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Water supply and sewerage of residential building in Petrozavodsk

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Course project - graphic part, explanatory note

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1. Initial data for the course project

1.1 Characteristics of the object

1.2. Design parameters of outdoor air

1.3. Design parameters of internal air

2. Calculation of external enclosures

2.1. Heat engineering calculation of external enclosures

2.2 Check of enclosures structures for condensation of water vapors on their internal surface

3. Calculation of heating system thermal power

3.1. Thermal Balance Equation

4. Hydraulic calculation of heating system

4.1. Arrangement of heating appliances, risers, mains and individual heating station

4.2. Hydraulic calculation of heating system

4.3. Calculation of individual heat station

5. To Define the Surface Area and Number of Heating Fixture Elements

6. Ventilation Design and Calculation


Energy consumption in our country is steadily increasing and, above all, for the heat supply of buildings and structures.

The main heat consumption for household needs in buildings (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water supply) are heating costs. This is due to the condition of building operation in the cold season, when heat losses through the enclosing structures of buildings significantly exceed internal heat emissions, therefore heating plants are used to maintain the necessary temperature.

Heating - artificial heating of building premises, is a branch of construction equipment. The installation of a stationary heating plant is carried out during the construction of buildings, its elements during design with building structures and are combined with the layout and interior of the premises. Also, heating is one of the types of technological equipment of the building. To create and maintain thermal comfort, technically advanced and reliable heating devices are required

The efficiency of heating plants is ensured by optimizing design solutions using computers, giving the plant reliability in operation by automatically maintaining the required coolant temperature. Operation modes, methods of heating plant control to save thermal energy are studied.

Characteristics of the object.

Construction area: Petrozavodsk

The purpose of the object is a 3-story residential building.

Building dimensions: 40000 * 14000

Floor height 3 meters.

Humidity zone - normal

Design parameters of outdoor air.

The temperature of the coldest five-day period is 29 ° С,

Average temperature for heating period -3.3 ° С

The heating period is 242 days.

Design wind speed 3.7 ms

Humidity zone is normal

Available pressure in 42 kPa heating system

Placement of heating appliances, risers, mains and individual heating station.

Heating devices should be located mainly under the light openings, at the outer walls or near the entrance doors. Heating devices in staircases communicating with the outside air should be located at the entrance (without moving to the staircases) and connected to independent risers according to a single-tube flow scheme. Heating devices should not be placed in compartments of tambours having external doors.

The location of the risers dictates the location of the heating fixtures. In all cases, it is desirable to lay the heating risers in the outer corners of the room. Connection of subdivisions to the heating device is performed one- and two-way. In double-tube heating systems with the upper gasket of the supply line, it is most advisable to place the devices in relation to the risers in such a way,

so that each riser has a two-sided load. Double control cranes (except for staircases) are installed to adjust the heat transfer of the devices on the inputs. For disconnection and emptying of risers in buildings with a height of more than 3 floors, shut-off valves are provided. At temperature of coolant in supply main line up to at risers at points of their connection to main line there installed are through cranes and tees with plugs.

If the heating system with the upper wiring of the main line, then the supply main line is laid in the attic of the building, and the reverse main line is laid in the basement.

In order to be able to empty the system and remove air, the main pipelines are laid with a slope of at least 0.002 towards the inlet.

To remove air from heating systems during upper piping, it is recommended to provide flow air collectors. Heat insulation of main pipelines of heating systems is provided to preserve required parameters of heat carrier. It is mandatory to heat insulate pipelines passing in non-heated rooms, underground channels. The heat input is usually located in the basement of the building, in the center of it or next to the stairwell.

Design and calculation of ventilation.

In residential buildings, common natural ventilation is designed with the removal of air from sanitary units, kitchens, wine or combined sanitary units through channels that are laid in the thickness of internal capital walls or made in the form of special blocks of concrete and other materials.

External plenum air for compensation of natural drawing is supplied uncontrolled through loopholes in building structures and windows.

In apartments of four or more rooms, additional extraction is provided directly from the rooms, with the exception of the two closest to the kitchen. It is possible not to provide for drawing from corner rooms having two windows or more.

When arranging ventilation systems, it should be borne in mind that the same or similar rooms are combined into one system. Kitchens, latrines, bathrooms shall have exhaust ventilation with air removal directly from the premises. In one apartment, it is allowed to combine the ventilation channels of the bathroom and bathroom, as well as all the channels of the bathroom (without a toilet) with the kitchen. It is not allowed to connect exhaust grids from the kitchen and restroom to one ventilation duct. Recommended minimum dimensions of louver screens in kitchens - 200 * 250 mm; in latrines and wine rooms -150 * 150 mm. Adjustable exhaust grates are installed in sanitary units, stationary in kitchens

In large-panel buildings, ventilation ducts are made in the form of special blocks. Ventilation units for buildings with a number of floors up to five are made with individual channels for each floor, and for buildings with a number of floors five or more are made according to a scheme with a bypass through one or more floors. In brick buildings, vertical channels are laid in the thickness of internal capital walls. Exhaust ventilation channels are combined in attic by prefabricated duct from which air is discharged to atmosphere through shaft. For buildings with a number of floors of up to five, exhaust ventilation channels are brought out in the form of an independent root. Moreover, exhaust channels (shafts) for air emission must be brought out above the roof skate at least 0.5 m when the channel (shaft) is located at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the skate; not lower than the skate when the channel is located at a distance of 1.5 to 3.0 m from the skate; not lower than the line drawn from the skate down at an angle to the horizon, when the shaft is located more than 3 m from the skate.

In this section, it is necessary to define the section of canals and louvres of the natural ventilation system serving kitchens, baths and bathrooms of the section of a three-story residential building.

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