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Gym Gas Supply Project

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The GENERAL PART the Basis for development of the working draft the Working draft is developed on the basis of: - the design assignment given by the customer - - specifications No. 51 YuT/12 from 02.

Project's Content

icon WRL2680.doc
icon схема.jpg
icon Черная, ул.Полевая, д.1А (3).dwg
icon Черная, ул.Полевая, д.1А (4).dwg

Additional information



1. General part

1.1 Basis for project development

1.2 Characteristics of the object

1.3 Gas Supply Source

2. Gas supply system

2.1 General part

2.2 Steel Gas Pipeline

2.3 Cabinet gas control station

2.4 Testing of gas pipelines

3. Internal gas supply

4. Gas Pipeline Protection Area

Gas supply to the sports complex,

located at:

Tyumen region, Uporovsky district,

e. black, Polevaya St., 1A


Book 1

Explanatory note.

Drawings of seeker grade, GSV

Equipment Specifications

Project code: 115.10/12 - Seeker, Seeker

Gas supply to the sports complex,

located at:

Tyumen region, Uporovsky district,

e. black, Polevaya St., 1A

Book 1

Explanatory note.

Drawings of seeker grade, GSV

Equipment Specification

from. Uporovo, 2012

Project completed in accordance with applicable codes and regulations

and meets the established requirements of explosion safety and fire safety.

SRO Certificate No. P.037.72.1880.10.2010 dated 01.10.2010

about admission to a certain type or types of work that affect the safety of capital construction facilities.

Materials used in the project, gas equipment, including imported ones, are certified and have Rostekhnadzor's permission to use them.

Explanatory Note


Work Project Development Task

Technical condition No. 51 YuT/12 of 02.10.2012. given out


Seeker Drawings:

Sheet 1 General data (beginning)

Sheet 2 General Data (End)

Sheet 3 Gas Pipeline Plan. Gas Pipeline Diagram

GSV drawings:

Sheet 1 General data (beginning)

Sheet 2 General data (ending). Sports Complex Plan

Sheet 3 Gas Equipment Layout Plan. Gas pipeline diagram. Ventilation diagram. Chimney diagram.

Attached documents:

115.10/12GSN. C Product and Material Equipment Specification.

115.10/12GSV. C Product and Material Equipment Specification.

Appendix No. 1 Low Pressure Gas Pipeline Design Diagram.


KKG 1.00 SS l.1 Attachment of the gas pipeline to the brick wall.


UG 8.00 SS l.1 Laying the gas pipeline through the wall in the case.

General part

1.1 Basis for working design development

The working project was developed on the basis of:

- design assignment issued by the customer;

-technical conditions No. 51 02.10.2012/12 dd.,

issued by the Southern Trust of JSC Tyumennezhereigaz;

The project is developed in accordance with the requirements of:

SP 62.133302011 "Gas distribution systems";

SP 421012003 "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes.

SP 421022004 "Design and construction of gas pipelines from metal pipes";

PB 1252903 "Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems";

1.2 Characteristics of the object

The project provides for gas supply to the sports complex located at the address: Tyumen Region, Uporovsky District, Chernaya, Polevaya St., d.1A.

Explosion and fire hazard rooms category G. Wall material - covered with plaster. Door dimensions shall ensure replacement of equipment. The area of ​ ​ easily dumped structures in the boiler house is adopted at least 0.03 m ² per 1 m ³ of room volume and is 1.07 m ². Three-fold air exchange shall be provided in the room with gas-consuming equipment. In the boiler room, exhaust shall be carried out through the ventilation channel in the upper area of the room, and for air inflow there is a hole with a section of at least 0.02 m2 in the lower part of the wall, as well as a window with a window. The height of the rooms shall not be less than 2.5 m.

The terrain is flat.

Construction area refers to 1B climatic subdistrict.

The prevailing winds are south and south-west. The strongest winds prevail in winter. Wind speed standard head 0.3 kPa.

Standard weight of snow cover 1.0 kPa.

Standard zone of soil freezing 1.8 m.

1.3 Gas Supply Source

The source of gas supply is the Urengoyskoye field, Tyumen region, Uporovsky district, the village of Uporovo, GRS48.

