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Gas supply of apartment in residential building


Gas supply of an apartment in a residential building. Drawings of GSN, GSV, OM, EM, PIC 1. Detailed drawings of the seeker grade are made on the basis of the municipal contract and Technical conditions.

Project's Content

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Additional information


I. Explanatory note

1. General Object Information

2 Brief description of physical, geographical and climatic conditions of the construction area

3 Environmental impact assessment

4 List of measures to prevent and/or reduce the possible negative impact of the proposed economic activity on the environment and rational use of natural resources for the period of construction and operation of the facility

4.1 Atmospheric Air Protection Measures

4.1.1 Brief description of the object as a source of atmospheric air pollution

4.1.2 Calculation of pollutant emissions from fuel combustion

4.1.3 Calculation and analysis of air pollution level

4.2 Measures for the protection and rational use of land resources and soil cover

4.3 Protection of surface and groundwater from pollution

4.4 Measures for collection, use, disposal, transportation and disposal of hazardous wastes

4.5 Measures for rational use of common minerals used in construction

4.6 Subsoil protection measures

4.7 Measures to protect plant and animal life

4.8 Information on storage places of plant soil dumps

4.9 Program of production environmental control (monitoring) of the nature of change of all ecosystem components during construction and operation

4.10 Program of special observations of linear object in areas exposed to hazardous natural impacts

5 List of costs for the implementation of environmental measures

6 Literature


Situation plan. M 1:

Calculation of atmospheric pollution under the program "Ecologist"

Environmental impact assessment during the construction of the facility

1. Understanding the Object

This project solves the gas supply of apartment No. 4 in residential building No. 1

Part of the project "Environmental Protection" provides for measures to protect nature during the construction of a supply gas pipeline.

The scope of construction for this facility includes:

- low-pressure natural gas pipeline of category IV from steel electric welded pipes Ø89 × 3.5 mm in underground design with a length of 220m and Ø89 × 3.5 mm, Ø45 × 3, 0mm in above-ground design with a total length of 179m;

- internal gas equipment of apartment No. 4 with installation of wall gas heating boiler PROTERM Panther 12 KTO with capacity N = 11.5 kW.

The connection point of the designed gas pipeline is the existing above-ground low-pressure natural gas pipeline of category IV Ø89 × 3.5 mm, passing near house No. 9 on the street. Lenin .

The gas boiler accepted for installation has a high efficiency, is economical, ensures the purity of fuel combustion products that meets state standards.

Combustion products are discharged from the boiler to the atmosphere through Ø60/100 mm pipe with a height of 9.5 m from the ground surface.

4.2. Measures for the protection and management of land resources and soil cover

The route of the designed gas pipeline passes through the lands of the Shuisky urban settlement. The gas pipeline is laid partially on pipe racks at a height of 3.5m from the ground surface and along the walls of buildings with attachment on brackets. With this method of laying, land use conditions do not change, the vegetation layer of the soil is not disturbed.

Section of gas pipeline with length of 220 m is made in underground design, in trench with depth of 0.89 2.19 m.

In order to preserve the upper vegetal layer of soil, as well as in accordance with the "Land Code of the Russian Federation," before the start of construction, it must be cut at the sections of the underground gas pipeline where there is a vegetal layer of soil. Vegetal soil is used to apply (reverse sliding) to areas disturbed during the construction of the gas pipeline, after filling the trench with mineral soil.

The purpose of this type of work is to preserve the vegetal layer of soil and the final leveling of construction work areas.

The terrain along the underground gas pipeline after the completion of construction should remain original, as before the gas pipeline. Upon completion of construction and installation works, the entire area affected by the construction shall be brought into proper condition. The project provides for the restoration of disturbed lawns during construction on an area of ​ ​ 1230 m2 with the subsequent sowing of lawn grasses.

Thus, disturbed during construction and then restored land will organically connect with the bordering landscape.

4.3. Protection of surface and groundwater from pollution

Natural gas, as well as the gas pipeline, does not adversely affect groundwater. Water is not required for the process needs of the linear part of the gas pipeline. Strength and tightness tests are performed with compressed air. Environmentally friendly materials are used for construction and installation works.

