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Gasification of single apartment buildings in quarter No. 1 of the Kubanka horticultural partnership


Drawings: GSN.C Kubanka.doc GSN.C SRP.P. doc GSN General Data SGR.P. doc GSN General Data.doc GSN plan.dwg Project Documentation for External Gas Pipeline for Gas Supply of Single-Family Residential Apartments to GardGard.

Project's Content

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icon ГСН Общ. дан. ШГРП.doc
icon ГСН Общие данные.doc
icon ГСН план.dwg
icon ГСН.С Кубанка.doc
icon ГСН.С ШРП.doc
icon Опора газ УКГ 11.00 СБ-1.jpg
icon Опора газ УКГ 11.00 СБ-2.jpg
icon прпш-400_2.jpg

Additional information

Environmental protection.

The projected gas pipeline is designed to supply natural gas to residential buildings of the Kubanka horticultural partnership

Route length:

- underground polyethylene section - 236m,

- above-ground steel (along the border of sections No. 31; 32; 33; 34) - 76m.

The process of gas transportation due to the use of sealed shut-off valves and equipment equipped with instrumentation equipment practically eliminates the ingress of natural gas into the atmosphere. The main source of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere in the designed gas supply system is the gas control cabinet GRPSH-400/2

GRPP is designed to reduce gas pressure and maintain it at a given level in the gas supply system. The process diagram of GRPP provides for the installation of safety discharge and shut-off valves to protect the equipment in case of gas pressure overpressure in the gas supply system. Gas is discharged through spark plugs of discharge and blowdown gas pipelines, which are taken to places providing safe levels of gas dispersion. In normal operation mode, the source of atmospheric air pollution is blowdown plugs during preventive work, and the source of periodic emissions during gas release is blowdown plugs.

The operation of the GRPP is fully automated and does not require the constant presence of maintenance personnel, therefore it is not a source of pollution with production and consumption waste. Measures to protect soils from production waste are not envisaged.

For a separate GRPP, a protection zone with a radius of 10m is allocated..

Concentration of contaminants generated by emissions of this object during normal operation mode does not exceed permissible values. The emission of contaminants into the atmosphere does not exceed 0.1 MPC.

Environmental protection measures are provided for during construction and installation works. Work on the allotted strip must be carried out in accordance with the cleanliness of the territory. The operation of construction machines and mechanisms shall be adjusted to the minimum allowable exhaust emissions and noise level. The territory should be protected from ingress of lubricants into it. All types of waste generated during the ongoing repair of equipment involved in the construction of the gas pipeline are collected and disposed of on the territory of the enterprise performing the construction.

At the end of the main work, the construction organization should give the terrain design relief and restore natural soil within the land drainage strip.

Reclamation of disturbed land.

This section is developed in accordance with the "Basics of Land Legislation of the Russian Federation" and GOST "Nature Protection. Lands. General requirements. " The initial data for the development of this section are materials of geotechnical surveys performed by GEOS LLC in 2009. for the construction of houses in the gardening partnership "Kubanka."

Soils along the gas pipeline route: soil-vegetation layer, brown sand, dusty, clay, medium density. Water opened by SLE. No. 1i2 on otm. 97,00. The degree of frost puffiness of soils is weak.

Before the start of work on the development of a trench for laying the gas pipeline, the vegetation soil (in its places of presence) is cut by a bulldozer, moves away from the rest of the soil and is used to restore the soil and vegetable layer after backfilling the trench.

Reclamation is carried out in two stages:

1st stage - technical. Consists in full backfilling of the trench with previously removed soil, its compaction, leveling and displacement of plant soil to its previous place (in places of its presence)

2nd stage - biological. It consists in the restoration of existing lands and passages on the territory of the enterprise. Disturbed lands after the technical stage of reclamation are subject to natural overgrowth without additional sowing of grasses, and passages are restored.

Organization of construction.

The project developed the construction of a high-pressure gas pipeline, the installation of GRPP and the construction of a low-pressure gas pipeline.

Total construction duration 1 month, preparatory period 0.2 months.

The gas pipeline route passes through the lands of the Kostroma municipal district.

The following preparatory works shall be performed prior to the start of gas pipeline laying:

- creation and fixation of the geodetic base on the construction site by clogging metal pins with a painted head;

- provision of sanitary facilities, according to the estimated need, and provision of fire safety measures in accordance with the requirements of PPB0103;

- provision of electric power for construction sites.

The complete scope of construction and installation works is performed by a construction and installation team equipped with construction machines, mechanisms and vehicles according to the works performed and their scope. The work is carried out in-line.

The development of soil in the trenches for laying the gas pipeline is carried out by an excavator. Soil in the trench is selected not reaching the design elevation to a depth of 20 cm, soil rework is carried out before the start of work on laying the gas pipeline. The developed soil is stored within the work strip. The developed trench should not be open for a long time.

Emergency prevention activities.

Construction and operation of gas supply systems shall be carried out in accordance with "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" PB 1252903. The gas equipment and materials used in the project are certified for compliance with safety requirements and have Rostekhnadzor permission for use. The construction of gas supply systems should be carried out subject to the organization of technical supervision. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, gas distribution networks are classified as hazardous production facilities. The basis of safe operation of gas distribution networks is defined by the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities." Any work in the protected areas of gas distribution networks is carried out with strict safety of the networks being opened and other utilities, as well as for the safe passage of special vehicles and pedestrians. The route of the underground gas pipeline is indicated by identification marks marked on permanent landmarks. The identification marks indicate the distance from the gas pipeline, the depth of its laying and the telephone of the emergency dispatch service.

The project provides for safe operation of the facility gas supply system:

- laying of gas pipeline underground at a depth of 1,31,35m.

All works are carried out in accordance with the norms and rules in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territory from natural and man-made emergencies. In case of detection of gas leaks and other violations of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" PB 1252903, it is necessary to immediately report to the emergency dispatch service of Gorgaz.

The protection zone of the gas pipeline is adopted according to the "Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks" and consists of 2 m each. to each side from gas pipeline axis.

Drawings content

icon ГСН план.dwg

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