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Gas pipeline to individual residential and guest house

  • Added: 09.08.2014
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The project is based on the design task. 1 Initial data for design 1.1 TU of Vsevolozhskmezhraigaz branch No. 1473 dated 09.09.

Project's Content

icon Гидравлика.dwg
icon Задание.doc
icon Обложка.doc
icon Общие данные.doc
icon Общие указания.doc
icon Опознавательный знак.dwg
icon Паспорт.doc
icon План трассы.dwg
icon план.dwg
icon Пояснительная записка.doc
icon Приложения.doc
icon Профиль1.dwg
icon Профиль2.dwg
icon Профиль3.dwg
icon Содержание.doc
icon СОИ-2 32.dwg
icon СОИ-2 63.dwg
icon Состав проекта.doc
icon Спецификация.doc
icon Схема контура заземления ГРПШ.dwg
icon Титул.doc
icon Усл.обозн..dwg
icon Условия согласования с АО.doc
icon Установка грпш.dwg

Additional information


Design Task

Project Passport

Source Documents 6-

4202-GSN-20.PZ Explanatory Note 8-

4202-GSN-20 General data 13 -

4202-GSN-20 Working Drawings 15-

4202-GSN-20.С Specification of equipment, products and


4202-GSN-20.P Appendix 22-

2 Gas supply and flow source

Natural gas with calorific value QpH = 8000kcal/m3 is used as fuel; ρ=0.683 kg/m3.

The project provides for gas supply to a residential and guest house on plots No. 20.31, located in the Leningrad region Vsevolozhsky district of the village of Koltushi, Voeikovskoye highway.

Natural gas supply to a residential and guest house on plots No. 20.31, located in the Leningrad region Vsevolozhsky district of the village of Koltushi, Voeikovskoye Shosse., It is possible to carry out 219x4.5 from the existing medium-pressure gas pipeline Truya

Tie-in unit is linked with as-built documentation stored at Vsevolozhskmezhraigaz branch

In the residential and guest house, gas consumption is provided for the needs of heating, hot water supply and food preparation.

3 Gas supply diagram and hydraulic calculation

The project provides for a dead end gas supply scheme for a residential and guest house on plots No. 20.31, located in the Leningrad region Vsevolozhsky district of the village of Koltushi, Voeikovskoye highway.

Hydraulic calculation of gas pipeline networks for gas supply of an individual residential building is made in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 42012002 and is presented on the drawing. 4202GSN20.P sheet 2.

5 Laying of gas pipeline

The project provides for:

5.1 Insert of PK0 in the operating underground gas pipeline of average pressure Pipe 219х4.5 GOST 1070491. It is linked to the as-built documentation stored at the Vsevolozhskmezhraigaz branch. Installation of the control tube under the carpet at the tie-in site.

5.2 Installation of permanent connection "steel-polyethylene" 32x33,5 (PC0 + 1.00)

5.3 Laying of medium pressure pipeline PE80 GAZ SDR11 32x3.0 (PC0 + 1, 00PK0 + 10.00)

5.4 The output of the gas pipeline from the earth special branch by the isolated SOI-2 32h33,5 ((PK0+11.00) on fig. 4202GSN20.P sheet 4).

5.5 Installation of GRPSHFE25 (attach to wall of non-residential building) (drawing 4202GSN20.P sheet 5)

5.6 Installation of grounding loop for GRPP (drawing 4202GSN20.P sheet 6).

5.7 Installation of KSHI25r cranes before and KSHI50f after GRPP.

5.8 Installation of T-connector 57*3.5 and KShI50r crane on N =1.6m at a wall of the uninhabited building. (1PK0+0.50)

5.9 The output of the gas pipeline from the earth special branch by the isolated SOI-2 63h57 ((1PK0+0.80) (3PK0) on fig. 4202GSN20.P sheet 3).

