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Four-stroke diesel engine

  • Added: 04.08.2012
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In the course work there is an explanatory note with a volume of 61 pages, an assembly drawing of the engine, diagrams and diagrams

Project's Content

icon Движок сборочный чертеж.cdw
icon Диаграммы и схемы.frw
icon Записка по ТД.docx

Additional information


Source Data

1 Thermal calculation of the engine

1.2 Working medium parameters

1.3 Environmental parameters and residual gases

1.4 Residual gas temperature and pressure

1.5 Intake Process

1.6 Compression Process

1.7 Combustion process

1.8 Expansion Process

1.9 Indicator parameters of the working medium

1.10 Efficient engine performance

1.11 Main parameters of cylinder and engine

1.12 Building an indicator chart

1.13 Diesel heat balance

2 Kinematics of crank mechanism

2.1 Selection and length of connecting rod

2.2 Piston Movement

2.3 Piston speed

2.4 Piston Acceleration

3 Dynamics of crank mechanism

3.1 Gas pressure forces

3.2 Bringing of masses of parts of crank mechanism

3.3 Specific and full inertia forces

3.4 Specific total forces

3.5 Crankshaft crankshaft forces

3.6 Root Neck Forces

4 Calculation of piston group

4.1 Piston calculation

4.2 Piston rings

4.3 Piston pin

5 Calculation of connecting rod group

5.1 Calculation of piston head of connecting rod

6.2 Calculation of connecting rod crank head

5.3 Calculation of connecting rod rod

5.4 Calculation of connecting rod bolts

6 Calculation of engine housing.. 57 6.1 Calculation of cylinder block

6.2 Calculation of cylinder liner

6.3 Calculation of cylinder unit head 58 6.4 Calculation of unit head stud

7 Cooling system calculation

7.1 Calculation of liquid pump

7.2 Calculation of liquid radiator

7.3 Fan Calculation


List of literature


Progress in the automotive industry, the further increase in the turnover of vehicles involves not only a quantitative increase in the fleet, but also a significant improvement in the use of existing overhaul life.

In the field of development and improvement of automobile engines, the main values are: increasing the use of engines, the cost of their production and operation. At a fundamentally new level, the fight against toxic emissions of the engine into the atmosphere is set, as well as the task of reducing noise and vibrations during their operation.

Much more importance is given to the use of computers in engine calculations. Currently, computing is widely used at engine plants, in research centers, design and repair organizations, as well as in higher educational institutions.

In this course work, computer calculations were carried out in the MathCad software environment, which allowed us to obtain more accurate values ​ ​ of the calculation results.

Calculation of cooling system components

Engine cooling is used for forced removal of heat from heated parts to ensure optimal thermal state of the engine and its normal operation. Most of the heat removed is perceived by the cooling system as being smaller - by the lubrication system and directly by the environment.

Depending on the heat carrier used, a liquid or air cooling system is used in automotive and tractor engines. Water and some other high-boiling liquids are used as the liquid cooling substance, and air is used in the air cooling system.


In this course work, the thermal, dynamic and kinematic parameters of the engine were calculated. Indicator indicators are calculated, on the basis of which the indicator diagram is built using the analytical method. Values of main structural parameters of connecting rod and piston groups are selected. The speed characteristics of the car are calculated, according to the values ​ ​ of which an external speed characteristic is built. On the basis of calculations of the crank mechanism, curves are constructed that characterize the effect of forces on the mechanism as a whole. It can be judged that all indicators correspond to the values ​ ​ of analog motors.

It can be installed on cars of the VAZ 21045 type.

Drawings content

icon Движок сборочный чертеж.cdw

icon Диаграммы и схемы.frw

Диаграммы и схемы.frw
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