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Forest fire machine


The purpose and task of this work is to increase the efficiency of preventing and extinguishing land forest fires by means of ground throwing; secondly, the development of a combined ground-propelling machine replacing the strip-laying device and PF-1 and GT-3 type soils, respectively, thereby reducing the costs of design, industrial production, operation and storage. It is possible to solve the set goals and tasks if the cutters-throwers form a shaft from loose soil, using spherical discs for this purpose, as the most passable in soil conditions saturated with roots of different diameters, stumps and other mechanical inclusions. The formation of a shaft from loose soil significantly reduces the power of the tractor engine transmitted through its PTO, allows to deepen the blades of the throwers by their entire height in order to increase the amount of supplied soil and the thickness of the fire coating layer.

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Additional information




1 Forest fire extinguishing methods

1.1 Ground-propelling equipment for forest fire extinguishing

1.2 Justification of the topic of graduation qualification work

2 Technology of primer operation

3 Design section

3.1 Determination of main parameters of hydraulic cylinders

3.2 Design and parameters of cutting knives

3.3 Calculation of wheel tractor stability against mounted equipment

3.4 Calculation of statistical loads on the tractor axis

4 Economic section


Bibliographic list


From year to year, a wide variety of incidents, anomalies and disasters occur around the globe. Some of them are fires. Every year, huge areas of forest are destroyed in the world, which entails both large environmental and economic consequences, not to mention how many lives of people, animals, birds and other living things take fire.

The factors that influence the occurrence of fires, as always, will be climatic conditions and anthropogenic effects. Most often, two main causes of severe fires are distinguished. The first is prolonged heat and drought, leading to drying vegetation; for this reason, forest fires can arise from the smallest source of fire and also easily develop into a destructive horse fire. The second reason is the weak work of the state forest protection, the orphanage of huge areas of the forest.

The human factor is still dominant in the causes of fires, since it is the negligent attitude of people to the environment that causes the deplorable consequences of fires in the forest. The soil was and remains one of the most efficient and promising fire extinguishing agents, it is the most accessible and inexhaustible material [1].

Effective ways to prevent and extinguish forest fires is to lay mineralized strips and fill the edge of moving fire with soil. The most common improvised means used primarily in the forest is a shovel, with the help of which the spread of a lower fire is localized and prevented. However, manual equipment is low-productivity and is used before the arrival of ground propelling machines at the fire site. Increasing the efficiency of extinguishing fires will minimize the harm caused to nature and generate additional profits from the use of forests.

Forest Fire Extinguishing Methods

Every year there are 200400 thousand fires in the world. As forestry intensifies and forests are used for recreational purposes, the risk will increase. A multi-level early warning and rapid forest fire management system should provide reliable forest protection for this purpose.

Depending on the type of fire in the forest, fires of three types are distinguished: lower (ground), upper, peat or underground soil, forest fires.

At the fluent land (local) fire fire spreads under crowns, damaging a ground cover, subgrowth, an underbrush, the lower tier and a part of trunks, naked roots and low located branches of trees. The speed of such a fire is about 2 km/day, and sometimes up to 30 km/day.

In a horseback, or total, fire, the fire covers the plantation throughout its height, partially or completely destroying the crowns of trees. The speed of the riding fire is about 3 km/h and can increase to 20 km/h.

In an underground (peat) fire, fire spreads underground in a fairly powerful peat layer due to the burning of peat along with roots and wood remains. The spread rate of such a fire is several meters per day, with the exception of an arid period, when under favorable conditions the spread rate can reach up to 5 km/day.

Forest fire protection is a set of measures to prevent fires in forests, their timely detection and extinguishing. There are the following methods of eliminating forest fires: tillage, water, chemical and fire.

The tillage method is used when extinguishing a lower forest fire, barrage mineralized strips are laid on the path of fire propagation. The method is also used where there are no water sources or access to them is difficult. To lay mineralized strips, special forest plows and earth-moving machines are used - bulldozers, cutters, ditches, etc.

The water method consists in extinguishing the fire with water using fire pumps - motorcycle pumps and tanker trucks.

The chemical method is based on the use of various chemical reagents for extinguishing fire, most often 25% calcium chloride solution or by creating barrier strips with a chemical solution. With this method of extinguishing fire, less water or chemical solution is consumed. Only if smoke and heat do not allow you to come close to the fire, barrier strips from chemical solutions are arranged.

The fire method consists in launching oncoming fire to the moving fire. To do this, a fire-retardant barrier is created in the form of an artificial wide mineralized strip or clearing, or natural barriers (roads, rivers) are used and fire is launched from them towards the fire. This method of combating forest fires is relatively rare.

The process of combating forest fire includes the following operations: stopping the fire, localizing, eliminating the remaining combustion centers (extinguishing the fire) and looking after the fire.

