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Fire Alarm Unit - Beauty Salon

  • Added: 29.09.2012
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drawings, PP

Project's Content

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Additional information

General part

The working design of the automatic fire alarm installation and the fire warning system was developed on the basis of the contract. The work project has been completed in accordance with the requirements of:

- NPB 882001 * "Fire fighting and alarm units. Design Codes and Regulations. ";

- SNiP 11.01.95. "Instruction on the composition, procedure, development, approval and approval of design and estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures;

- NPB 1102003 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm;

- NPB 1042003 "Design of fire warning systems for people in buildings and structures";

- RD 78.14593 "Manual to the guidance document of the security, fire and fire alarm system and complex. Rules for production and acceptance of works. "

- PUE 2001

Purpose of the installation

Automatic fire alarm system is used for detection of fire in protected rooms, fire alarm and plant operation information.

The fire warning system is designed for timely warning of people about a fire and managing their evacuation to a safe zone.

Object characteristic

Protected rooms are located on the first floor of a separate-standing building. The premises of the facility are subject to protection by automatic installation of fire alarms and equipment by the type 2 fire warning system according to NPB 1042003.

The premises of the building have a public purpose.

Characteristics of rooms equipped with automatic fire alarm system:

- air flow rate - up to 1 m/s

- relative humidity - up to 70%

- air temperature + 18 - + 22 С

- natural ventilation

Main technical decisions made in the working project.

As a receiving and control device, the use of the VersPK4 PPKOP device is provided, which provides the necessary capacity for the number of connected alarm loops. The device is designed to protect the premises from fire by monitoring the condition of alarm loops, with fire detectors included in them, and issuing alarm notifications about the violation of the alarm system and the operation of detectors. The device is powered from 220 v AC mains, as a backup power source the manufacturer provides a built-in battery 12v, 4.5a/h.

Automatic fire smoke detectors of type IP 21289 are installed in fire-protected rooms to detect fire.

Manual detectors of the IPRZSU type are installed on the escape routes.

The choice of fire detectors of this type is justified by the most complete compliance of their parameters with the characteristics of the protected premises, as well as the requirements of NPB 1102003.

The premises of the facility are equipped with a fire warning system of type 2, the main characteristics of which are:

a) provision of audible warning of people in the premises, activation of "EXIT" annunciators;

b) "OUTPUT" annunciators, as well as sound warning are activated automatically when fire alarm is triggered.

People are alerted to a fire by means of sound and light signals. The fire warning system for people is implemented based on the use of PKI1 ("Oriole") sound annunciators and BlikS12 light indicators ("Exit"), which are connected to the corresponding outputs of VersPK4 PCIP.

Audible annunciators are installed in the premises so that the necessary audibility is ensured in all places of permanent and temporary stay of people.

The "Exit" annunciator is installed above each evacuation exit.

To transmit alarm signals from automatic fire alarm installation, the automatic telephone call "AtollT" is installed on the subscriber numbers via MGTS network lines.

The equipment envisaged in the design can be replaced by similar in purpose, parameters and properties.

If building layouts are changed, execute as-built documentation without approval.

Electrical wiring.

Wiring of fire alarm system shall be performed with KSPV 2x0.5 cable in electrical duct along walls and floors.

Fire detectors are connected to the alarm loop in series, which provides automatic control of the integrity of the fire alarm loop along the entire length.

"Exit" light indicators and sound annunciators are connected by KPSVV 2x0.75 cable, wiring must be performed in electrical duct along walls and floors.


The equipment of fire alarm and warning systems must be grounded (suspended) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.03085, SNiP 3.05.0685, PUE 2001 and the instructions of the manufacturers of components of fire alarm systems and the fire warning system.

The technical solutions adopted in the working project comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygiene, fire safety regulations in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the project measures.

Drawings content

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