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Furniture shop on Tuvinsky Volunteers str. 3 in Kyzyl


The heating design was developed for outdoor temperature -47 ° C. Heat supply source - urban heating networks with coolant parameters tg = 95 ° С, to = 70 ° С. The calculated temperature schedule in the heating system: tg = 95 ° С, to = 70 ° С. Coolant parameters: P1 = _____ kgf/cm2- P2 = ____ kgf/cm2 are accepted in accordance with the requirements of the existing rooms. The design provides for engineering systems of plenum and exhaust ventilation with mechanical motive and equipment, providing the necessary temperature and humidity parameters of the entire building. The building is equipped with modern ventilation, air conditioning, automation and smoke protection systems in case of fire. Modern technological equipment is used, corresponding to multifunctional buildings, as well as for catering and leisure enterprises. The organization of ventilation and air conditioning systems for the multifunctional complex is carried out on the basis of studying space-planning solutions of the building, current regulatory documents for the design and construction of groups of rooms included in the project. The design is carried out on the basis of the design specification agreed with the customer and containing the initial design data, requirements for providing microclimate, guidance on the life of systems and equipment.

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