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Full-assembly public building of large-element structures - course

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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1. Design Program

1.1. Input data;

2.1. General regulations

2. Volumetric - planning solution

2.1. Characteristics of the building;

2.2. Master Plan;

2.3. Sanitary equipment of the building;

2.4. Fire protection requirements

3. Structural solutions of the building

3.1. Foundations;

3.2. Walls;

3.3. Partitions;

3.4. Overlap;

3.5. Stairs;

3.6. Windows and doors;

3.7. Roof

4. Heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures

5. Architectural and compositional solution of the facade

6. Technical - economic evaluation of the design solution

6.1. On assignment;

6.2. According to the plot plan of the building area

7. Literature used

1.2. General regulations.

Stations should be designed on the basis of SNI8580, "Manual for the design of stations."

The main technological purpose of the station is to provide safe, quick and convenient service to departure passengers when issuing travel documents, as well as while waiting for the train; landing and disembarkation; short-term service of passengers arriving, as well as meeting and escorting.

The design of the station should be carried out taking into account the planning structure of the settlement and the station, on the basis of the technological and architectural and urban planning solution of the transport hub, in which, along with the station, the following technologically connected elements should be comprehensively considered:

- station square (adjacent to the station territory on the side of the settlement) with entrances and approaches to the station, stopping points of public and individual transport, parking places, parking lots, improvement elements;

- service-technical and auxiliary buildings and structures of the railway station, if possible, combined or blocked with passenger buildings of stations on the basis of an interconnected technological and architectural-composite solution..

The height of passenger halls in purity should be taken at least 3.9m and depending on the area of ​ ​ the halls and the architectural solution. The height of all the premises of small stations can be accepted as the same, but not less than 3.6 m.

The lobbies, depending on the nature of passenger service, the size and layout of the passenger building, should be designed as:

a) lobbies - operating rooms, cash centers;

b) lobbies - distribution rooms;

c) lobbies - performing functions, both operating and distribution and cash centers.

Lobbies, operating rooms and cash centers shall have a sufficient front to accommodate small operating rooms (cash desks, help desks, etc.), and in front of them the area of ​ ​ passenger accumulation not used for passageways, as well as the area of ​ ​ transit (trunk) movement of the main flows of passengers. The lobbies should be located on the side of the station square, as a rule, in the same level as it and have a convenient connection with waiting rooms and exits to the platforms.

Distribution lobbies, i.e. rooms for the distribution of main passenger flows and short-term waiting before entering the platforms, should have convenient connections with other halls and platforms.

Waiting rooms, depending on local conditions, can be designed both common and separate (at large and large stations), intended for different categories of passengers (with children, transit, etc.). Waiting rooms should be conveniently connected to lobbies, catering facilities and platform exits.

Ticket offices should have groups, uniting them in categories of passengers, directions of trains. When designing, it is necessary to take into account the dispatching of the work of cash desks, equipping them with dispatching communication devices, ticket printing machines and other devices. Cash desks should be designed in the form of a number of booths or built-in. The distance between the axes of the cash desks is at least 2 m, the depth is at least 3 m. The floor in the cash desks should be raised by 0.20-0.30 m, the shelf (0.20 m wide) of the window - by 1.151.25 m from the floor level from the side of passengers.

Catering enterprises (hereinafter referred to as POP) at train stations, depending on the estimated capacity and local conditions, may consist of cafes, buffets (including children's buffets with waiting rooms for passengers with children, in rooms for mother and child) and restaurants, as well as - for service personnel - eating rooms (at least 12 m2), buffets and dining rooms (on assignment for design). In small stations, as a rule, buffets should be designed for passengers, in medium, large and large ones - buffets and cafes, and if necessary - on a separate assignment - and restaurants, including for tourists and intourists.

POP should be designed by those working mainly on semi-finished products. In the light of local conditions, it should be ensured that POs located at the same station have, where possible, a common unit of procurement, production, storage and administrative premises. Utility rooms must have an independent entrance, as well as hatches for lowering products and containers into the basement, places for transportation of products and removal of containers and waste. It is allowed to share the entrances and stairs of office premises - in agreement with sanitary authorities in the field.

POP trading rooms should be designed not by passing rooms and have a convenient connection with waiting rooms and lobbies.

The help desk and kiosks should be located near the entrances to the lobbies or cash desks, equipped with a telephone, local radio, directories and other media. It is allowed to arrange special halls (corners) of reference. Telephone reference devices should be placed in passenger halls - machines, information installations, stands, shields.

The rooms of the medical centers should be easily accessible both from the side of the platforms and from the side of the city; their layout, location of entrances, doors, width of corridors (at least 2 m) should provide passage with stretchers.

Police premises should be placed in convenient communication with passenger platforms and halls, equipped with a telephone, local radio, body devices associated with places of accumulation of passengers, etc.

Hand luggage storage rooms should be located close to the routes of arrival of passengers and taking into account their convenient use by departure passengers. Storage of things can be provided (depending on local conditions) in stationary storage rooms or in storage rooms operating on the principle of self-service (hereinafter referred to as CCS), using standard individual cells combined into blocks.

