Gearbox housing Assembly drawing, Slow-moving shaft
- Added: 09.06.2018
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Course project on technical mechanics. Detail working drawing, explanatory note, gearbox assembly drawing and specification.
Project's Content
Курсовой проект.docx
Чертеж рабочий.cdw
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One of the most important factors of scientific and technological progress, which contribute to the speedy improvement of public production and its increase in efficiency, is the problem of improving the level of training of specialists.
The solution of this problem is facilitated by the implementation of the course project on "MDK 03.01 Ensuring the implementation of technological processes for the manufacture of parts" based on knowledge of physical, mathematical and general technical disciplines - mathematics, mechanics, material resistance, metal technology, drawing.
The object of the course design is a single-stage reduction gear - a mechanism consisting of a gear train, made in the form of a separate unit and serving to transfer rotation from the shaft of the engine to the shaft of the working machine.
The purpose of the reduction gear is to reduce the angular speed and, accordingly, increase the torque of the driven shaft compared to the driving shaft.
The gearbox is designed according to the given load (torque on the output shaft) and gear ratio without specifying a specific purpose, which is typical for specialized plants in which serial production of gearboxes is organized.
Design calculation of shafts. gearbox sketch layout
7.1 Selection of shaft material
For the manufacture of shafts I accept 40X steel
Dpred = 200 mm
Front = 125 mm
Heat treatment U
Hardness of the workpiece... 235 262 HV
in = 790 N/mm2
r = 640 N/mm2
1 = 375 N/mm2
7.2 Selection of allowable torsional stresses
The design calculation of shafts is carried out by torsion stresses, that is, at the same time, bending stresses, stress concentrations and time variability are not taken into account. Therefore, torsional stresses are allowed to compensate for the approximation of this calculation method
The following are used:
High-speed shaft - k = 10 N/mm2
Slow-moving shaft - to = 20 N/mm2
Чертеж рабочий.cdw
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