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Fire extinguishing hangar for MI-8 helicopters maintenance



Explanatory Note
Working drawings
Electrical diagrams
Equipment Specification
Hangars are made according to standard design.

Project's Content

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Additional information



1. General part

2. Purpose, composition and main characteristics of automatic

powder fire extinguishing units

3. Characteristics of protected premises

4. Calculation of quantity of powder fire extinguishing modules

5. Main technical solutions adopted in the project

6. Information on organization and maintenance of installation works

7. Power supply and earthing

8. Health and safety measures

9. Maintenance and maintenance of automatic installation

fire extinguishing

Appendix: Tasks to the Customer

1. common part

1.1 The working design of the automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing (AUPP) hangar for servicing MI-8 helicopters and utility rooms is executed by LLC "" (license) on the basis of the Agreement. and the initial data provided by the customer .

1.2 APCP shall be protected by:

Room for repair and storage of helicopter blades. Area 180 m2, height 3.5 m.

Hangar for maintenance of MI-8 helicopters. Area 738 m2, height 7.0 m.

Utility rooms with a total area of ​ ​ 301.6 m2, height 3.5 m.

The total protected area is 1219.6 m2. Category of premises as per NPB 10595 - "B."

1.3 APCP of modular type, fire extinguishing substance - powder.

1.4 APCP is made on the basis of modules of powder MPP100.07

TU 48540051177 6979-01. Fire safety certificate

NSPB.RU.UP001.B02372, compliance certificate NPOCC.RU.BB02.H01261

Explosion protection certificate of CS RE IGD N99.S157 (marking of explosion protection 2ExdIICT3X).

1.5 Technical solutions adopted in the project meet the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

GOST R 5109197. Powder fire extinguishing units are automatic. Types and basic parameters.

NPB-88-01. Fire fighting and alarm systems. Design Codes and Regulations.

NPB-104-95. Design of fire warning systems for people in buildings and structures.

NPB-110-99. List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire fighting and detection units.

PUE-98. Electrical Installation Rules.

SNiP 2.08.0289. Public buildings and structures.

SNiP 3.05.0584. Process equipment and process pipelines.

PPB-01-98. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation.

RD 25.95390. Automatic fire extinguishing, fire and fire alarm system. Symbols and schematic graphical links.

RD 25.96490. System for maintenance and repair of automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal, fire and fire alarm systems. Organization and procedure of works.

RD 78.14593. Systems and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm. Rules for production and acceptance of works.

RD 0090196. Fire automation units. Technical Content Rules.

VSN 25.09.6785. Rules for production and acceptance of works. Automatic fire extinguishing units.

1.6. All instruments and devices used have a certificate of conformity and fire safety.

1.7. The equipment, which is part of APCP, when placed in explosive areas, has an explosion-proof design.

Purpose, composition and main characteristics of the automatic powder fire extinguishing unit

2.1. APCP is designed for automatic detection and extinguishing of fire centers when the controlled fire factors exceed the established threshold values in the protected area. The CPA also notifies the facility personnel and/or fire department about the fire.

2.2. The APCP consists of:

module of powder fire extinguishing MPP10007 24 pcs.

powder supply lines, set 24

cable network

automatic fire detection and starting equipment of modules based on "Dozor16" PPKOP (5 fire extinguishing directions)

"Automatics ON" annunciator 12 pcs.

"Output" annunciator - 4 pcs.

3 pcs alert spark protection unit

"Leave powder" light-and-sound annunciator 15 pcs.

thermal fire detector IP 1034/1IB 141 pcs.

fire flame detector "Pulsar 2012" 4 pcs.

manual fire detector IPR535 "Garant" 6 pcs.

device for manual electrical starting of URP7 5 pcs.

device for galvanic isolation and provision

"intrinsic safety" of a loop UPKOP of 13511 15 pieces.

protective magnetic contact detector SMK1 12 pcs.

2.4. Automatic fire detection and start-up equipment of modules based on "Dozor16" PPKOP is designed to build and monitor the status of alarm loops and start-up circuits, generate indication control signals and external devices, and output starting pulses to fire extinguishing modules.

Characteristics of protected premises

3.1. The following shall be protected:

Room for repair and storage of helicopter blades. Area 180 m2, height 3.5 m.

Hangar for maintenance of MI-8 helicopters. Area 738 m2, height 7.0 m.

Locksmith workshop, engineering, technical, dressing room with a total area of ​ ​ 156.6 m2, height 3.5 m.

