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Gas supply of a private house with. Omutinskoye

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The decisions adopted in the project meet the requirements of PB 12-529-03 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems," SP 62.13330.2011 "Gas Distribution Systems," SP 42-101-2003 "General Provisions for the Design and Construction of Gas Distribution Systems from Metal and Polyethylene Pipes," "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Gas Networks of the Russian Distribution and Gas of the Government of the Approved of October from October 2010

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. General part

1.1. Basis for Project Development

1.2. Object characteristic

1.2.1 Designed Objects

1.2.2 Construction area

1.3. Main design solutions for gas supply

2. Technological solutions

2.1 Construction of polyethylene gas pipeline

2.2 Construction of steel gas pipeline

2.3 Protection of gas pipeline against corrosion

2.4 Quality control of welded joints of gas pipelines

2.5 Testing of gas pipelines

3. Gas Supply Internals

4. Organization of Gas Management Service

5. Health and safety measures

6. Gas Pipeline Protection Area

7. Fire Safety Measures

8. Environmental protection


Certificate of admission to a certain type or types of works that affect the safety of capital construction facilities

SRO-P-112-11012010 dated 12.05.2011 №11720266-

1.1 Basis for project development

The decisions taken in the project meet the requirements of PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems," SP 62.13330.2011 "Gas distribution systems," SP 421012003 "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes," "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks," approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2010 No. 870 and Technical Conditions for Connection issued by Tyumennezhereigaz OJSC.

1.2 Characteristics of the object

1.2.1 Designed objects: Supply gas pipeline to a wooden private residential building located at the address: st. Maiskaya d.11 s. Omutinskoye, Omutinsky district.

The point of connection is the existing PE 110x5.3 underground low-pressure gas pipeline laid in 12.60 meters from a house. External and internal gas supply of a wooden private residential building located at ul. Maiskaya d.11 s. Omutinskoye, Omutinsky district.

Heated area: S = 115.00m2.

The design documentation provides for the use of natural gas for heating and food preparation.

The gas stove and gas meter are installed in the kitchen room of the residential building, which meets the requirements for the installation of gas equipment: the kitchen volume is 39,12m3 (h = 2,70m), there is a window window.

A 13 kW wall gas boiler is installed in the boiler room of a residential building that meets the requirements for the installation of gas equipment: the boiler room volume is 11.88m3 (h = 2.70m), there is a VE ventilation channel (Ǿ150 mm) and a window window, a coaxial chimney with a diameter of 60/100 mm is also provided.

2. technological solutions

The project is developed in accordance with the requirements of:

- SNiP 42012002 "Gas distribution systems";

- "Rules for safety of gas distribution and gas consumption systems" (Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 04/04/2003 №4376);

- "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes" (SP 421012003);

- "Design and construction of polyethylene pipes and reconstruction of worn-out gas pipelines" (SP 42 103 2003);

- Updated version of SNiPa 42012002 "Gas distribution systems" (SP 62.13330.2011).

Prior to the start of gasification installation works, a representative of the customer's technical supervision from among the ITRs who passed the exam for knowledge of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" and the corresponding chapters of SNiP should be appointed.

The finished project is agreed by the customer with the gas supply organization and registered in the gas engineering inspection.

All works on construction and operation of gas pipelines shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for protection of gas distribution networks."

3. internal gas supply devices

At the entrance to the kitchen of the low-pressure gas pipeline Ǿ20kh2,8, a domestic gas meter NPMG4 with a maximum throughput of 6.0 m3/h is installed, then a gas boiler for heating is installed, then a four-burner gas stove for food preparation is installed.

A wall gas boiler (coaxial) is installed in the boiler room for heating with a total power of 13 kW with a gas flow rate of 13.9 m3/h. Natural lighting of the boiler house is provided through the window opening of the outer wall. Window opening shall be made on the basis of 0.03 m2/glazing per 1 m3/volume.

The room where the boiler is installed shall be equipped with F150 mm exhaust duct.

For air inflow in the lower part of the door, a grid or gap between the door and the floor with a living section of at least 0.025 m2 shall be provided.

The dimensions of the passages around the boiler are accepted in accordance with passports and operating instructions and provide free access during maintenance, installation and dismantling of the equipment.

According to regulatory documents, in existing residential buildings it is allowed to install gas stoves: in rooms of kitchens with a height of at least 2.2 m and a volume of at least 15m3 for gas stoves with 4 burners in the absence of a ventilation channel and the impossibility of using chimneys as such a channel, but if there is a window in the room with a window and a frame in the upper part of the window.

Wooden non-plastered walls and walls of other combustible materials at the places of installation of slabs should be insulated with non-combustible materials: plaster, roofing steel on asbestos sheet at least 3 mm thick, etc. The insulation shall extend beyond the plate dimensions by 10 cm on each side and not less than 80 cm on top.

The distance from the slab to the non-combustible insulated walls of the room shall be not less than 7 cm; the distance between the plate and the opposite wall shall not be less than 1 m.

