Fire Water Supply Project for Kindergarten

- Added: 03.08.2014
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Additional information
1. General part
2. Brief description of the object
3. Main design solutions, calculation of parameters and operating principle of the pump station of internal fire water supply and installation with manual fire cranes on a separate network
4. Occupational safety
Attachments: 1. License
1. General part
1.1. Working documentation "Pump station of internal fire water supply and installation with manual fire cranes on a separate network as part of the repair of fire water supply" for MDOU - kindergarten N191 in Ivanovo, st. Popova, d. 1 developed by the organization LLC SPPB "Ivanovo, having a license to perform this type of work.
1.2. The initial design data was the drawings issued by the customer.
The project is developed in accordance with the requirements of:
PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation";
Construction Norms and Regulations 110195 "The instruction about an order of development, coordination, a statement and
composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures ";
SP 10.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply. Fire safety requirements ";
SNiP 210197 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures";
NPB 7598 "Fire receiving and control devices. Fire control devices. General technical requirements. Test methods ";
RD 78.36.00299 "Technical means of facilities safety systems. Symbols and schematic graphic elements of systems ";
"Electrical Installation Regulations" (PUE) sixth edition 1998, seventh edition 2005
1.3. Design decisions, equipment and materials corresponding to the latest achievements of Russian science and technology were made during the design.
1.4. Installation of internal fire-fighting water supply line shall be performed in accordance with VSN 2509.67-85 "Rules of Work Execution and Acceptance. Automatic fire extinguishing units. "
1.5. The project used equipment that is mass-produced and has certificates of conformity in the GOST R Certification System and fire safety certificates of the Russian Federation.
2. Brief description of the object
2.1. Type of construction - repair.
2.2. MDOU building - kindergarten N191 in Ivanovo is two-story with a basement.
Protected rooms are heated.
The pumping station is located in the basement.
3. Main design solutions, calculation of parameters and operating principle of the pump station of internal fire water supply and installation with manual fire cranes on a separate network
3.1. The pump station of the internal fire water pipeline is designed to bring into compliance with the current norms and rules of the existing internal fire water pipeline system.
3.2. Repair of fire-fighting water supply system includes:
pump station of internal fire-fighting water supply;
motor-operated shutter;
pump station automation and motor-operated gate;
installation of manual fire detectors in each cabinet with a fire crane, which serve for remote actuation of the working pump;
actuation of standby pump in case of failure of operating pump start-up or failure to create
their design pressure for 10 sec.
3.3. Internal fire water supply is designed to eliminate small fire centers and send a fire signal to the room with round-the-clock personnel duty.
As a fire extinguishing agent, sprayed water is used as the most economical, efficient and environmentally friendly fire extinguishing agent.
3.4. The minimum water flow rate for the internal fire-fighting water supply is determined in accordance with Table 1 of SP 10.13130.2009, the water flow rate is updated according to Table 3 of SP 10.13130.2009 and amounted to 1 jet of 2.6 l/s at the head of the crane 0.1MPa.
Based on the minimum flow rate per jet, PC50 mm fire cranes with a tip spray diameter of 16 mm equipped with fire hoses 20 m long were designed.
3.5. The estimated fire-fighting time is 3 hours according to item 4.1.10 of SP 10.13130.2009.
3.6. Hydraulic calculation of the unit was performed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.0185 * and taking into account the tables of Shevelev F.A. "Tables for hydraulic calculation of steel, cast iron, asbestos, plastic and glass water pipes."
As a result of the hydraulic calculation, the required head at a flow rate of 2.6 l/s was 35.6 m.
Since the city water supply does not provide the required head at the entrance to the building, the design adopted the KML2 40/140 pump with a 2.2 kW electric motor as the main water feeder, which develops the required head at a flow rate of 2.6 l/s together with the city water supply. The design has adopted two units for installation - operating and standby.
Under normal operating conditions, all pipelines of the internal fire water supply system are filled with water.
3.7. The principle of operation of the plant when working with fire cranes is as follows:
in case of visual detection of small fires, unwind the fire hose, direct the fire barrel to the combustion zone, manually open the valve near the fire crane and break the glass of the manual fire detector. The detector "IPR 5133 is.02," installed in the cabinets of fire cranes is in the mode of single blinking of the built-in LED with a period of about 4 seconds and current consumption up to 50 μA.
When the plastic window is destroyed, the detector LED switches to constant illumination mode, which confirms the reception of the signal by the control and reception device. Pulse from manual fire detector forms command pulse to circuit of automatic opening of gate with electric drive on water pipeline bypass line.
The remote start signal shall be transmitted to the pump unit after automatic check of water pressure in the system. At sufficient pressure in the system, the pump start-up shall be automatically cancelled until the pressure is reduced requiring the pump unit to be switched on.
The pump takes water from the water supply and pumps it into the network of pipelines of the fire water supply. Water begins to flow to the fire center. If within 10 seconds the operating pump does not start or does not create the design head, the standby pump will start.
