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Exchange rate project for MK ASG

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Course project for the design of a metal production building. 2 sheets A1 + explanatory note

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1. Cross Frame Layout

1.1.From Data

1.2. Vertical dimensions of the frame

1.3. Horizontal Frame Dimensions

2. Calculation and construction of crane beam

2.1. Defining Loads on a Crane Beam

2.2. Determination of calculation forces

2.3. Selection of section of crane beam

2.4. Check of crane beam strength

3. Calculation of the cross frame of the production building

3.1.Computed frame diagram

3.2. Transverse frame loads

3.2.1. Constant load

3.2.2. Snow load

3.2.3. Vertical forces from bridge cranes

3.2.4. Horizontal force from bridge cranes

3.2.5. Wind load

3.3. Static Cross Frame Calculation

3.3.1. Calculation for constant loads

3.3.2. Snow Load Calculation

3.3.3. Calculation of vertical load from bridge cranes

3.3.4. Calculation for horizontal impacts of bridge cranes

3.3.5. Wind Load Calculation

4. Column Calculation and Design

4.1. Source Data

4.2. Definition of calculated column lengths

4.3. Fitting a Column Top Section

4.4. Section Layout

4.5. Geometric characteristics of the section

4.6. Check the stability of the top of the column in the plane

moment action

4.7. Check the stability of the top of the column from the plane

moment action

4.8. Fitting the Section of the Bottom of the Column

4.9. Geometric characteristics of the branch

4.10. Check of branches stability

4.11. Calculation of the grid of the crane part of the column

4.12. Check column stability in the plane of action

moment as a single rod

4.13. Column Base Calculation and Design

4.14. External branch base

5. Calculation and Design of Construction Truss

5.1 Initial data

5.2 Load collection

5.3. Determining Forces in Truss Rods

5.4. Fitting and checking cross sections of truss rods

5.5. Weld Calculation

5.6. Lower Reference Node Calculation

5.7. Calculation of assembly on high-strength bolts

6. Design of the Fachwerk linkage system



The course design of the steel frame of the one-story production building includes the calculation and design of crane structures - steel crane beam, brake structure, attachment units, static calculation of the steel transverse frame, steel truss design, column design and calculation.

Crane beams are responsible elements of the structural system of a single-storey production building, the reliability of which primarily depends on the safe operation of lifting and transportation equipment.

When designing crane structures, the following issues are solved:

- arrangement of crane structures in the steel frame of a one-story production building;

- determination of loads on elements of crane structure, establishment of dangerous position of movable loads transmitted by cranes, calculation of design forces;

- calculation of the main dimensions of the crane beam based on the condition of its strength and rigidity;

- check of strength of crane beam and its elements;

- calculation for stability of elements of crane beam.

Static calculation of steel cross frame is based on principles and methods of construction mechanics of rod systems. The calculation assumes the use of computers.

The design of the steel truss consists in the selection of the appropriate layout and calculation of the coating of production buildings.

When designing a column, you need to build a section between the top and bottom of the column.

Design of the Fachwerk linkage system

Links between columns

The system of connections between the columns provides geometric stability of the frame in the longitudinal direction and stability of the columns from the plane of transverse frames, perceptual longitudinal forces from the influence of bridge cranes and from wind loads directed to the ends of the building. To perform these functions in the frames of single-storey industrial buildings for each row of columns, it is provided:

a rigid vertical disk in one of the steps, including two columns, grilles between them in the crane and above the crane parts, a crane beam and horizontal recesses;

spacers between the remaining columns along the entire length of the temperature block;

lattices in above the crane part between the columns in extreme steps.

A rigid vertical disk is arranged in the middle of the building along all rows of columns in the same step.

Horizontal spacers between columns shall be installed at the column head level. At the junction of the upper and lower parts of the stepped column.

Coverage Links

These links are designed to ensure the spatial operation of the frame and provide geometric invariability of the coating, to perceive and transfer horizontal wind loads to the columns, to ensure the stability of compressed truss elements from the plane of transverse frames and to facilitate installation.

Horizontal links at the level of lower belts of rafter trusses (Fig.26) include:

transverse links located at the ends of the building in the extreme steps of rafters (F);

longitudinal connections located at the columns of a single-span building;

braces and braces between the other rafters of the coating.

Horizontal links at the level of upper belts of rafter trusses include:

transverse links located at the ends of the building in the extreme steps of rafters (F);

spacers (or clamping elements) between the other rafters of the coating.

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