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Project of a frame house 9x9.


Working project of a frame residential house 9x9.

List of working drawings: 

General view of the frame

Pile field

Foundation binding plan

Drawings of beams B1… B4

Floor slab beam plan

First floor wall plan

Wall St1

Wall St2

Wall St3

Wall St4

Wall St5

Wall St6, St7

Terrace columns

Plan of beams and wall bindings

Beams Bn1, Bn2

Beams Bt1, Bt2

Attic wall plan

Wall Sch1

Wall Sch2

Wall Sch3

Attic ceiling plan

Rafter system

Rafters B1, B2

Rafters B3….B13

Includes drawings of 24 sheets A-4 in PDF format.

3D model of the working project in SketchUp format 

Project's Content

icon 3д модель дома 9kh9.skp
icon Дом_9kh9.pdf

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