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Gas supply concept

  • Added: 13.12.2017
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Gas supply

Project's Content

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Additional information


General Information

Design Input

Equipment calculation

Equipment and Piping Route Description

Location of LPG tank relative to existing passenger cable car

Installation of Polyethylene Gas Line

Health and Safety

Protection of underground equipment and gas pipeline against corrosion

Environmental protection measures

General Information

This project was developed by OOO "OOOOOO" on the basis of the customer's project assignment.

This project has been implemented taking into account the requirements of existing building codes and regulations:

- Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation;

- Construction Norms and Regulations 110195 "The instruction about an order of development, coordination, a statement and structure of the project documentation on construction of the enterprises, buildings and constructions";

- SP 42103 "Design and construction of gas pipelines from polyethylene pipes and reconstruction of worn-out gas pipelines";

- SNiP 42012002 "Gas distribution systems";

- SNiP 421012003 "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes";

- PGB 1252903 "Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems";

- RD 0361603 "Methodological recommendations for the implementation of identification of hazardous production facilities";

- RD 34.21.12290 - Instruction on lightning protection of buildings and structures, etc.

Design Input

1. Technical conditions for LPG gasification

2. IVS Detailed Drawings No. 3643

Equipment calculation

According to the customer's terms, it is envisaged to commission the hotel premises in 2 stages :

1) cafe on the ground floor, with an area of ​ ​ 200 m2,

2) 2, 3 and attic floors of the hotel with a total area of ​ ​ 500 m2.

According to the recommendations for the calculation of heating equipment, 1 kW per 10m2, the required capacity of heating and hot water boilers in the first place, taking into account the coefficient of 1.5 on increasing the consumption of hot water and heat loss in catering rooms, 30 kW is accepted, and 50 kW for the second.

The total capacity of heating and hot water boilers will be 80 kW. During the hours of maximum consumption, in the coldest season, at this capacity, LPG consumption will be 6 kg/h. Due to the fact that the minimum capacity of the evaporation plant is 15 kg/h, we put it in the gas supply scheme.

Based on unevenness of consumption during the day and during the year, at maximum consumption power, we accept LPG storage capacity taking into account filling once every 6 months - 8.5m3.

First of all, during the hours of maximum consumption, in the coldest season, with a boiler power of 30 kW, LPG consumption will be 2 kg/h, which is ensured by natural evaporation in a LPG tank with a size of 8.5m3. Thus, to provide the first stage with the necessary amount of LPG, an evaporation plant is not required.

Description of gas pipeline equipment and route

LPG tank 8.5m3 is located in the pit, on a reinforced concrete slab and is fixed on it with the help of clamps. Reservoirs are filled with soil to a height of 0.6 m above their upper generatrix.

The evaporation plant is installed on a reinforced concrete foundation, the top of the foundation is 0.2 m above ground level.

Medium pressure gas pipeline G2 R≤0,3MP Pipe PE80 GAS SDR11 32x3.0 goes from LPG tank 8.5m3, through the evaporation unit to the control and distribution point (KPC) of the hotel.

At the intersections with the cable on the cables, cases are dressed 2 meters in each direction .

The depth of gas pipelines under the roads is not less than 1.5 m.

Low pressure gas is supplied from the ECU to the boilers and gas plates in the hotel.

The CPC is located directly at the gas pipeline inlet to the hotel, in a metal protective cabinet at the level of 1 m from the ground.

Location of the cargo tank relative to the existing passenger cableway

Article 48.1 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation indicates that gas distribution systems for LPG pressure up to 1.6 MPa do not belong to technically complex and especially dangerous objects.

According to RD 0361603 "Methodological Recommendations for the Implementation of Identification of Hazardous Production Facilities," developed by the State Committee for Supervision of Safe Work in Industry and Mining Supervision of the Russian Federation, the gas distribution system, as well as the passenger cable car suspension road, refers to hazardous production facilities.

As per Table 7 of SNiP 42012002 "Gas Distribution Systems" Item 4, the distance from the enclosure of LPG tank with the volume of less than 10m3 to the production facility is 8 m.

Installation of Polyethylene Gas Line

1. For the gas pipeline of the average pressure P0.3 the MPa designed on the basis of item 5.2.4 Construction Norms and Regulations 42012002 polyethylene pipes PE80 GAZ of SDR11 32х3,0 with durability safety factor not less than 2.8 in accordance with GOST P50 83895, the qualities of a zavodaizgotovitel having the certificate and also connecting elements which are the finished products certified in Russia.

2. Connections of polyethylene gas pipelines with steel are provided as non-detachable. Steel sections of permanent joints and other steel inserts on underground gas pipelines shall be covered with insulation of "very reinforced type." Permanent joints of "polyethylene steel" type are laid on a sandy base 10 cm with sand filling to a height of not less than 25 cm.

3. Polyethylene pipes shall be stored under conditions ensuring their safety from damage.

4.Connection of polyethylene pipes to each other is performed using parts with embedded heaters or butt welding.

5.Wind polyethylene pipes at ambient temperature from 15 ° to + 40 ° С.

6.The radius of rotation performed by elastic bending for gas pipelines 63 mm or more, regardless of the place of gasket, shall be at least 25 times the size of the pipe diameter. For rotations of a smaller bend radius, prefabricated parts (taps) shall be used.

7. For underground gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes, compensating devices are not required.

8. The construction of the gas pipeline can be started with complete supply of pipes and connecting parts.

9.When earthworks are performed to warn about the passage of polyethylene gas pipeline at the distance of 0.25 m from the top of the pipeline, a yellow polyethylene signal tape with a width of 0.20 m with the indelible inscription "GAZ" is laid.

Protection of underground equipment and gas pipelines against corrosion

Protection of underground gas pipelines against corrosion shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 42012002 and GOST 9.60289.

To protect against soil corrosion, the steel underground designed gas pipeline must have a protective coating of a "very reinforced" type according to GOST 9.60282.

To reduce the corrosion activity of soils in the places of installation of basement gas inlets and other metal parts, trenches are filled with clean sand.

Small sections of above-ground gas pipelines for protection against atmospheric precipitation are painted with oil paint on the primer 2 times .

To protect the LPG storage tank from corrosive activity of soils, the tank should have a protective coating of a "very reinforced" type according to GOST 9.60282, as well as anode-cathode protection.

Environmental protection activities

Environmental protection measures are carried out in accordance with the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil," "On Land," "On Animals," "On Environmental Protection" and the Law of the City of Moscow "On the Protection and Use of Immovable Historical and Cultural Monuments."

When performing all construction and installation work on laying the gas pipeline, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of environmental protection, maintaining its sustainable ecological balance and not violate land use conditions established by environmental protection legislation.

All designed equipment, valves, pipelines must be completely sealed, which will ensure environmental protection from gas contamination after commissioning of the gas pipeline.

Land plots provided for temporary use after completion of construction and installation works shall be restored.

The following shall be restored:

- construction strip of pipelines along the whole length, quarry;

- areas where erosion processes have developed.

Refurbishment works shall be considered completed if:

- land reclamation performed;

- cleaned areas contaminated with fuel and lubricants, construction and household waste.

When the pipeline is filled with bulldozer, the movements are carried out in the oblique-longitudinal direction in order to narrow the operation area.

When laying the linear part of the gas pipeline, the construction organization should be guided by the instructions developed in this project in terms of land drainage standards for the duration of construction.

The responsibility for compliance with the design solutions for environmental protection lies with the construction organization that conducts the gas pipeline laying.

Drawings content

icon Емкость.dwg