Consumable storage room, household room, warehouse, electric panel with a total area of ​ ​ 110 m2, height 3.5 m. Warehouse with an area of ​ ​ 35 m2. Height 3.5 m.

3.2. Diesel fuel should be considered as the main combustible material, fires of class "D" are possible in the room of repair and storage of helicopter blades.

3.3. Frame panel structure building, columns - steel pipe ∅326 mm. Beams - I-beam N 55.

3.4. Enclosing structures of walls and overlappings - the APS1.2h6 panels. Internal partitions - brick plastered.

3.5. Concrete floors, linoleum in utility rooms.

3.6. Glazing - double in metal bindings. Heat supply - from the central boiler room.

3.7. The building construction volume is 4100 m3.

3.8. Production category - "B."

3.9. The personnel operation mode is single-shift.

Main technical solutions adopted in the project

5.1. In automatic mode PPKOP "Dozor16" performs constant cyclic polling of connected devices, analyzes the status of alarm loops and start-up circuits.

5.2. Taking into account the construction features, functional and technological purpose, the protected areas are divided into 5 fire fighting directions:

Helicopter Blade Repair and Storage Room - Direction 1

Hangar for maintenance of MI-8 helicopters - direction 2

Locksmith workshop, engineering, technical, dressing room - direction 3

Consumable storage room, household room, warehouse, electrical panel - direction 4

Warehouse - direction 5.

5.3. When laying alarm loops through explosive areas, the CPCP 13511 device provides galvanic isolation of the loops and the type of explosion protection "intrinsically safe circuit."

5.4. In one of 2 alarm loops of each direction, the fire detector of the manual fire alarm system is included to manually generate the signal "Attention" in this direction in case of visual detection of the fire center by duty or maintenance personnel.

5.5. At actuation of one fire detector in alarm loop the control equipment of automatic control system generates signal "Attention" with indication of direction in which actuation occurred. Internal sound and light annunciators of PPKOP "Dozor16" and monitoring panel are activated.

5.6. When two fire detectors operate in different loops of the same fire extinguishing direction, the control equipment generates a "Fire" signal. "Powder leave" light-and-sound annunciators are ON in each room of this direction and siren in hangar. If the automatic control system is in the "Automatic on" state, a thirty-second count of the delay in the release of the fire extinguishing agent (the time required to evacuate people) begins.

5.7. Upon completion of thirty-second delay of PPKOP "Dozor16" outputs electric pulse to starting device MPP100.07 of direction in which detectors were activated, opening of membrane occurs, working gas is supplied from cylinder to module housing. After increasing the pressure in the housing to the operating value, the membrane is opened and the fire-extinguishing powder in a fluidized state enters the distribution pipeline and then through the sprayers to the protected area.

5.8. The modules for each fire extinguishing direction can also be started by manual code from "Dozor16" PPKOP or from the manual starting device of URP7.

Attention! Starting from URP7 is performed without delay.

5.9. On the doors, contact detectors are installed in the protected rooms, which turn off the automatic start mode of the installation when they are opened. Indication of disabled state is displayed on "Automatic ON" annunciator located in front of inputs to protected rooms.

5.10. Automatic start mode is restored by introduction of code from PKP16 or from monitoring panel of BPN PPKOP "Dozor16."

5.11. For early detection of possible fire centers in the hangar, fire detectors "Pulsar 2012" in explosion-proof version are used.

5.12. For operational extinguishing of possible fire centers of class "D" in the room of repair and storage of helicopter blades, mobile fire extinguishers OP100 are provided, filled with powder for extinguishing fire centers of class "D" and equipped with dampers.

5.13. The design of fire extinguishing plants completely eliminates the possibility of the fire extinguishing agent entering the protected room before the plants are activated, which guarantees the safety of personnel in these rooms.

5.14. Fire extinguishing powder by the degree of exposure to the body refers to low-hazard substances of hazard class IY in accordance with GOST 12.1.00776. Irritating effect: on the mucous membrane of the eyes - weakly expressed, on the skin - absent. Powder compositions used are not toxic, do not corrode metals in dry form. After a fire, the powder can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or washed away with water.

Information on organization and maintenance of installation works

6.1. Installation of the powder fire extinguishing module is recommended in the following sequence: preparatory work, measurements of the protected room, binding and installation of the module.

6.2. Piping shall be laid with a slope of at least 1:100 towards the sprayers.

The distance from the nozzles to the attachment unit of the corresponding pipeline is not more than 0.5 m. The distance between the pipe attachment elements must be not more than 3 m.

