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Gas supply of the boiler room for dormitories and ABK adaptation center for oralmans

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The project provides for external gas supply to the boiler house and internal gas supply networks of the boiler house building. Gas supply to boiler house GS, GSV, EHZ, IVS DWG Format

Project's Content

icon ГСН,АС,ЭХЗ-чертеж.dwg
icon Котельная-Адаптация-ГСВ.dwg
icon ПЗ.doc

Additional information


General Explanatory Note

Basis of Design

Brief description of the construction area

Existing gas supply system

Main design solutions for gas supply

Measures to protect gas pipelines

Control of joints by physical methods

Purging and testing of gas pipelines

Architectural and construction solutions

Electrochemical protection of gas pipelines

Health and Safety

Environmental protection activities


1.1 Basis of Design

The basis for the development of the project "Development of the PSD of the external infrastructure of the Oralman Adaptation and Integration Center in Aktau 35mkr. (gas supply)" served as:

- Design assignment approved by the Head of Construction Department Khamiev T.S. dated 20.12.09.

- Technical condition for gas supply of the autonomous boiler house of the Oralman adaptation and integration center under construction in 35 mkr. Aktau issued by Aktaugazservice JSC for No. 16/1208/1692 dated 03.12.09

- Excavation from topography of the designed engineering networks of the Oralman adaptation center in 35mkr. Aktau, issued by GCP "Aktaugradkadaster" and agreed points of connection with engineering services of Aktau JSC "Aktaugazservice," MCP "FA&V," MCP "AUES."

- Materials of engineering and geodetic surveys of the corridor of engineering networks made by Mangistautopography LLP in 2009.

- Materials of engineering and geological surveys of the object "Center for Adaptation and Integration of Oralmans in 35 mkr. Aktau, made by GeoMasters LLP in 2008.

Physical and geological processes.

The main physical and geological processes that have formed the modern appearance of the work site and are currently ongoing are exogenous processes.

In the arid climate, the most significant are the processes of denudation and deflation, elements of linear erosion, salinization of soils .

Geotechnical construction conditions

Deposits of the neogene system (N), blocked from the surface by eolodeluvial quaternary deposits (Q), take part in the geological structure to a depth of 12.0 m.

Quaternary deposits of the eolodeluvial complex (Q) are represented by loam, less often sandy loam. Soils lie horizontally, filling the depressions in the roof of limestones. Open capacity of loam up to 1.5 m.

Neogene soils are represented by oolite limestones and shells, as well as clay marl. Neogene soils lie horizontally from the depths of 1.1... 1, 5m. The opened capacity of Neogene soils is 10.9 m .

In total, on the basis of GOST 2510095 and GOST 2052296, 4 engineering and geological elements (hereinafter EGE) are allocated.

EGE-1 - loam, less often brown hard soup, with the inclusion of limestone crushed stone up to 20%. Sedimentary soils. The type of soil conditions by leakage is I.

Soils of IGE1 from saline to highly saline, type of salinization - chloride sulphate, sulfate. Content of easily soluble salts up to 3.597%.

According to SNiP RK 2.01192004, IGE1 soils in terms of sulphate content (up to 24 780 mg/kg) are highly aggressive to W4 grade concrete on Portland cement as per GOST 1017885 and strongly aggressive to concrete on sulphate-resistant cement as per GOST 2226694. According to the total content of chlorides in terms of chlorine ion, soils are mainly medium-aggressive to reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures.

EPE1 soils have high corrosive activity to carbon steel.

EGE-2 - oolite limestone of yellow-gray color, low strength, fractured, softened.

IGE2 soils have high corrosive activity to carbon steel.

EGE-3 - shell limestone from yellow-gray to greenish-gray in color, very low strength, softened, fractured, with interlayers of clay marl and reduced strength.

According to SNiP RK 2.01192004 soils IGE2, 3 in sulphate content (up to 3,490 mg/kg) strongly aggressive to W4 grade concrete on Portland cement as per GOST 1017885. According to the total content of chlorides in terms of chlorine ion, soils are mainly medium-aggressive to reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures .

EGE-4 - clay marl semi-solid, greenish-cortical, iron-colored, layered.

The geological structure of the studied site is shown on geological polytological sections.

Statistical processing of laboratory test results was carried out according to GOST 2052296 to assess the degree of soil inhomogeneity and geologolithological section, to identify engineering and geological elements .

Normative and design characteristics of soils are given in Appendix 4.

Physical and mechanical properties of soils are given in tables of appendices 2, 3, 5.

In the process of engineering and geological surveys, groundwater up to 12.0 m was not opened. But due to the fact that in the thickness of the shell limestone there are interlayers and lenses of clay marl, which can serve as a water stop, the possibility (as a result of unsettled discharge of domestic effluents and leaks from water-carrying communications) of developing groundwater lenses - such as headwaters and raising the level to the depths of foundation and underground communications is not excluded.


1. Deposits of the neogene system (N), covered from the surface by eolodeluvial quaternary deposits (Q), take part in the geological structure to a depth of 12.0 m. In total, on the basis of GOST 2510095 and GOST 2052296, 4 engineering and geological elements (hereinafter EGE) are allocated.

2. The soil-plant layer is represented by rare plant roots, its power is no more than 5 cm.

3. EPE1 soils are subsidence soils. They cannot be the basis of the foundations of the structures and are subject to removal.