Gas supply is provided from an above-ground steel gas pipeline with a diameter of 57mm with a disconnecting device Du 50, average pressure P = 0, 3 MPa located at the address: Tyumen Region, Uporovsky District, Chernaya, Polevaya St., d.1A.

Odorized natural gas as per GOST 554287 is provided as the main fuel.

Natural gas has the following composition (percentage to volume)

The gas density is 0.685 kg/m3 at a temperature of 00C and a pressure of 0.10132 MPa.

Lowest combustion heat: 33475 kJ/m3, 7966 kcal/m3.

Gas supply system

2.1 General part.

The project was developed in accordance with the requirements of SP 62.13330.2011 "Gas Distribution Systems," PB 1252903 "Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Safety Rules," Gosgortekhnadzor Resolution of Russia dated 18.03.2003 No. 9, SP 421032003 "Design and Construction of Gas Pipelines from Polyethylene Pipes and Reconstruction of Worn Gas Pipelines," SP 421012003 "General Provisions for the Design of Polyethylene Systems and Construction.

Finished project is agreed with OJSC VDGO "TMRG"

All works on construction and operation of gas pipelines shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for protection of gas distribution networks."

The gas pipeline was laid to the sports complex above ground.

Gas supply system includes:

- connection point,

- laying of the elevated steel gas pipeline of average pressure P =0.3MPa with a diameter of 25х3.2 on support from a pipe, a fastening step no more than 3 m, from the disconnecting device of Du 50 to GRPSh10 with the RDGK10 regulator.

- installation of gas control station of GRPSH10 type with RDGK10 regulator.

- laying of steel overhead low pressure gas pipeline P = 2000Pa

with a diameter of 25х3.2 from GRPSh10 before input to the boiler house.

- internal gas equipment of the boiler room of the sports complex.

When deciding the gas supply system, the requirements for reliability and uninterrupted gas supply, and the cost-effectiveness of the construction were taken into account.

The diameters of the gas pipelines are determined from the conditions for creating the most economical and reliable system in operation at maximum allowable gas pressure losses.

Hydraulic calculation diagram of the gas pipeline in Appendix 1.

The total gas flow rate is: Q = 9.7 m ³/h.

2.2 Steel gas pipeline.

Sites of the elevated gas pipeline of average and low pressure are designed from pipes in accordance with GOST 1070491 grades of B20 steel of GOST 105088, diameters 25х3.2, 20kh2,8mm, 15kh2,8mm.

The steel gas pipeline is cleaned of rust and covered with yellow enamel PF115 as per GOST 646576 in two layers according to primer GF021 as per GOST 2512982 * in two layers.

Tightness of valves closures shall be as per GOST 954493 and correspond to accuracy class A.

Connection of steel pipes on welding as per GOST 1603780.

2.3 Cabinet gas control station.

The project provides for the installation of a gas control station of the GRPSH10 type with a pressure regulator RDGK10, manufactured by Signal OJSC in Engels, Saratov Region.

The cabinet gas control station is a factory ready product and is designed to clean the gas from mechanical impurities, reduce the average pressure (0.3MPa) by low (2 kPa), automatically maintain the output pressure at a given level and automatically switch off the gas supply when the output pressure increases or decreases above the permissible specified values.

GRPSH is installed on the wall of the gasified boiler house .

The characteristics of the GRPP are shown in Table 3.

Table 3.


according to the scheme

Type of GRPP

Gas flow rate, m3/h

Inlet gas pressure, MPa (g)

Outlet gas pressure, MPa (g)




Pp < 0.3


2.4 Testing of gas pipelines.

Before starting the leak test, the inner cavity must be blown with compressed air to remove scale, moisture and clogging (underground gas pipelines are cleaned after laying and filling).

Purge is considered complete when a stream of clean and dry air exits the purge line.

The process of cleaning the internal cavity of the gas pipeline is performed by the contractor in the presence of the customer and a representative of the gas service.

Values of test pressures are equal (SP 62.13330.2011, Table 14):

-for aboveground medium pressure gas pipelines

Test pressure 0.45 MPa

Duration of tests 1 hour

- for FRG equipment

Test pressure 0.45 MPa

Duration of tests 12 hour

- for low-pressure internal gas pipelines:

Test pressure 0.01 MPa

Test duration 5 min.

