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Foundation for silo building in Petrozavodsk

  • Added: 05.11.2014
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Subject - Foundations and Foundations. In accordance with the task, it is required to design the foundation for the silo building in the city of Petrozavodsk. The plan, section and layout of the building within the construction site, drawn up as per the task.
Drawings and note to the course.

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Assessment of engineering and geological conditions of the construction site

1.1. Building Source and Placement

1.2. Calculating Additional Characteristics

1.3. Determination of design soil resistance of the base

1.4. Conclusions

2. Development of foundation variants

2.1. Calculation of foundation on natural base

2.1.1. Determination of foundation bottom depth

2.1.2. Base soil strength calculation

2.1.3. Foundation check for deformations

2.1.4. Foundation material strength calculation

2.1.5. Calculation of technical and economic indicators

2.2. Calculation of foundation on driven reinforced concrete piles

2.2.1. Determination of depth of pedestal foot

2.2.2. Select pile type, length, and grade

2.2.3. Determination of design resistance of pile

2.2.4. Calculation and design of pile pile

2.2.5. Check of pile cap strength

2.2.6. Settlement calculation of pile foundation

2.2.7. Calculation of technical and economic indicators

2.3. Foundation calculation on artificial foundation

2.3.1. Selection of pillow material

2.3.2. Determination of foundation bottom depth

2.3.3. Determination of ground design resistance of the base

2.3.4. Base soil strength calculation

2.3.5. Calculation of deformations

2.3.6. Foundation Design

2.3.7. Calculation of technical and economic indicators

2.4. Conclusions

3. Calculation of foundations according to the main version

3.1. Foundation No.

3.1.1. Determination of depth of pedestal foot

3.1.2. Select pile type, length, and grade

3.1.3. Determination of design resistance of pile

3.1.4. Calculation of pile pile

3.1.5. Pedestal Design

3.1.6. Settlement calculation of pile foundation

3.2. Foundation No.

3.2.1. Determination of depth of pedestal foot

3.2.2. Select pile type, length, and grade

3.2.3. Determination of design resistance of pile

3.2.4. Calculation of pile pile

3.2.5. Pedestal Design

3.2.6. Settlement calculation of pile foundation

3.3. Foundation No.

3.3.1. Determination of depth of pedestal foot

3.3.2. Select pile type, length, and grade

3.3.3. Determination of design resistance of pile

3.3.4. Calculation of pile pile

3.3.5. Pedestal Design

3.3.6. Settlement calculation of pile foundation

4. Work Recommendations

5. Literature

Assessment of engineering and geological conditions of the construction site


Based on the calculations and assessment of the engineering and geological conditions of the site, it can be argued that the construction of this industrial building is possible on this site. At the same time, the most expedient is the use of foundations on a natural base due to the difficulty of erecting a pile foundation due to the presence of a powerful bed of sand. As a bearing layer of soil, it is advisable to take sand in order to avoid high costs for the construction of a deep pit. Sand is in a loose, water-saturated state, as a result of which the development of large sedimentary deformations is possible. The final conclusion about the possibility of arranging the foundation on a natural basis can be made only after the necessary calculations are carried out.

Development of foundation variants


Based on the results of the calculations, it can be concluded that the most economically rational in the conditions of this construction site will be the construction of a foundation on driven reinforced concrete piles. The estimated cost of erecting a separate foundation for the prefabricated column will be 2568.02 p., While the cost of erecting the same foundation using driven piles will be about 2142.64 p., And when constructing a foundation on an artificial base (sand cushion) - 2904.66 p.

Comparison of options was made for foundation No. 1 as the most loaded and typical.

Work Recommendations

Before starting the installation of the pile foundation, it is necessary to prepare the territory.

Earthworks include preparatory, auxiliary and main works (processes). Preparatory include: preparation of the territory (felling of trees, stumps, stone harvesting, cutting shrubs, demolition of buildings, etc.); provision of drainage and drainage of the territory; geodetic breakdown, road laying.

Auxiliary works include: arrangement of temporary anchorages of pits and trenches, drainage, lowering of ground water level, artificial fixation of weak soils.

The main processes in the complex of earthworks are the passage of pits and trenches, the layout of the sites, the filling of embankments with compaction of soils, the transportation of soil to the dump, the cleaning and layout of the bottom of the pits, the finishing of slopes.

A detailed breakdown of pits or a piece of soil is made on the basis of working drawings of the underground part of the building after geodetic breakdown and fixation with reference points or risks on neighboring buildings of its main axes and design horizons .

Surface wastewater is drained to avoid watering of the construction site. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the interception of these waters before they enter the construction site, accelerate the flow of "their" waters.

For this it is necessary to arrange drains if possible. In order to accelerate the flow of "own" waters to the site during vertical planning, an appropriate slope is given and a network of open or closed drainage (sumpfs) is established, the walls of which, if necessary, are strengthened by a wooden box with filter sprinkling, and water is pumped out. Centrifugal and self-suction centrifugal pumps are used to pump water

To prevent flooding of pits and trenches, which are artificial catchments, to which water actively begins to flow during rains and snow melting, they must be protected by drainage ditches on the upland side and fencing, as well as by proper planning of the area adjacent to the excavation,

In open recesses it is necessary to erect foundations immediately, and then immediately backfill the sinuses of foundations or trenches with careful sealing.

The plant layer should be cut only in the places envisaged by the project and directly during planning work, since the soil not protected by the plant layer (turf) intensively absorbs water and moistens. Excess soil should be removed from the construction site in a timely manner.

When digging a pit, a single-bucket excavator with a reverse shovel is used due to the small digging depth h = 2.7 m and the large volumes of pit development. The pit is developed by frontal penetration using a vehicle. The territory is broken up into captures. On the first grab, after completion of soil development, clean the bottom of the pit with the help of a bulldozer or manually for separate foundations and in subsequent work install the foundations and simultaneously with installation tear off the soil for separate foundations on the second grab.. Part of the soil is taken away at car dump trucks. The remaining soil is loaded into a cavalier for backfilling .

Soil laying and compaction are performed during planning works, erection of various embankments, backfilling of foundation sinuses. To obtain the highest density of laid soil, the lowest filtration capacity and reduce subsequent precipitation, it is laid and compacted in compliance with certain technological requirements.

The most difficult is soil compaction when backfilling the sinuses of foundations or trenches, since the work is carried out in cramped conditions. In this case, the soil is compacted by layers of 15... 20 cm by pneumatic and electric ramming, and the upper layer by small-sized rollers .

Drawings content

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