4. In the process of engineering and geological surveys, groundwater up to 8.0 m was not opened. But due to the fact that in the thickness of the shell limestone there are interlayers and lenses of clay marl, which can serve as a water stop, the possibility (as a result of unsettled discharge of domestic effluents and leaks from water-carrying communications) of developing groundwater lenses - such as headwaters and raising the level to the depths of foundation and underground communications is not excluded.

5. According to SNiP RK 2.01192004 soils IGE2, 3 in sulphate content (up to 3,490 mg/kg) strongly aggressive to W4 grade concrete on Portland cement as per GOST 1017885. According to the total content of chlorides in terms of chlorine ion, soils are mainly medium-aggressive to reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures .

6. The normative depth of seasonal freezing for sandy loam is 0.64 m, for large-breaking primers - 0.78 m.

7. The initial seismicity of the construction area according to SniP RK 2.03302006 is 6 points. The geologolithological structure, geotechnical strength properties of soils and hydrogeological features of the territory can be attributed to soils that make up a geological section on the entire studied site to the III category by seismic properties according to Table 4.1 SniP RK 2.03302006 .

1.3. Existing gas supply system

The source of gas supply is the existing medium pressure gas pipeline

(Ru 0.3MPa) Aktaugazservice JSC laid at 35mkr

1.4. Main design solutions for gas supply

The designed medium-pressure gas pipeline is designed for gas supply to the autonomous boiler room of the oralman adaptation center and is used in the heating and hot water supply system of the center's facilities.

The project, according to the design task, solves the issues of gas transportation only to the autonomous boiler house of the oralman adaptation center under construction.

Gas supply of the boiler center for adaptation and integration of oralmans in the 35 mr. Developed in accordance with the specifications No. 16/1208/1692 dated 03.12.09. issued by Aktaugazservice JSC and current norms and rules of RK MSN 4.03012003.

This project envisages construction of underground medium pressure gas pipeline to GRPP. Underground and above-ground medium pressure gas pipeline downstream of GRPP. The gas metering unit will be installed separately in the boiler house buildings.

The point of connection of the designed medium pressure gas pipeline to the existing underground medium pressure gas pipeline with a diameter of 219x4.5mm. The gas pressure at the connection point is 0.3MPa.

The project provides for the construction of:

- Connection with monolithic reinforced concrete well.

- Underground medium pressure gas pipeline.

- Aboveground medium pressure gas pipeline.

1.4.1 Gas pipeline connection unit

Connection unit is designed in 35mkr. Connection is made to underground medium pressure gas pipeline (0.3MPa) with diameter Dn219mm. Shut-off valves Du150mm and cast-in-situ reinforced concrete well are installed at the tie-in point (refer to section of NPP).

1.4.2 Underground gas pipeline

Underground medium pressure gas pipeline is laid underground at a depth of 0.8m (to the top of the pipe) from electric welded pipes Dn159x4.0mm, Dn89x4.0mm according to GOST 1070491 of steel Vs2sp.

The length of the Dnepr gas pipeline network is 159x4.0mm 702.2m.

The length of the Dn. gas pipeline network is 89x4.0mm 7.0m.

Provide the structure of the base for a gas pipeline of soft or sandy soil with a thickness of at least 20 cm .

Requirement for gas pipeline trenches from steel pipes Dn159x4.0mm, Dn89x4.0mm:

- Width of trenches is not less - 0.7 m.

- Trench depth is not less than - 1.0 m.

The underground gas pipeline crosses the existing underground communications:

- Planned road entry roads to the territory of the center.

- Electric cable.

When crossing with designed road entry roads, the gas pipeline consists of protective shells made of Dn377x6mm pipes with a length of 11 m.

Enclose the electric cable in a protective case from a steel pipe Du50mm with a length of 4.0m.

When leaving the ground, a protective steel case is installed, isolating the flange.

1.4.3 GRPP site with connection to the designed medium pressure gas pipeline

The GRPP is connected to the underground designed medium pressure gas pipeline Dn159x4mm by pipe Dn108x4mm as per GOST 1070491.

After tie-in the D100mm flange gate valve with D100mm shutoff valves is installed.

GRPSH site 132NVU1 is designed at the end of the route.

GRPSH132NVU1 based on RDG50N with two reduction lines, with heating, is used to reduce gas pressure to the specified level.

The gas pipeline of GRPSHN piping is laid in the above-ground and underground design from pipes Dn108x4mm and Dn89x4mm according to GOST 1070491.

When leaving the ground, a protective steel case is installed, isolating the flange.

At the inlet of the boiler building, the gas pipeline is equipped with a Du 80 disconnecting device.

1.4.4 Above ground gas pipeline

The designed above-ground gas pipeline is laid from electric welded pipes Dn80x4.0mm according to GOST 1070491 of steel St3. The length of the above-ground gas pipeline Dn189mm 4, 9m.

Compensation of the gas pipeline from the effect of temperature stresses is carried out due to the angles of rotation of the network.

Installation works on underground laying of gas networks and elements should be performed mechanically in compliance with the requirements of SNiP 5.01012002 "Earthworks. Bases and bases" and MSN 4.03012003 "Gas-distributing systems".

After installation, the gas pipeline should be tested for tightness with a pressure of 4.5kgf/cm2 with a test duration of 1h. (according to MSN 4.03012003 Table 17)

Drawings content

icon ГСН,АС,ЭХЗ-чертеж.dwg

icon Котельная-Адаптация-ГСВ.dwg

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