The Mother and Child Rooms (hereinafter referred to as CMI) should be located away from noisy rooms, preferably with a separate entrance from the station area and/or from the passenger building .

In the latrine (pot) and washroom (with shower), the height of the installation of children's sanitary devices, counting from the floor of the premises to the side of the device, must be:

for washbasins - 0.5, for a small shower tray - 0.3 m. The height of the shower mesh above the bottom of the tray is 1.5 m. It is recommended to use shower nets with a flexible hose.

The "Regulations on Mother and Child Rooms at Railway Stations" should also be taken into account when designing CMI.

Public toilets (separate male and female) shall be placed in the passenger building, bearing in mind that the distance from the toilet to any passenger room shall not exceed 75 m. In addition, on the station square (adjacent territory), and on the platforms, depending on local conditions - to arrange additional latrines.

Public toilets (separate male and female), housed in a passenger building, are equipped with special types of toilets without seats, placed in separate cabins separated by partitions, and with doors with a height of 1.6m opening outside, not reaching the floor by 0.2m. The dimensions of the cockpits in the plan are taken to be 0.8x1.2m. In the cabins there are hooks for clothes, shelves or supports for hand luggage in men's latrines there are also individual urinals - wall ones. The distance between the urinal axes is 0.7 m.

Visitors enter the bathroom through a vestibule (lock-wash) with a depth of at least 1.2 m with a self-closing door.

In the lock-washroom there should be: washbasins at the rate of one for every four sanitary devices, but at least one for the restroom; a soap shelf for each washbasin; clothing hooks (two for each washbasin); electroshell - one for every 2 washbasins; tables (or shelves) for hand luggage at the rate of 0.5 m of table length for each washbasin. In tambours-locks of men's latrines there should be places with shaving sockets (one place for 2-3 washbasins), but at least one per latrine.

The width of the passages between the rows of cabins and urinals must be at least: 2.5 - with the number of cabins or urinals in the row six or more; 2.0 - with a smaller amount. The width of the passage between the row of cabins or urinals and the wall (or partition) is at least 1.3 m.

The distance between the rows of urinals, washbasins cranes in the row should be taken to be 0.7 m, and between the axis of the extreme sanitary device and the wall (or partition) - at least 0.5 m.

The width of the passage between the rows of washbasins should be at least: 2.5 m with the number of washbasins in the row of five or more; 2.3m - with a smaller amount; 2.0m - between the wall (or partition) and a row of washbasins.

In latrines it is necessary to provide a room (not less than 3.02.0 m) for cleaners with a place for storage and disinfection of harvesting equipment.

2. Volumetric - planning solution

2.1. Characteristics of the building.

According to the assignment, the station for 300 passengers was designed. For the designed building, a site is allocated in the development system of a large railway village near the railway junction in the city of Tula.

The building is basement-free. Structural diagram of the building - frame; with column pitch - 6 m.

Fire resistance of the building - group 2.

The capital of the building is group 2.

The storey of the building is two floors, the height of the floor is 3.3m.

The dimensions of the building in the axes: A-E - 24 × 57m, A-B - 6 × 6m;

In plan: 18.9 × 59, 9m.

2.2. Master Plan.

The master plan is implemented in accordance with the norms and rules, provides for the placement of the building in accordance with the required sanitary standards and fire breaks.

The site for the construction of the station has a calm relief. During the development of the project, the maximum preservation of green spaces, the organization of convenient approaches and entrances to the station building was adopted.

For passengers with disabilities, ramps are provided. Surface water is drained towards natural slope of relief to rain wells. The relative elevation of the clear floor of the station is 0.000.

The area of ​ ​ the plot allotted for development is 2 hectares.

The project provides for landscaping and landscaping of the station square. It provides landscaped areas with small architectural forms (shadow canopies, windproof walls, benches, kiosks, etc.) with visual information, including pictograms, other devices for servicing passengers waiting for the bus in the warm season.

2.3. Sanitary equipment of the building.

The sanitary equipment of the building provides for its full engineering support from external village networks.

Ventilation system - plenum.

The station is equipped with all modern communication systems.

2.4. Fire protection requirements.

The storey of the station buildings and the area between the fire walls should not contradict the requirements of SNiP 2.08.0289 * with mandatory coordination with the State Supervision Bodies.

In accordance with fire requirements, the separation of buildings into fire compartments should be carried out by non-combustible wall structures without openings along the entire height, including in the level of basements and attics. If necessary, the installation in the fire walls of openings, the design shall provide for the construction of deluge curtains covering all openings in the separating wall at all levels, or the installation in the openings of the fire gates or doors.

Large rooms of the main technological purpose (passenger rooms, etc.) must be designed with a minimum number of supports to ensure the possibility of unhindered movement of passengers and cleaning facilities, as well as changes in the nature of operation in certain areas of these rooms.

Smoke fire detectors are installed in the premises of the station building.

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