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Fluidized bed dryer - Drawings

  • Added: 30.08.2014
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Course project on: Drying of methane. Dryer design and calculation, drawings: general view, technology, detailing

Project's Content

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Source Data:

3.1 Selection of dryer design and operating conditions

3.2 Material balance of dryer

3.3 Thermal calculation

3.4 Calculation of geometric parameters

3.5 Selection of auxiliary equipment

3.5.1. Selection of Calorifer

3.5.2. Blower selection

3.6. Strength calculations

3.6.1 Calculation of wall thickness

3.6.2 Calculation of supports



1 Use of fluidized bed dryers

Fluidized bed dryers are used for drying dispersed materials in the food, chemical, coal industries, drying of building materials, etc.

Fluidized bed dryers are simple both in design and in operation, have high performance, and are easy to automate. The body of the fluidized bed dryers is stationary, which greatly simplifies the requirements for installation and operation.

The specific moisture removal on the fluidized bed dryers, in some cases, reaches up to 1000 kg of moisture from 1 m2 of the gas distribution grid area.

The efficiency of fluidized bed drying depends to a large extent on the correct determination of the design and process parameters of the dryer, the correct choice of equipment.

Typically, the parameters of the fluidized bed dryers are determined for drying a particular material and take into account the initial and final moisture content of the material, its physical and mechanical properties, temperature requirements, minimization or maximization of fine fraction entrainment, and other requirements for the material and drying process.

When the bed of granular material is fluidized, the process rates associated with the transfer of heat and matter increase dramatically. This makes it possible to reduce the drying time and to dry large streams of granular material. In fluidized bed dryers, material whose particle size does not exceed 5 mm is typically dried. The drying agent used is hot air, flue gases, hot inert gases.

The fluidized bed may also be provided by another inert material with which the material to be dried is contacted in the hot drying agent flow. In this case, the dried material is usually withdrawn with the drying agent through cyclones.

In the fluidized bed, the temperatures of the solid particles and the drying agent are rapidly equalized and very intense heat and mass exchange between the solid and gas phases is achieved, as a result of which drying is completed within a few minutes.

When drying in a fluidized bed, flue gases and air are used as drying agents, drying is carried out in continuous and periodic devices, wherein continuous drying is carried out in single-stage and multi-stage dryers. In the latter case, increased heat utilization of the drying agent is achieved.

Fluidized bed drying is suitable for the treatment of granular, non-sticky and finely divided materials. In continuous dryers, the size of the solid particles of the material to be dried must be in the range of several mm to ten parts mm.


In this course design, a fluidized bed dryer is considered to organize the methane drying process.

The explanatory note describes the process of drying in a fluidized bed, conducted a patent search with the aim of identifying the structures of various dryers with the greatest simplicity, reliability, high specific productivity and quality of the obtained material;

The following calculations were made for this machine:

thermal calculation of the apparatus for providing a given heat flow through the heat exchange surfaces of the apparatus;

The material balance of the apparatus has been calculated

mechanical calculation of supports was carried out, the condition of their strength in operating mode and during hydraulic tests was shown, the support 1-1-2500 was selected.

Attached to the explanatory note of the course project is a graphic part showing the following drawings:

1st sheet - process diagram of methane drying;

2nd sheet - dryer assembly drawing;

3rd sheet - air duct assembly drawing, manhole;

4th sheet - assembly drawing of cover, drying chamber.

Drawings content

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