A small part of the designed gas pipeline is located within the water protection zone of the river. Teza (200m). In this case, this does not contradict Article 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, since the gas pipeline is not a source of pollution and does not have any effect on the water resources of the river. Teza, since water from the reservoir is not consumed, there are no discharges, the reservoir does not intersect.

Given the immediate proximity of the river. Teza to the construction zone, the project makes a warning about compliance with the restrictions of economic activity established by Part 15 and 17 of Article 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, namely:

within the boundaries of the water protection zone it is prohibited to:

• disposal of production and consumption wastes, chemical and toxic substances;

• movement and parking of vehicles;

within the limits of the coastal protective strip (30 m), in addition to the above restrictions, it is prohibited:

• land plowing;

• placement of dumps of eroded soils.

In addition, the project provides for the following activities:

providing structural reliability of the linear part;

execution of construction works strictly in the diversion area;

prohibition of the operation of construction equipment with leaks of petrol, oil and lubricants;

prohibition of washing of machines and mechanisms on the construction site and in the river. Teza.

When performing these measures, contamination of the surface waters of the river. Teza will be excluded, the water bioresources of the reservoir will not be disturbed, the impact of the designed object on the water protection zone and coastal protective strip will be minimal.

4.4. Measures for the collection, use, disposal, transportation and disposal of hazardous wastes

During the construction of facilities, issues of collection, storage, transportation of hazardous waste are of particular relevance.

The main measures to protect the environment during the storage of waste generated during construction and installation work on the gasification of a residential building are aimed at their maximum use for economic needs, with the implementation of regular

waste removal for disposal. Calculation of generated waste volumes and estimated disposal places are given in Appendix 3 to section PM on environmental protection.

4.5. Measures for the rational use of common

minerals used in construction

There are no common minerals at the construction site.

4.6. Subsoil protection measures

Due to the lack of minerals in the subsoil under the areas of the upcoming construction, no measures are envisaged to protect the subsoil.

4.7. Measures to protect the flora and fauna

The main factor of the impact of the designed object on the plant world is the partial cutting down or uprooting of green spaces. In several cases, it is necessary to demolish green spaces (5 trees) falling into the zone of construction of an underground gas pipeline. Due to the lack of value of the species of cut trees, the construction of the facility will not cause tangible damage to the plant world of Shuya. There will be little negative impact on the plant world in the construction area.

Of particular importance in the performance of work is the prevention of sharp noise impacts in order to preserve the safety of wild animals. Due to the absence in the construction zone of large sunbeds and migration routes for wild animals, places of nesting game, rare and endangered species of animals and birds, special measures for the protection of animals in the area of ​ ​ work are not provided.

4.8. Information on storage places of plant soil dumps

When performing work on cutting off the vegetal layer of soil, the project provides for storage places for vegetal soil dumps. Removed fertile soil from the work sites is shifted by a distance of up to 5 m within the drain strip. The use of soil and plant soil is planned for the restoration of disturbed land.

4.9. Program of production environmental control (monitoring) of the nature of change of all ecosystem components during construction and operation of the facility

As a result of economic activities for the construction and operation of a low-pressure gas pipeline, negative changes in the environment will not occur. There are no threats to public health, the state of natural ecological systems and the degradation of flora and fauna. In this case, production environmental control (monitoring) of the nature of changes in all ecosystem components during the construction and operation of the designed facility consists in the implementation of the Federal Laws "On Environmental Protection," "On Atmospheric Air Protection," "On Production and Consumption Waste." Production environmental control and monitoring is carried out by environmental specialists of the operating organization.

4.10.Program of special observations of linear object

in areas subject to natural hazards

Due to the absence of hazardous natural impacts in the construction area of the linear facility (low pressure gas pipeline), the development of a program of special observations of the designed facility is not required.

Drawings content

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наружка ТЕЗИНСКАЯ ГОРА.dwg



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icon Стройгенплан Тез[1].Гора последний.dwg

Стройгенплан Тез[1].Гора последний.dwg