure the adjustment of the tool outside the machine.

Currently, unified auxiliary tool systems are widely used, which can be described as sets of auxiliary and special cutting tools that ensure that the entire standard cutting tool is fixed with the quality necessary to fully realize the technological capabilities of various CNC machines. Auxiliary tool systems are designed for the assembly of special functional units of tool blocks (combinations of cutting and auxiliary tools), each of which serves to perform a specific technological transition. Requirements: minimum nomenclature and value of the instrument; accuracy, rigidity and vibration resistance of attachment; convenience of service, quick change.

The following tool kit was used in operation 005:

Main Tool

1. The pass cutter, with a square plate made of hard alloy (TU-2-035-1040-86) is used for cartridge treatment of parts of the flange taper, provides external turning, groove of the ends, grooves and removal of chamfers. Material of cutting part P6M5. Replaceable plates of cutter are attached by conical head of screw directly to support surface of holder. The advantage of this cutter design is the compactness of the attachment assembly, good chip removal from the open front surface, high reliability and quick change of plates.

2. A pass-through cutter with a rhombic plate made of hard alloy (TU-2-035-1040-86) allows you to stroke the part along the cylinder, rub the reverse cone, work out radius and transition surfaces and rub the ends. Material of cutting part P6M5. Replaceable plates of cutter are attached by conical head of screw directly to support surface of holder.

Auxiliary tool

For these operations (machine 16K20F3) we will use a set of unified tools with a cylindrical shank (Dimensions of holders 16x16 - 40x40 mm).

The cutter 1 and 2 will be fixed in a cutter holder with a cylindrical shank with a perpendicular open slot (as per TU 2024553981).

In operations 010, 015, 020, 025 (milling drill), the following tool kit was used:

Main Tool

1.. The drill spiral with a cylindrical shaft (according to industry standard 2I20180) is intended for processing of structural materials. Material of cutting part P6M5.

2 Solid-alloy end cutter with cylindrical shank (GOST 1837273) are intended for finishing and rough machining of parts.

3. Short mark with pass-through tail for metric thread (GOST 326681) is intended for cutting metric thread.

4. Boring cutter for blind holes with steel shank (GOST 1806372) is designed for boring blind precise holes with a diameter of 3 mm.

Auxiliary tool

For these operations (machine 6P13PF3) we will use the auxiliary tool system regulated by RTM 2P10284.

Drill (1) and cutter (2) are installed in collet cartridge (TU 203598685) using inserts for collet cartridge for installation of required diameter.

The throttle (3) must be installed in a special cartridge adjustable threaded (TU 203597585), which protects the throttle from breakage. The cartridge, in turn, is installed in the holder for adjustable cartridges, bushings and mandrels (TU 203576380).

The cutter (4) must be installed in the cartridge adjustable boring (TU 203597585), which is installed in the holder for adjustable cartridges, bushings and mandrels (TU 203576380).

Attachment of auxiliary tool is performed through spindle.

The following shows the composition of the toolkits for the operations described above.

Quality Control

Various measuring instruments are used in the process: calipers and micrometers.

These tools control the size selectively by the operator of one of the 1020 parts.

Characteristics of measuring instruments.

Stangeltsirkul ShTs -11250.1 GOST 166-80

Measurement limits 0125 mm.

Division price 0.1 mm

2.MRI micrometric device as per GOST 4381-80

Measurement limits 0500 mm.

Division price 0.002 mm

Also used: caliber and caliber, gauge.


In this work, the original processing process of the Rod part was developed. In difference from the offered tekhprocessaprototip who was taken in time of passing of technological practice at the TochPriborStroenie plant in the developed technical process multioperational CNC machines are used. The development of the technological process was guided by the latest achievements in mechanical engineering technologies, which made it possible to increase the productivity of the part and improve its quality. Toolkits have been proposed for selected CNC machines.

Also, within the framework of this project, tooling was proposed, which allows to significantly expand the range of products of this type.

List of literature used

Yu.I. Kuznetsov, A.R. Maslov, A.N. Baykov. NC Machine Snap-in. Handbook - M.: Engineering, 1990

A.G. Kosilova. Handbook of Engineering Technologist in 2 Volumes - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1985

Short handbook of the metalworker/Under the common. Ed. P.N. Orlova, E.A. Skorokhodov. - 3rd ed., Redesign. and additional - M.: Engineering, 1986. - 960s: il.

Granovsky V.G. Methodological guidelines for course design in the course "Instrument engineering technology." Parts 1, 2. - M.: Ed. MIET, 1986. – 79 pages.

Kondakov A.I., Ostrovsky Yu.A. Development of routes of technological processes for the manufacture of parts: Methodological guidelines for course and degree design. - M.: Publishing House MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, 2003. – 50 pages .

Metal cutting modes: Handbook/Yu.V. Baranovsky, L.A. Brahman, A.I. Gdalevich and others - M.: NIITavtoprom, 1995. – 456 pages.

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