5.10 Laying of the PE80 low-pressure gas pipeline GAZ of SDR11 63х5,8 (1PK0+1,801PK0+62,30)

5.11 Laying of low pressure gas pipeline PE80 GAZ SDR11 32x3.0 (2PK02PK0 + 40.20)

5.12 Laying of the PE80 low-pressure gas pipeline GAZ of SDR11 63х5,8 (3PK0+1,003PK0+29,00)

5.13 The output of the gas pipeline from the earth special branch by the isolated SOI-2 63h57 ((1PK0+63.30) (3PK0+30.00) on fig. 4202GSN20.P sheet 3). Installation of KSHI50r crane on the facade of residential and guest houses (H = 1.6 m from ground level)

5.14 The output of the gas pipeline from the earth special branch by the isolated SOI-2 32h33,5 ((2PK0) (2PK0+41.20) on fig. 4202GSN20.P sheet 4). Installation of KSHI25r crane on the facade of the guest house (H = 1.6 m from ground level)

5.15 Coating of the above-ground gas pipeline with primer for 2 times and oil paint for 2 times in accordance with the requirements of PB 1252903.

5.16 Installation of identification plates (drawing 4202GSN20.P sheet 7) to indicate tie-in and turn of underground gas pipeline

6 Gas pipeline corrosion protection

To protect against electrochemical corrosion, the underground steel gas pipeline is covered with "very reinforced" insulation with polymer adhesive tape as per GOST 9.602-2005

Exits of the gas pipeline from the ground are provided by SOI-2 special drain as per drawing 4202GSN20.P sheet 3,4. The steel part of the special drain has insulation of a very reinforced type and is enclosed in a case in insulation of a very reinforced type. Space between gas pipeline and case is filled with cabolk, ends of case are covered with bitumen-rubber mastic. The exit from the ground is covered with sand for the entire depth and width of the trench in a radius of 0.5 m.

Above-ground sections of the gas pipeline are protected against atmospheric corrosion by coating the gas pipeline with primer in 2 times and oil paint in 2 times in accordance with the requirements of PB 1252903.

7 Sealing of utility service inlets

Sealing of engineering communications inputs to buildings shall be performed according to the album of the Lengrazhdanproekt Institute (inv. № 3620/82).

Air collection tubes shall be installed in each section of the basement.

Make holes in pit covers of all utilities, as well as closed channels within a radius of 50 m from the gas pipeline (item 6.1.19 PB 1252903)

9 Organization of construction

The execution of the construction organization project is not provided for by the contract for design work.

The construction is carried out in accordance with the PDP and the schedule developed by the construction organization and agreed with the customer at the stage of signing the contract.

10 Construction Safety and Fire Prevention

When performing construction work and delivery of the construction object, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements:

- SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction part 1" (general requirements)

- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction part 2" (construction production)

- SNiP 3.01.0487 "Acceptance for operation of completed construction facilities"

- SNiP 42012002. "Gas distribution systems"

- PB 1252903, PPB-01-93, "Rules for devices and safety of pressure vessels operation"

Materials and equipment used in the construction process have certificates and permits of Rostekhnadzor of Russia for use.

Safety and health instructions for workers in each specialty with

taking into account the specifics of local conditions should be developed in the construction organization and

approved by the chief engineer.

11 Occupational safety

Workers must familiarize themselves with the PP before starting construction and installation work, undergo safety and health training in their organization and obtain permission to work. An entry must be made in the work log.

The workplace should be safe for the employee, namely:

- on construction sites during crane operation the worker must be in the helmet and not stand under the crane boom.

- during operation the workers shall be equipped with special clothes and sleeves.

- metal welders shall have protective shields of appropriate light resistance.

- when welding polyethylene, workers must be equipped with electric protective uniforms.

- the operating area of the mechanisms must be protected and marked with red flags

- the workers cannot be in the working area of the mechanism.

- cannot be in the trench during excavator operation (development, backfilling, trench rework).

- it is impossible to be on the construction site for unauthorized persons and children.

For more complex types of work, the contracting organization must perform the PDP and approve it with the chief engineer of the construction organization.

The Site Foreman and the Labor Safety Engineer of the contracting organization shall be responsible for the observance of labor protection at the site.

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