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Gas supply of gas infrared emitters (GII) (automation)


3. The project envisages installation of gas infrared emitters of GII-20 brand "Thermo-Shvank" (with a capacity of 20.0 kW each) in the amount of 43 pieces and a gas boiler GRIZLI 100 KLO from Protherm (with a capacity of 99.0 kW) in the heat generator room for heating the administrative premises of the workshop located on the entresoles in axes 1-5 and A.

Project's Content

icon gazosnabzhenie_gazovykh_infrakrasnykh_izluchatelej_gii_avtomatika.dwg

Additional information

Drawings content

icon gazosnabzhenie_gazovykh_infrakrasnykh_izluchatelej_gii_avtomatika.dwg
