Gas supply of residential building No. 83 A in the village of Malaya Gogolevka

- Added: 09.08.2014
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Additional information
1.2. Information on climatic, geographical and engineering-geological characteristics of the area on the territory of which the construction of a linear object is carried out.
The territory under consideration is located in the construction and climatic area IIB. Average outside air temperature for heated period 2 ° С, design outside air temperature for heating design 26 ° С. Duration of heating period 212 days .
The climate of the region is temperate continental, characterized by cold winters and moderately warm summers. The dominant direction of the winds is south and west.
The terrain is calm with slight differences. Geotechnical surveys are provided by the customer.
1.3. Options for the route of the linear object through the territory of the construction area, justification of the selected route option.
The route of the designed low-pressure gas pipeline is designed from the point of tie-in to the existing gas pipeline PK 0 to GRPSH, and from GRPSH to the gasified residential building. GRPSH is installed in the customer's territory .
The proposed option is justified by the shortest distance to the gasified house.
1.4. Information about the linear capital construction facility.
The designed gas pipeline is designed for food preparation and heating of an individual residential building No. 83 A on the street. Malaya Gogolevka in the Pskov district.
1.5 Technical and economic characteristics of the linear object.
The total length of the gas pipeline route is 25.2 m.
Extent of the underground gas pipeline of high pressure of PE Ø32h3.0 - 4.2 m;
Extent of the PE Ø32h3.0 underground low-pressure gas pipeline - 17.3 m;
The total design gas flow rate of the equipment is 4.69 m3/h.
1.6. Information on land seized for temporary and permanent use.
The route of the designed gas pipeline runs along the land belonging to the owner of the gasified house.
According to the "Rules for the Protection of Distribution Networks" dated 20.11.2000 No. 878, the protection zone along the gas pipeline is 2 m on each side, around the GRPSH 10,0 m.
1.7. Fundamental design solutions that ensure
Reliability of linear object
1.7.1 External gas pipelines.
According to OJSC "Pskovoblgaz" technical specification, the source of gas supply is underground polyethylene gas pipeline of high
pressure of Ø90x8.2 of mm, passing along the site of a gasifiable house.
To reduce the gas pressure, from high 0.48 MPa to low 0.0025 MPa in the customer's territory, the project provides for the installation of the gas control station GRPSH12N with the main and reserve reduction line and heating. The GRPP includes RDGD20M regulators, which reduce the gas pressure from high to low and provide gas flow in the volume of prospective connection.
From the connection point to the gasified house, the gas pipeline shall be laid underground from polyethylene pipes as per GOST R 5083895. Signal tape is laid along the entire length of the pipeline from polyethylene pipes at a distance of 0.2m from the pipeline. Connections of polyethylene pipes shall be made by coupling welding. To compensate for temperature elongations in the trench, the gas pipeline made of polyethylene pipes must be laid with a snake in a horizontal plane on a base of sandy soil 10 cm thick and filled with sandy soil 20 cm from the upper generatrix, followed by backfilling with soil taken out of the trench.
Polyethylene pipes shall be welded at ambient air temperature from 15 С to + 40 С. Do the sprinkling in summer -
in the morning (the coldest time of day), in winter - in the warmest time of day .
The project provides for a supply of polyethylene pipes in the amount of 10% of the total length, designed for welding of tolerance joints, conducting incoming quality control of pipes, laying pipes with a snake .
GRPSH is installed on the customer's territory in the fence. Lightning protection of GRPSH is performed by lightning diverter installed behind GRPSH fence. To lay the gas pipeline from GRPS to the building from the polyethylene pipes Ø 32x3.0. At the outlets of the gas pipeline from the ground, install disconnecting devices with an insulating connection.
VK gas meter G4T is installed in the protective cabinet on the building facade.
To protect against corrosion, the above-ground gas pipeline should be coated in two layers with PF115 enamel in accordance with GOST 646576 resistant to temperature changes and effects of atmospheric precipitation on two layers of primer GF021 GOST 2512982.
At the outlets of the gas pipeline from the ground, a ball crane with an insulating connection is installed on the gas pipeline.
In the basement of the residential building, install a sampling connector.
Houses entering the 50m zone from the designed underground gas pipeline have nozzles made during the construction of the distribution gas pipeline.
There are no underground utilities wells in the 15m zone from the designed underground gas pipeline.
Test the underground low pressure polyethylene gas pipeline for
pressure tightness - 0.3MPa during 24h, above-ground low-pressure steel gas pipeline - 0.3MPa during 1h, internal gas pipeline - 0.01MPa during 5min.
During installation of underground utilities inputs and outputs, they must be sealed.
1.7.2 Internal gas supply.
The walls of the house are brick, the floors are reinforced concrete. Natural lighting of rooms through windows (in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting. Design Standards "). The glazing area of the windows of the heat generator is 0.5 m2, the kitchen is 1.96 m2.