3.8. To automate and signal the operation of the internal fire water supply at the facility, a set of devices of the Orion integrated security system, manufactured by ZAO NVP Bolid, Korolev, Moscow Region, is used. All devices of the system comply with fire safety requirements, have fire safety certificates and conformity certificates.
3.11. The "Potok3N" fire control device is used to control the equipment of the pump station of the internal fire water pipeline. Configuration 6 of this device controls the working and standby pumps and the electric drive of the disk rotary shutter.
3.12. "Potok3N" device monitors start-up circuits for breakage and short circuit. SHKP-4 control and start cabinets are used to switch power circuits of electric motors of fire pumps and disk rotary shutter with electric drive. Pump control channel combines starting circuit, output of "Fault" indicator and three control circuits of common control tactics. The "Potok3N" device constantly monitors the power state of the ECC cabinets, the control mode and the state of the magnetic starter. When automatic start mode is switched off, the device sets to "Local control" mode. If this pump starts, the start signal will be sent to the start circuit if the power supply is normal and the automatic control mode is activated. After a successful start, the device sends the message "Operating pump is on" to the network controller.
If within 1.5 s after starting there is no signal of magnetic starter actuation confirmation or the pump has not entered the mode within 10 s, the device considers the pump to be failed, turns on the "malfunction" indicator of the pump ECC and no longer outputs signals for starting this pump until the system is completely restarted. The device generates a command pulse for actuation of the standby fire pump.
Local control of fire pumps motors is provided from buttons installed on the front panel of ECU cabinets and serves for control of pumps motors in case of remote start-up failure, as well as during commissioning.
3.13. The Potok3N device transmits notifications of operation and malfunctions in internal fire water supply plants to the network controller through the interface line. The network controller is the C2000M console installed at the security post on the first floor of the main building.
3.14. All devices of the system are designed for 24-hour operation.
Internal fire-fighting water supply is related to consumers of the first category of reliability of power supply and according to PUE is provided by two independent power sources. Electrical circuits are protected according to PUE.
3.15. Wiring is made by non-spreading cable laid in corrugated PVC pipes and metal pipes.
3.16. To ensure the safety of people, the electrical equipment of the system must be reliably grounded (busy) in accordance with the requirements of the PUE and the passport requirements for electrical equipment.
6. Occupational safety
4.1. Compliance with safety precautions is a prerequisite for safe operation during construction, installation and operation of the internal fire water supply system, automatic fire alarm installation and warning system.
Violation of safety rules can lead to accidents.
4.2. During installation, maintenance and operation of fire protection systems "Rules for operation of electrical installations of consumers," "Safety rules for operation of electrical installations of consumers" of TRM0162001 software, RD 15334.0-03.15000 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) during operation of electrical installations" must be complied with.
4.3. The installation of the system should be guided by the requirements of Chapter SNiP II 80, including the requirements set out in the sections:
electrical installation works;
electric welding and gas welding works:
loading and unloading works;
operation of technological equipment and tools;
installation works;
Equipment testing.
When performing electrical installation works, it is also necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.0685 and PUE.
When working with a construction pistol, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of "Instructions for the use of powder tools in the production of installation and special construction work" VSN 41080.
When working with the power tool, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.007 -75.
During operation of internal fire-fighting water supply system it is necessary to be guided by:
operating instructions, technical descriptions and certificates of the equipment included in the unit;
RD 25.96490 "System for maintenance and repair of automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal, security, fire and fire alarm units. Organization and procedure of works ";
"Rules for technical operation of electrical installations and consumers ";
"Safety Rules for Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations" (PTE and PTB).
4.4. Persons who have undergone a medical examination, who have a document certifying the right to work with the installations and who have completed an introductory safety instruction and instruction on safe working methods at the workplace are allowed to service the system.
4.5. During system operation the following basic rules shall be fulfilled:
perform repair works if there is no pressure in the repaired unit;
perform all repair and scheduled works with electrical equipment of the units only after power supply disconnection. The presence of working and protective grounding shall be checked;
perform all operations with serviceable tool;
clean and paint after voltage removal from nearby current-carrying elements;
repair of defects detected during testing should be performed after disconnection of plants from power supplies;
during repair works, if necessary, portable lamps shall be used for voltage not exceeding 12V.
To ensure the safety of people, elements of electrical equipment of fire protection systems must meet the requirements of GOST All metal parts of electrical equipment that are not normally energized, but which may be under it, due to failure of insulation, are subject to grounding (earthing). The potentials must be balanced.
Protective grounding (grounding) must be performed in accordance with the "Electrical Installations Design Rules" (PUE, Edition 7, Chapter 1.7), SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical Devices," the requirements of GOST 12.1.03081 and the technical documentation of the plants. The resistance of the grounding device shall be not more than 4 ohms and shall be provided by the customer.


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