Installation of gas heating boilers should be provided near walls from non-combustible materials at a distance of at least 10 cm. If there are no walls from non-combustible materials in the room, it is allowed to install a heating device near walls protected in accordance with the instructions of regulatory documents at a distance of at least 10 cm.

When installing a gas plate in the room with built-in devices for water heating (heating, hot water supply), the room volume should be 6 m3 more than the volume, SNiP is provided.

A room designed to accommodate a gas heating boiler, the removal of combustion products from which is provided in the chimney, must have a volume of at least 7.5 m3 when installing one device and at least 13.5 m3 when installing two heating devices.

The chimney arrangement shall comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.0591 * as for heating furnaces.

Before each gas device (individually), a disconnecting device (ball valve) is installed.

Laying of gas pipelines along the building wall is provided on brackets. Welding of gas pipelines shall be performed as per GOST 1603780 *, steel structures as per GOST 526480 *.

4. organization of the gas economy service

For continuous technical supervision of the gas industry, carrying out planned preventive inspections and repair of gas equipment and facilities on them, performing gas hazardous works in the gas industry and ensuring readiness at any time to take measures to prevent or eliminate the accident, associated with the operation of gas pipelines and gas equipment, maintaining the stability of gas parameters and ensuring its uninterrupted supply in the quantities necessary for consumers at this facility, accounting of gas consumption and control over its rational use is carried out by a special gas service.

The tenant himself is responsible for the operation of gas equipment in the apartment, who must be instructed on the rules for the safe operation of gas equipment in the organization Southern Trust of OJSC Tyumennezhereigaz.

If there are any deviations from the normal operation of the gas pipeline, immediately disconnect the gas. Report the failure to the emergency dispatch service (ADS).

6. gas pipeline protection area

In order to ensure the safety of distribution networks, create normal conditions for their operation, prevent accidents and accidents, in accordance with the "Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks," approved by the Decree of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000. No. 878, the following protection zones are installed for gas distribution networks:

a) along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of an area limited by conventional lines passing at a distance of 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;

b) along the routes of underground gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes when using a copper wire to indicate a gas pipeline route - in the form of an area limited by conventional lines passing at a distance of 3 meters from the gas pipeline on the side of the wire and 2 meters - on the opposite side;

c) along the routes of external gas pipelines on permafrost soils regardless of the material of the pipes - in the form of an area limited by conventional lines passing at a distance of 10 meters from each side of the gas pipeline;

d) around separate gas control points - in the form of an area bounded by a closed line, drawn at a distance of 10 meters from the borders of these objects. For gas control points attached to buildings, the protection area is not regulated.

The distances when determining the protective zones of gas pipelines are counted from the axis of the gas pipeline - for single-line gas pipelines and from the axes of the extreme lines of gas pipelines - for multi-line.

In order to prevent their damage or violation of their normal operation conditions, land plots included in the protection zones of gas distribution networks shall be subject to restrictions (encumbrances), which are prohibited to persons specified in paragraph 2 of this Regulation:

a) to build residential, civil and industrial facilities;

b) demolish and reconstruct bridges, headers, roads and railways with gas distribution networks located on them without preliminary removal of these gas pipelines in agreement with operating organizations;

c) destroy coastal structures, culverts, earthen and other structures that protect gas distribution networks from destruction;

d) move, damage, fill and destroy identification marks, control points and other devices of gas distribution networks;

e) arrange landfills and warehouses, pour solutions of acids, salts, alkalis and other chemically active substances;

f) fencing and fencing protection areas, obstructing access of personnel of operating organizations to gas distribution networks, maintenance and repair of damage to gas distribution networks;

g) raise fire and place sources of fire;

h) dig cellars, dig and process soil with agricultural and reclamation tools and mechanisms to a depth of more than 0.3 meters;

and) open the gates and doors of gas control stations, cathodic and drainage protection stations, manholes of underground wells, switch on or off the power supply of communications, lighting and telemechanics systems;

c) pounce, attach and tie foreign objects, stairs to supports and above-ground gas pipelines, fences and buildings of gas distribution networks, climb onto them.

l) unauthorized connection to gas distribution networks.

Forestry, agricultural and other works not related to violation of the land horizon and soil cultivation to a depth of more than 0.3 meters, are carried out by owners, owners or users of land plots in the protection zone of the gas distribution network, subject to prior written notification to the operating organization at least 3 working days before the start of work.

Other economic activities in the protection zones of gas distribution networks, in which the surface of the land is violated and soil is cultivated to a depth of more than 0.3 meters, are carried out on the basis of written permission of the operational organization of gas distribution networks.

The approval of the boundaries of the protection zones of gas distribution networks and the imposition of restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plots included in them are carried out on the basis of materials on surveying the borders of the protection zone by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the owners, owners or users of land plots - for the designed gas distribution networks and without coordination with these persons - for existing gas distribution networks.

Drawings content

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