6.3. Install the pipelines using clamps and on site, in accordance with the placement plans, coordinating the attachment places with the site administration.

6.4. Steel water and gas pipes GOST 326275 shall be used for the pipeline.

6.5. Wires and cables shall be laid in accordance with PUE, NPB 8801.

The circuits of alarm loops shall be laid along the walls and ceiling in 20x10 ducts or corrugated pipe of non-combustible ∅16, install by wire of KSPV 2x0.5 mm type.

Start-up and warning circuits shall be laid by 2x0.75 mm2 PVC wire in corrugated pipe ∅16. Start-up and alarm circuits can be laid together in one corrugated pipe.

6.6. In all cases where wires and cables pass through walls, wire or cable, lay in a separate piece of steel pipe.

6.7. The distance between fire-fighting communication systems, cables and power cables shall not be less than 0.25 m.

Power supply and earthing

7.1. The fire alarm system shall have category I power supply according to PUE. If it is impossible to supply electric receivers from two independent sources, it is allowed to supply them from one source: from different transformers of two-transformer or from two nearby single-transformer substations connected to different supply lines laid along different routes with an automatic reserve input device.

7.2. At objects of power supply reliability category III it is allowed to use storage batteries providing power supply of electric receivers in standby mode for 24 hours and in "Alarm" mode for at least 3 hours.

7.3. Earthing of modules tanks shall be performed by wire with copper core section not less than 1.5 mm2. Connect all grounding wires to the common grounding circuit of the building, refer to RD 78.14593. Operation of the device should be carried out in accordance with the "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations by the consumer" and "Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) during operation of electrical installations" put into effect with the 01.02.2001 of the State Energy Supervision.

ASSIGNMENT for design of protective grounding of automatic powder fire extinguishing unit

Object: Hangar for maintenance of MI-8 helicopters


Technical requirements for protective grounding of automatic powder fire extinguishing unit.

All metal parts of electrical equipment that are not normally energized, but which may be under it, due to insulation failure, shall be grounded.

Devices and panels of fire automation, modules, terminal boxes, pipes for wiring, electrical equipment cabinets shall be grounded. Protective grounding resistance shall not exceed 4.0 Ohm.

Grounding shall be performed in accordance with PUE, SNiP 3.05.0685, requirements of GOST 12.1.0387 and technical documentation of manufacturers.

The use of metal parts of the building, pipes as earthing, is allowed only as an additional measure.

Check grounding resistance (not more than 4 ohms) once every 3 years. Grounding circuit integrity check - 1 times a year.

TASK for laying of fire extinguishing modules starting circuits

Object: Hangar for maintenance of MI-8 helicopters


Technical requirements for laying of fire extinguishing module start-up circuits.

Lay fire extinguishing modules starting circuits in corrugated non-combustible pipe.

Distance between cables and electrical communications, pipelines with combustible gases shall be not less than 0.5 m.

In all cases where wires and cables pass through walls, wire or cable, lay in a separate piece of steel pipe.

Emergency lighting shall be provided at the location of the manual start-up device providing illumination of at least 10% of the operating lighting standard 100150 lux.

ASSIGNMENT for power supply design of automatic powder fire extinguishing unit

Object: Hangar for maintenance of MI-8 helicopters


Technical requirements for power supply of the automatic powder fire extinguishing unit.

According to the degree of reliability of power supply, fire extinguishing plants are consumers of category 1 with voltage of 220 V, frequency of 50 Hz, power of at least 0.5 kW.

Operating input as per MV 17475 p.1114.

To carry out all works on check, control, adjustment of the equipment at the disconnected EGP chains.

ASSIGNMENT for retrofitting of electrical panel room and door rework

Object: Hangar for maintenance of MI-8 helicopters


1. Based on the initial data of the customer, the monitoring, control and start-up equipment is located in the electrical panel room.

To fulfill the conditions of normal operation of the equipment and comply with NPB 882001 standards, it is necessary to:

perform measures that reduce the category of the electrical panel room to the category not higher than "B2" (addition of the transitional vestibule between the hangar and the electrical panel)

provide telephone communication with the fire part of the facility and/or transmission of the "Fire" signal to the PCP from the electrical panel

provide emergency lighting when main power is cut off

provide a backup exit from the electrical panel directly to the outside of the building.

2. Door finders shall be installed in the rooms to be protected by APCP.

Drawings content



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