Install, test and accept gas pipelines for operation

in accordance with the requirements of SP 62.13330.2011 "Gas Distribution Systems," PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Consumption Systems" and "Rules for Acceptance for Operation of Gas Supply Systems Completed by Construction."

Internal gas supply

The project developed a gas supply system for the boiler room of the sports complex located at the address: Tyumen Region, Uporovsky District, Chernaya, Polevaya St., d.1A .

One KOV80ST gas boiler with a capacity of 80 kW is installed in the boiler room.

The gas flow in the sports complex will be carried out from the designed gas counter of the ultrasonic UBSG 001 G10 (with the function of correction of the measured volume by temperature). The meter is installed in the boiler room.

Maximum measured flow rate, Qmax = 16 m ³/h.

Minimum measured flow Qmin = 0.1 m ³/h .

If the gas flow rate changes (beyond 0.1: 16.0 m ³/h), it is necessary to replace this meter with a meter with the required measurement ranges.

The counter is provided for the consumer:

1. Boiler room with cat KOV80st - 1pc, Q = 9.7 m3/h.

The boiler house operates only in the heating period .

For continuous automatic monitoring of the content of natural gas in the air, output of light and sound alarms, disconnection of gas supply when the assigned value of carbon monoxide and methane MPC is exceeded in the boiler room, the installation of an individual gas content control system on CO and CH4 installed on the building wall is provided. Supply of light and sound signal shall be provided in the personnel permanent stay room.

Removal of combustion products from the gas boiler is provided along the gas duct to the chimney ∅273kh6,0; H = 7.0m installed outside at a distance of 0.5m from the wall of the gasified building.

All internal wiring connections are welded, except for gas appliances and cranes. A disconnecting device (valve) is installed in front of the gas device.

Gas pipelines at the intersection of walls and floors are enclosed in steel pipe cases according to the 5.90525.05 series.

Gas Pipeline Protection Area

In order to ensure the safety of the gas supply system and create normal operating conditions for it. To prevent accidents and accidents, the project provides for the organization of a protection zone of existing gas pipelines, developed on the basis of the "Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks," approved by the Russian Federation on November 20, 2002.

A protection zone is established in the form of a plot of land surface limited by conditional lines passing at a distance:

- along the routes of underground gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes when using a copper wire to indicate a gas pipeline route - in the form of an area limited by conventional lines passing at a distance of 3 meters from the gas pipeline on the side of the wire and 2 meters - on the opposite side;

-2 m on each side of the external gas pipeline.

Upon completion of construction and clarification of the actual position of the gas pipeline, it is indicated by identification marks (bindings) applied to permanent landmarks.

After specifying the boundaries of the protection zone, materials about the protection zone are issued accordingly, by the customer and transferred to the enterprise administration, to the services involved in issuing permits for land work and to the organization operating gas networks.

In the protection zone of gas pipelines, without written notification to the organization owned by the gas pipelines, it is prohibited:

-product construction;

- capital repairs;

- reconstruction and demolition of any buildings and structures;

-design materials;

- plant trees;

- perform road and land works;

- arrange passages under above-ground gas pipelines for machinery mechanisms having a common height with or without cargo from the road surface of more than 4.5 m;

Pounce, attach, and tie foreign objects to supports, gas pipelines. Clutter the aisles to them and climb into them.

- open or close the disconnecting devices, violate the safety of identification, warning signs, fire and place any open or closed sources of fire.

Design Task

Gas supply to the sports complex located at:

Tyumen region, Uporovsky district,

e. black, Polevaya St., 1A

No. P/N

Content of the paragraph



Name of building, structure

Sport center


Design Basis

Contract for Design Works


Type of construction

Under construction, existing


Area, point, site

D. Black, Polevaya St. 1A


Selection of start-up systems

Not required


Environmental Protection Requirements

According to SNiP


Planned Construction Dates



Design Stage



Scope of design works

Medium pressure steel overhead gas pipeline.

Installation of GRPP to reduce the gas pressure to the required one.

Internal low pressure steel gas pipeline.


Special requirements

Issue PSD in two copies

Drawings content

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