Thus, forest fires are extinguished by sweeping fire along the edge of the fire with branches; backfilling the edge of the fire with soil using shovels, grounders or slats; laying barrier mineralized strips and ditches on the fire propagation path; annealing production; extinguishing the burning edge with water or solutions of chemicals; by artificially causing precipitation from clouds.

Depending on the type of fire, the flame propagation is suspended as follows: during lower fires, the flame is directly extinguished along the edge of the fire, a barrier strip or annealing from the reference line is arranged on the path of fire propagation; during horse fires annealing from the support line is arranged, fire is extinguished with powerful water jets, planting is cut down; in case of underground fires, a barrier ditch is arranged on the path of fire propagation, water with wetting agents is poured abundantly along the edge of the fire or water is supplied inside the center.

Preventive measures - preventive and prohibitive measures to limit visits to forest lands during a fire hazard period;

firefighting of forest areas;

operational fire detection system - ground and aircraft means of forest fire detection;

localization of fires and fire extinguishing.

Firefighting activities in the forest include the creation and updating of protective fire breaks and stripes. The main breaks are: main, barrier, quarter and forest-cultural breaks, which serve as the most reliable obstacle to the spread of lower or upper fires and are the reference line for work on localizing and extinguishing a fire.

Main breaks are created in huge coniferous, most fire-hazardous, massifs, where isolated forest areas should be at least 1016 thousand hectares. The width of the gaps is -3050 m, but not less than one and a half height of the surrounding walls of the forest. In the gap zone there may be a river, a road or railway, a power line, etc., routes and product pipelines.

Barrier breaks create zones of medium intensity in forests when dividing large areas into small ones with an area of ​ ​ 2,500,8000 hectares. The width of such breaks is from 8 to 12 m. The breaks must be closed or adjacent to any fire barrier, for example, a lake, river, etc. In the middle of the rupture, a mineralized strip is carried out.

Quarterly clearings with a mineralized strip in the middle serve as quarterly breaks. The width of the clearing is set by the forest management.

Forest-cultural breaks are laid in coniferous juveniles 2-4 m wide, depending on the height of the tree stand. In the middle of the break, soil 1-2 m wide is mineralized. Care for the breaks consists in the periodic removal of combustible materials and the renewal of mineralized strips.

Mineralized strip is an artificial fire barrier created by exposing mineral soil. Strips are laid and updated with special forest plows, cutters, disc harrows and cultivators.

Justification of the topic of graduation qualification work

The purpose and task of this work is to increase the efficiency of preventing and extinguishing land forest fires by means of ground throwing; secondly, the development of a combined ground propelling machine replacing the strip-laying device and PF-1 and GT3 type soils, respectively, thereby reducing the costs of design, industrial production, operation and storage. It is possible to solve the set goals and tasks if the cutters-throwers form a shaft from loose soil, using spherical disks for this purpose, as the most passable in conditions of soils saturated with roots of different diameters, stumps and other mechanical inclusions. The formation of a shaft from loose soil significantly reduces the power of the tractor engine transmitted through its PTO, allows to deepen the blades of the throwers by their entire height in order to increase the amount of supplied soil and the thickness of the fire coating layer.

During the work on the final qualification work, it is necessary to consider fire extinguishing technologies, identify sources of efficiency improvement, perform verification calculations of the main equipment components of the primer, and give an economic justification for the use of the new primer design.

Based on the above, the topic of the graduation qualification work "Modernization of the unit for extinguishing forest fires in the Komi Republic" is relevant for extinguishing lower fires.


The purpose of this VKR is to increase the efficiency of preventing and extinguishing land forest fires by means of ground throwing; secondly, the development of a combined ground propelling machine replacing the strip-laying device and PF-1 and GT3 type soils, respectively, thereby reducing the costs of design, industrial production, operation and storage. It is possible to solve the set goals and tasks if the cutters-throwers form a shaft from loose soil, using spherical disks for this purpose, as the most passable in conditions of soils saturated with roots of different diameters, stumps and other mechanical inclusions. The formation of a shaft from loose soil significantly reduces the power of the tractor engine transmitted through its PTO, allows to deepen the blades of the throwers by their entire height in order to increase the amount of supplied soil and the thickness of the fire coating layer.

During the work on the final qualification work, fire-fighting technologies were considered, sources of efficiency improvement were identified, verification calculations of the main equipment components of the primer were carried out.

The design section describes the general view of the new fire fighting hinged equipment. General arrangement of hinged process equipment. Device for attachment of mounted equipment and drive of cutting knives. Hydraulic diagram of working elements drive. The load on the tractor from the mounted equipment was also calculated. Justification of machine stability is performed.

The economic section of the WCR includes calculations necessary to assess the effectiveness of investments in fire fighting technologies. The calculation of economic efficiency showed that investments in the project for the base are quite profitable. Taking into account the discount rate - 16%, the yield index was 1.124, and the discounted payback - 1.76 years.

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