Gear with ratchet of heater reduction gear

- Added: 30.08.2014
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Part Assignment and Design
Machined Part Design Analysis
Define Production Type
Selection and determination of procurement cost
Selection of process route option and preliminary feasibility study
Calculation and Determination by Mechanical Allowance Tables
Calculation of cutting modes
Process rationing
Determination of the required quantity of equipment and scheduling
Appendix 1. Heater gearbox assembly. KP.050712.TPM.MSH402.117.001. Specification (3 sheets)
Appendix 2. Drilling accessory. KP.050712.TPM.MSH402.117.002. Specification (1 sheet)
Appendix 3. Set of process documents for production of part "Gear with ratchet" (sheet No.)
1. introduction
Mechanical engineering is the most important industry. Its products - machines for various purposes are supplied to all branches of the national economy. The growth of industry and the national economy, as well as the pace of re-equipment of their new equipment, largely depend on the level of development of mechanical engineering.
Technological progress in mechanical engineering is characterized not only by the improvement of machine structures, but also by the continuous improvement of their production technology. Currently, it is important to manufacture the machine in a high-quality, cheap and time-bound manner with the minimum cost of living and living labor, using modern high-performance equipment, tools, technological equipment, means of mechanization and automation of production. The durability and reliability of the produced machines, as well as the economy of their operation, largely depend on the adopted production technology. The improvement of mechanical engineering technology is determined by the needs of production of machines necessary for society. At the same time, the development of new progressive technological methods contributes to the design of better machines, reducing their cost and reducing the cost of manufacturing them.
Mass production of machines became possible due to the development of high-performance production methods, and a further increase in speed, accuracy, power, working pressures, temperatures, efficiency factor, wear resistance and other performance indicators of machines was achieved as a result of the development of new technological methods and processes. The overall layout and design of the machine have a significant impact on the technology of its production. It is generally accepted that the development of the design of the machine cannot be carried out without taking into account the technology of its manufacture.
The perfection of the machine design is characterized by its compliance with the modern state of the art, cost-effectiveness in operation, as well as by the extent to which the possibilities of using the most economical and productive technological methods of its manufacture in relation to the given production and production conditions are taken into account. The design of the machine in which these requirements are taken into account is called technological. By improving the processability of the design, it is possible to increase the output of products with the same means of production and reduce the cost of its production. Underestimating the processability of the design often leads to the correction of the working drawings of the product after they are compiled, to an extension of the preparation time and additional production costs. Insufficient workability of the design of products can be the main obstacle to the automation of their production.
The problem of improving and technological assurance of accuracy in mechanical engineering is very urgent. Precision in mechanical engineering is of great importance for improving the performance of machines and for the technology of their production. Accuracy issues should be addressed in a comprehensive manner.
Thus, improving the manufacturing accuracy of blanks reduces the labor input of mechanical processing. In turn, improving machining accuracy reduces assembly labor intensity as a result of eliminating racing operations and ensuring interchangeability of article parts. Accuracy in manufacturing automation is of particular importance. In this case, the necessary quality of the products should be obtained not due to the working art, but as a result of stable and reliable operation of technological equipment. With the development of production automation, the problem of obtaining high-quality products becomes more and more urgent. Its solution should be based on an in-depth study of technological factors affecting accuracy, as well as on the application of new progressive technological methods and processes. From the above it follows that the establishment of a given accuracy is the responsible task of the designer. Accuracy should be assigned based on the analysis of the machine operating conditions taking into account the economy of its manufacture and subsequent operation.
The basics of mechanical engineering technology are a basic part of the course of mechanical engineering technology. It describes the theory of construction and methods for calculating technological processes of machine-building production, as well as technological requirements for the design of machines and their elements. The subject of engineering technology is the training on the manufacture of machines of a given quality in the amount established by the production program at the lowest cost of materials, minimum cost and high labor productivity, lightened to the maximum extent and safe.
One of the main tasks of mechanical engineering technology is to study the patterns of technological processes and identify those parameters that are most effective for intensifying production and improving its accuracy.
In the course of engineering technology, a complex of knowledge related to the final stages of machine production is given - machining of blanks and assembly of machines. These processes are interconnected and most labor-intensive (8090% of the total labor input of the product). By their importance, they are decisive in the entire process of machine production.
The creation of continuous production facilities with their complete automation leads to the inclusion in the machining and assembly flows of heterogeneous technological processes (casting, pressure treatment, heat treatment, etc.). This determines the complexity of mechanical engineering technology and the close connection of various technological areas. It is also impossible to solve technological problems without taking into account the organization and economy of production.
As applied science, mechanical engineering technology is of great importance in the training of specialists for the engineering industry. It equips them with the knowledge necessary for everyday and creative activities to develop progressive technology and create machine designs that allow them to use high-performance technological methods in their production.
Machined Part Design Analysis
Part - gear with ratchet of heater reduction gear. the part is made of alloy steel 35X GOST 454371 by forging, therefore the configuration of the outer contour and internal surfaces does not cause significant difficulties in obtaining the workpiece .
During machining, it is difficult to obtain a ratchet groove. To do this, you have to design a special shaped cutter for the groove groove.
It may also be noted that the part undergoes heat treatment prior to the final treatment. This is done to obtain a stronger layer of material in places where the part has high wear due to the fact that these surfaces are working and therefore experience enormous stresses.
The non-technological nature of part manufacturing consists in designing special tools and devices for some operations. This is done in order to obtain surfaces with a given size and purity class, which can not always be obtained by a universal standard tool.
The presence of roundings on the teeth should be considered positive, which facilitates gear shifting and ensures smooth shifting. The presence of a shaped slot prevents the fork from slipping out during abrupt switching, which is usually the case with long operation, due to wear of the latter.
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