In the heat generator located in the basement, install a 30 kW Slim1.300 Fi boiler. The boiler capacity is accepted in accordance with the heat loss data calculated according to the enlarged indicators. Air exhaust in the volume of 65.83 m3/h is provided for in the existing ventilation channel 140x140 mm and chimney 270x140 mm. Combustion products are removed from the boiler by means of coaxial pipes.
In the kitchen located on the ground floor, a four-block gas stove is installed. Exhaust of air from the kitchen in the volume of 35.72 m3/h is provided for in the existing insulated ventilation channel 140x140 mm, using an exhaust hood, with a capacity of up to 150 m3/h. Air flow will be carried out through leaks in the door and window openings, and a "microverting" system will also be used in double-glazed windows.
Before putting the gas supply system into operation, it is necessary to have an act
inspection of ventilation channel.
The total gas flow rate is 4.69 m3/h. The rated gas pressure upstream of the boiler burner shall be at least 130 kPa. The boiler is equipped with automation, which automatically controls the temperature of water heating at the outlet of the device and safety automation, which turns off the gas supply at:
-Fill extinguishing
-including gas supply
-no traction in coaxial pipe
- decrease of gas pressure in the network
The internal gas pipeline system is made of water and gas pipes with an open gasket. Welded pipe connections. Threaded connections are used in places of fittings installation and equipment connection. Fixation of the gas pipeline to the walls is provided by Fisher clamps.
To protect against corrosion, cover the internal gas pipeline in two layers with PF115 enamel as per GOST 646576.
To automatically shut off the gas supply in case of a fire at the gas pipeline inlets in the gasified rooms, thermo-lock valves are installed, the fusible insert of which, in case of a fire, melts, freeing the passage of the shutoff element, which blocks the gas flow.
Dielectric inserts are installed in front of electrified gas equipment to prevent leakage currents, closure to the housing and equalizing currents from flowing through the gas pipeline.
1.8. Gas pipeline protection against electrochemical corrosion.
Protection of the gas pipeline from electrochemical corrosion is not provided, since the underground gas pipeline is designed from polyethylene pipes.
At the outlets of the gas pipeline from the ground on the facade of the residential building and in front of the gas meter, an insulating ball valve is installed.
1.9. Environmental protection measures
The project provides for the laying of a gas pipeline from polyethylene pipes. Connections of polyethylene pipes are made by coupling welding .
To prevent gas leakage due to corrosion above ground
The gas pipeline and GRPSH piping are covered in two layers with PF115 enamel according to GOST 646576 resistant to temperature changes and atmospheric precipitation influences in two layers of the primer GF021 GOST 2512982 .
During the installation of the gas pipeline, solid waste will be generated at the installation site, most of which will be further processed. Cutting of steel pipes, scrap are subject to scrap metal, and electrode waste - to disposal.
During construction and installation works, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SP 421012003, SP 62.133302011 "Gas Distribution Systems," "Fire Safety Rules for Welding and Other Works at National Economy Facilities."
The installation of the gas pipeline shall be carried out by the installation organization having a certificate for this type of work. Fire safety measures fire safety
1.10. Fire safety measures.
In the process of construction and installation works it is necessary to ensure priority execution of fire prevention measures,
observance of fire rules stipulated by PPB 0103 *, availability and serviceable maintenance of fire fighting equipment.
Only those workers who have undergone special training and additional special safety and fire safety training can be allowed for welding work.
There shall be breaks of not less than 10 m between welders' workplaces and the place of storage of flammable materials.
Electro and gas welders need to be installed away from passages and driveways.
When starting welding, it is necessary to first check the serviceability of insulation of welding wires and electrode holders and the density of connection of all contacts. When laying wires and each time they move, you need to
protect insulation from damage, prevent contact of wires with steel ropes, hoses of gas-flame equipment and hot
It is necessary to regularly check the serviceability of electric welders and every time make sure that there is no voltage on the housing.
It is forbidden to make open fire, smoke, light matches closer than 10 m from oxygen and acetylene cylinders, gas generators.
Oxygen and acetylene cylinders prepared for operation must be protected from direct sunlight and installed separately on special supports away from passages.
It is not allowed to smoke during the preparation of primer and its application on the gas pipeline. You cannot smoke near the place where the primer is stored.
The container in which the primer is prepared or stored must be closed with sealed covers or plugs.
Plugs of hermetically closing barrels with primer must be opened with special care.
Equipment and mechanisms used for construction and installation works shall meet fire safety requirements.
In accordance with item 84 of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 0103 *), at the introduction of the gas pipeline into the kitchen, a thermal intake valve is provided, the fusible insertion of which, when the ambient temperature in the room reaches 100 ° C in a fire, melts, freeing the passage of the shutoff element that blocks the gas flow.
М. Гоголевка 83А.dwg
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